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Journal Inc.

Ladies and gentalmen.. Welcome to Journal Inc. Where the best in literary works can be found. Please injoy the milk and cookies on the back table Please sit for a while and View our delectable poetry.

10/19/03 Ok so we're really slow who gives... But yeah we're getting there kinda. Let me just say that red is really upset at the ending of the first season of Red Vs Blue, and that was about three weeks ago. and He's still crying but who cares, he'll get over it some day right? NO! Well He just about has cause he's found something to fill the hole, 8-bit theater I must say is funny as it can get. "The Black Mage always wins." "Sword Chucks yo!" lol You'd have to read it to find it funny but I don't care suce I do so there HA HA HA.

7/09/03.... Three new pices of literary masterpices are up on the writings page Check them out and tell us what you think...-Red_Duce...

09/04/03 Ok so we've been gone a while and have done nothing, ah chalk it up to the lazy teenageitus. But what I do have to say is this, I have a few new pieces to add and we have a new member.. We'll just call him Jack Right now.. Till we deside. BUt basicly it's SWOD. Seeing as how Konastove is out of camishion for a while ( football injury) we had to recruite him and were keeping him. Plus we gave him full access and let him lose so... I don't know whats going to happen. Hopefully we can all go and eat waffels in piece now that all the emails are stoping... My you really love us you really do...-JAQ

The site is coming along nicely for just being up for a week. If any one has ideas on how to make it better be my guest and contact me about it... -Konastove.

God bless Red_duce. he's done it again. Aperintly he has added Music and new back grounds to some of that pages.. not all mind you but it's still a great thing...-JAQ

8:26 7/09/03... Well all of the about pages are up... there not at full capacity but there up, thanks to Red_duce... and a little hacking into my computer... jerk... There all up and runnning. so check us out lol..-Konastove

7/10/03 New poem up !!!

7/18/03 - Some new poetry is up and we might be getting some new people to join our little party here at Journal Inc. Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

People Running the show

Places you should go while we work

Silent Wind O doom: Gundam Index
Watch The blood Guldge Chronicles.!!!
Go to the writings page and see what we have so far
Learn a bit about JAQ...
Learn about Red....
Official International Website: The Zeonic RPG
About Konastove
