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Name : nadia
Age : 8teen
School : Morse
Future Major : Internet Web Design/Graphic Designer
College : Southwestern College
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AIM sn : xmizzd0rkyx
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Monday, June 13, 2003
hey hey hey!! whhopie. i just had my graduation ceremony today @ Cox Arena. Wow. alot of peopel showed up! My goodness. It hasnt hit me yet that i'm a morse alumni. AHH! im part of class of 2003! oo weee.. oo i cant wait for 10 year reunion. hmm, that'll be like...2013...geez! thats too long! man me, angel, and ashley made our own time capsule. but i guess its too late already. so yeah..i guess, we'll bring it to our reunion. heh. but never open it. heh well yeah. dude when i got my diploma man i amost tripepd ont e staris man. haha i can hear my familia yelling.."NADIAAAAAAA!!" so then i saw them..hehe gave everyone hugs and kisses. awww. damn me and angelique had a hard time looking for the place where to get our diplomas. see. but suddenly with alicia's help and guidance we found the place! whoohoo! but like yeah. i have pictures fomr graduation if you want to see. heh. so yeah. well juss earlier i got to talk to eileen blancas. is that right eileen? haha. sorry i have short term memory span. haha! LOL. anyways. yeah. after the graduatino we went straight home. then, had to slean up n stuff. watched my baby TRACY TUBERA once again. haha! i had to see his six pack. haha! mMmMMM scrumptious! heh. well yeah anyways. i dont know what else to write. so yeah. latah!
posted by xmizZd0rkyx @ 11:31pm