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Isaiah 1

Isaiah 2

Isaiah and baseball bat

Isaiah in car

Isaiah on rocking horse

Isaiah standing

Isaiah's Webpage!
(We are so lucky to have such a sweet baby)

Click on a thumbnail in the left column to view a large image.

Isaiah's Accomplishments
  1. Walking
  2. Running
  3. Eating (he can out eat me)
My Favorite Websites
  1. "Are you still Breastfeeding?"
  2. La Leche League
  3. The M.O.M Team
  4. 101 Reasons to Breastfeed
  5. Look at the baby, not the scale
  6. Growth Spurts
  7. AAP on Use of Breastmilk
  8. AAP on Use and misuse of Fruit Juice
  9. Alternatives to bottles
  10. Infant ceral and Juice in Breastfed babies
  11. Advantages of Breastfeeding
  12. If you think breastmilk is only good as food for a baby read this link
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