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A Faithful Scientist? On being a Christian and a Scientist in an Age of Materialism.

1. Is Science in Conflict with Religion?
2. The Problem with Definitions - Word doc.
3. Wisdom - Word doc.
4. God's Chosen  People- A Few Surprises - Word doc.
5. Jesus' Favorite Bible Verses - Word doc.
6. Revelation - A Letter to the Seven Churches - Word doc.
7. Going to the Mountaintop - Word doc.
8. Jesus, Peter and Paul meet the Millennial Grunge Tribe
9. How Sermons were Given in the Apostle John's Time
11. What is Courage?
12. New Year's Re-Solutions
13. The Sign of Jonah
14. A Crazy World
15. The Lord's Prayer
16. God vs. Science? Confusing Faith and Materialism
17. Christian Environmentalism?
God's Birds
18. Politics and the Church

galapagos turtle

The opinions expressed in these on-line texts are those of the author
and not necessarily those of my employer or my church.
Letter with stamp email