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Stupid Conversations Taken Seriously


koolaidehurts: to be compared to him, would be the ultimate reason to have one of those life crisises where you lay in bed all night questioning where you went wrong and "omg..has my life come to this?"
seXxy Noodle: I did
seXxy Noodle: believe me
seXxy Noodle: I was there
koolaidehurts: oh good, im not alone, lol
seXxy Noodle: and now I am a changed girl
koolaidehurts: good

Responses from people when I sent them a link to this website:
Octavein: omg!!!!!
Octavein: that was sooooooo cute!!!!
seXxy Noodle: I know!!!
Absolute Z3R0 00: ok...
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: u liked it?
seXxy Noodle: then Im glad to have given it to u.
-Same Day, Later That Night-
sexXy Noodle: I think I may faint
Static3001: heh, ill be there to catch you, i know CPR
Noodle: You gotta listin to this song...
AJ: Oh hell no NSync!
Noodle: Kw likes it...
AJ: Oh okie lemme hear it.

seXxy Noodle: theres an ant on my keybored
seXxy Noodle: p
seXxy Noodle: he was on the p
seXxy Noodle: lol
AbsoluteZ3R0 000: lol
seXxy Noodle: and that was the highlight of my day..
seXxy Noodle: hes dead.. its over..
AbsoluteZ3R0 000: lol

GIANTLAWNGNOME: i guess you're a handful?
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: two fistfuls

seXxy Noodle: Id rather spend a day wit u than anyone else!
seXxy Noodle: lol
GIANTLAWNGNOME: haha, even a bunny made out of pure chocolate filled with gooey caramel?
seXxy Noodle: how big?
seXxy Noodle: i mean yes of course!
seXxy Noodle: u over a yummy bunny anyday!

GIANTLAWNGNOME: you know what i should do?
seXxy Noodle: hmm?
seXxy Noodle: I can name a few
seXxy Noodle: lol
GIANTLAWNGNOME: i should get a psychologist and psycho analyze your website
GIANTLAWNGNOME: his findings would be very interesting
GIANTLAWNGNOME: while he's reading it i'd be like, "i knew it!", while nodding my head constantly
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: Id bet it would keep him busy for awhile
seXxy Noodle: what do u think hed say?
seXxy Noodle: hmm?
GIANTLAWNGNOME: after the third page of his analysis, he'd start to form into the fetus position and point all fours to the sky, salivate at the corner of his mouth, then shout loud obscenities about how cruel the world is

IKFW: hey did you try it
seXxy Noodle: yes
IKFW: and?
seXxy Noodle: very good
IKFW: better then normal?
seXxy Noodle: yeah
seXxy Noodle: but I was really horny
seXxy Noodle: lol
IKFW: hahaha now my research is complete
IKFW: 100% noticed change and 100% had better orgazums
seXxy Noodle: thank you doctor

Caradamerda: whats up?
seXxy Noodle: ants
Caradamerda: ants?
seXxy Noodle: yes
seXxy Noodle: theyre everywhere
Caradamerda: hrmm.. why?
seXxy Noodle: I used an entire bottle of my sister hair spray on them
seXxy Noodle: a bottle of untangler
Caradamerda: lol
seXxy Noodle: her thing of nail polish remover
seXxy Noodle: and my friend is picking me up at 10 tomorrow morning to get ant spray

xXrAtEdAzNbOyXx: hey u need to tell me how to get an sn for aol
xXrAtEdAzNbOyXx: so i can to talk to ppl in aol
Static3001: First, you must make love to your sister
Static3001: and then you must declare I FEEL SEXY!
Static3001: and then you must dance
Static3001: so wildly you are put in an insane hospital
Static3001: then take hostages and DEMAND a name on AOL
xXrAtEdAzNbOyXx: should i do this all agressivly?
Static3001: and that is how you get an sn on aol
Static3001: yes, very agressivly

Bloodsucker4life: I ate a toasted blueberry bagel with peanut butter on it.
seXxy Noodle: I hate peanut butter
Bloodsucker4life: I love peanut butter
Bloodsucker4life: it's the bomb
seXxy Noodle: ew
Bloodsucker4life: How do you not like peanut butter?
Bloodsucker4life: It's like the most impossible thing to do.
seXxy Noodle: I can do the impossible
Bloodsucker4life: obviously

Bloodsucker4life: So let me ask you a question.
seXxy Noodle: Wha?
Bloodsucker4life: And be honest.
seXxy Noodle: Arnt I always?
Bloodsucker4life: Do I make you horny baby?! Do I make you randy?1 Yeah baby Yeah!
seXxy Noodle: Why yes Jose, being completely honest, yes you do.

