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Ithaca Vineyard Land

World Fact Book Entry: You enter into... a movie theater?!? There are large pieces of foam encapsulating children to the left, and a crowd of people gathered around tables of CDs, bagels, and donuts to your right. The smell of popcorn permeates the air. They still don't love each other, and they still don't love God, but, as you well know, at least they have good functional structures.

UN Delegate: Flag The Confederacy of Wedontliketheun

Founder: Flag The Still Shattered Emirate of Chenovskystan

IthacaVineyardLand contains 11 nations.

Flag The Crustacean Nation of Chemikalia
Motto: "Do not merely be good; be good for something."
Currency: copper
National Animal: elephant

Flag The Still Shattered Emirate of Chenovskystan
Motto: "Is this microphone on? Uh oh."
Currency: bushel
National Animal: endoplasmic reticulum

Flag The Misanthropic State of Classics Majors
Motto: "Nullum magnum ingenium sine dementiae mixtura fuit"
Currency: pecunia
National Animal: llama

Flag The Holy Empire of Demonshade
Motto: "We are watching you!"
Currency: rune
National Animal: dove

Flag The Phenomenal Idiocie of Gonnagetyou
Motto: "All Hail The Village Idiot!"
Currency: bederthanyer
National Animal: clubbed baby seal

Flag The Democratic States of Lokeyville
Motto: "Do whatever you want, and Big Brother will help!"
Currency: moravin
National Animal: niggleworm
**UN Member**

Flag The Colony of North Gouda
Motto: "We're still oppressed, but we like being oppressed. "
Currency: bederthanyer
National Animal: dung beetle

Flag The Free Land of Toverthere
Motto: "Do to others as they would to you with your back turned"
Currency: croydenfelt
National Animal: vermicious knid

Flag The Confederacy of Wedontliketheun
Motto: "Freedoms exist to be traded"
Currency: liberty
National Animal: civil right
**UN Member**

Flag The General Vicinity of Yonderish
Motto: "Children make the best weapons. Buy them."
Currency: shaving
National Animal: wyvern

Flag The Mystical Nomads of Zorenamy
Motto: "Kind Hearts and Coronets."
Currency: har fruit
National Animal: arabian horse

IVL: A History ||| Qualms? Quibbles? Complaints? ||| Where it All Began