Bloodsucker4life: Do I make you harny baby?! Do I make you randy?1 Yeah baby Yeah!
Static3001: of course honey
Static3001: no one makes me hotter than you
Static3001: with your latin sexiness

IKFW: youre bi?
seXxy Noodle: yes
IKFW: i love you
seXxy Noodle: lol
IKFW: whould you share your man with a g/f?
seXxy Noodle: sure
seXxy Noodle: if I trusted them both
IKFW: dear lord i wish you lived here
seXxy Noodle: lol

Static3001: hrh
seXxy Noodle: *heh
Static3001: no, i meant hrh
Static3001: heh was getting kinda dull

IKFW: be good but if your bad i want pics
seXxy Noodle: I'll remember that
IKFW: id like to see them


Bluewulf declined request; the file will not be sent.
Bluewulf: lol
Bluewulf: no no no dear
Bluewulf: lol
seXxy Noodle: >:o
Bluewulf: thats
Bluewulf: lol
Bluewulf: thats as old as dirt
Bluewulf: lol
Bluewulf: LOL
Bluewulf: sorry
Bluewulf: that face looked mean
Bluewulf: lol
seXxy Noodle: its supposed to
Bluewulf: lol

seXxy Noodle: I am picturing gnomes again...
seXxy Noodle: how do I get them outta my head...
seXxy Noodle: theyre dancing now
GIANTLAWNGNOME: think about gigantic men in corporate attire
seXxy Noodle: I tried that..
seXxy Noodle: They transformed into hott nurse gnomes
seXxy Noodle: with mushroom heads
GIANTLAWNGNOME: I didn't know they had that kind of power
seXxy Noodle: oh... u havent seen anything yet
seXxy Noodle: they fly
seXxy Noodle: round.... and round... and round...
seXxy Noodle: they sing too
seXxy Noodle: high pitched voices
GIANTLAWNGNOME: how haunting
GIANTLAWNGNOME: I feel like changing my screen name now
seXxy Noodle: lol no the sn fits u well

----My Gnome Plan----

seXxy Noodle: when I grow up I wanna be a rock star
Edcool1: ok
seXxy Noodle: Imma dress my band up like gnomes
Edcool1: ok
Edcool1: but umm...whos this?
seXxy Noodle: They'll sing for me
Edcool1: is this heather? i never know whos using this screen name anymore.
seXxy Noodle: And do little strip teases
seXxy Noodle: this is Frank
Edcool1: ok
seXxy Noodle: And They'll be 7 of them
Edcool1: ok
Edcool1: can i ask um...why you're telling me this?
seXxy Noodle: Grabby, Shaky, Stinky, Hotty, Cuty, Sexy and...
seXxy Noodle: Pussy
seXxy Noodle: lol
Edcool1: ok..
seXxy Noodle: they'll dye their hair different colors so I can tell them apart
seXxy Noodle: and they'll all be girls
seXxy Noodle: red, green, blue, yellow, 2 purple, and pink
seXxy Noodle: The two purple haied ones will be Sexy and Pussy
seXxy Noodle: they're gonna play the drums
seXxy Noodle: grabby and shaky will do the dancing on the side
Edcool1 signed off at 10:03:34 PM

VaMpYrEkItTy666: weird gnomes
seXxy Noodle: hey
seXxy Noodle: dont dont fuck wit my gnomes
VaMpYrEkItTy666: lol
VaMpYrEkItTy666: im not fucking with them

EnjoiSk8teRbaiLn: so whacha doin?
seXxy Noodle: talking to ppl about my new gnome career
EnjoiSk8teRbaiLn: wow, your determined to make this one happen?
seXxy Noodle: of course
seXxy Noodle: i put a lot of work into all my goals
EnjoiSk8teRbaiLn: thats good

seXxy Noodle: when I grow up I wanna be a rock star
Absolute Z3R0 00: *nods and smiles*
seXxy Noodle: Imma dress my band up like gnomes
seXxy Noodle: They'll sing for me
seXxy Noodle: And do little strip teases
seXxy Noodle: And They'll be 7 of them
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: Grabby, Shaky, Stinky, Hotty, Cuty, Sexy and...
seXxy Noodle: Pussy
seXxy Noodle: lol
Absolute Z3R0 00: oOo... will pussy be shaved?
Absolute Z3R0 00: wait...
seXxy Noodle: no
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: she has red hair
Absolute Z3R0 00: bald gnome.. not sexxy
seXxy Noodle: they'll dye their hair different colors so I can tell them apart
seXxy Noodle: red, green, blue, yellow, 2 purple, and pink
Absolute Z3R0 00: hwo will you tell the to purples apart?
Absolute Z3R0 00: how*
seXxy Noodle: they're gonna play the drums
seXxy Noodle: they'll have differnt size drums
seXxy Noodle: lol
Absolute Z3R0 00: oOo.. smart!
seXxy Noodle: yep
seXxy Noodle: u gotta plan these things out right
seXxy Noodle: grabby and shaky will do the dancing on the side
Absolute Z3R0 00: oOo
Absolute Z3R0 00: what if shaky graps grabby...?
seXxy Noodle: then they shiver
seXxy Noodle: lol
Absolute Z3R0 00: with joy?
seXxy Noodle: and pleasure
Absolute Z3R0 00: the other gnomes might be turned on my that...
Absolute Z3R0 00: then they will wanna join in
seXxy Noodle: what a show!
Absolute Z3R0 00: and youl be signing while there all watching a huge sexXxy gnome orgy!
seXxy Noodle: hell yeah!
Absolute Z3R0 00: WHOO HOO!!!


seXxy Noodle: I just found a flyin pig
MeAmRockER: heh so when did pigs start flying??
seXxy Noodle: when they grew wings
seXxy Noodle: duh
MeAmRockER: heheh
MeAmRockER: and when was that??
MeAmRockER: time, date, location?
MeAmRockER: ?
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: how am I supposed to know
seXxy Noodle: u mean uve never seen one?
MeAmRockER: uh... no only on cartoons
seXxy Noodle: well
seXxy Noodle: have u ever even seen a real pig?
seXxy Noodle: without wings?
MeAmRockER: yeah
seXxy Noodle: hmm
seXxy Noodle: well how many times have u?
MeAmRockER: dunno
MeAmRockER: i seen em like 3 times
seXxy Noodle: exactly
seXxy Noodle: so there IS a chance
seXxy Noodle: that u just havent SEEN a flying pig YET
MeAmRockER: maybe

----later on----

MeAmRockER direct connection is closed.
MeAmRockER signed off at 10:33:20 PM.
MeAmRockER signed on at 10:34:43 PM.
seXxy Noodle: nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
MeAmRockER: damn cpu
seXxy Noodle: I was gonna send u somethin else
seXxy Noodle wants to directly connect.
MeAmRockER is now directly connected.

seXxy Noodle: there
MeAmRockER: wtf?? lol
seXxy Noodle: now, Mikey, u have seen one
MeAmRockER: indeed i did
seXxy Noodle: now do u believe?
seXxy Noodle: lol
MeAmRockER: definatly
seXxy Noodle: I am glad to have converted you


GIANTLAWNGNOME: don't spend too much time on the website
seXxy Noodle: Why not?
GIANTLAWNGNOME: cuz I feel I'm depriving you of life's other beauties.

Bloodsucker4life: Who said it was?
seXxy Noodle: you did
Bloodsucker4life: No I didn't.
seXxy Noodle: u SOUND like it
Bloodsucker4life: You cant Hear me.
seXxy Noodle: yes I CAN jose
Bloodsucker4life: No, your just so obsessed with me that you hear my voice all the time in your head.
seXxy Noodle: ur right. Thats so very very true
Bloodsucker4life: I know, that's what turns me on to you.
seXxy Noodle: but ur driving me crazy! how do I make the voices stop?!?!
Bloodsucker4life: Have sex with me and it will satisfy your feelings 4 me.
seXxy Noodle: are you sure that will work?
Bloodsucker4life: I'm positive.
seXxy Noodle: wow, Im willing to do ANYTHING to stop the madness!
Bloodsucker4life: It worked with another girl.
Bloodsucker4life: Now she doesn't want to ever speak to me again.
Bloodsucker4life: Ok, so how bout friday?
seXxy Noodle: Friday? To stop the madess?
Bloodsucker4life: Well I have practice all week I can't do it any time earlyer.
Bloodsucker4life: Sorry.
Bloodsucker4life: :-\
seXxy Noodle: Aww man that sucks.
seXxy Noodle: Where would we do it at?
Bloodsucker4life: Your house?
seXxy Noodle: Mothers always home.
Bloodsucker4life: Me too.
Bloodsucker4life: In a bathroom at the mall?
Bloodsucker4life: That would be fun.
seXxy Noodle: Sounds perfect.
Bloodsucker4life: Yeah.
Bloodsucker4life: As they say,"It's a date."
seXxy Noodle: We bring Mikey?
Bloodsucker4life: No.
Bloodsucker4life: Just us.
Bloodsucker4life: :-D

seXxy Noodle: hmm
Bloodsucker4life: What did I do this time?
seXxy Noodle: nothing
seXxy Noodle: er.. at least I think so
Bloodsucker4life: Then what's the hmm for?
seXxy Noodle: me thinking
Bloodsucker4life: Still thinking?
seXxy Noodle: yes
seXxy Noodle: its an ongoing process
Bloodsucker4life: OOOOOO
Bloodsucker4life: Ok.
Bloodsucker4life: Are you done yet?
seXxy Noodle: Nope... I think too much
Bloodsucker4life: Ok, I'll give you more time.
seXxy Noodle: Thank you
Bloodsucker4life: You're welcome.
Bloodsucker4life: Seriously, what are you thinking about?
seXxy Noodle: Oh... nobody ever truely knows what goes on inside my head
Bloodsucker4life: I do.
Bloodsucker4life: My voice.
seXxy Noodle: thats exactly what Im thinking about right now
Bloodsucker4life: Oh I know baby.


Ryan62674: I wanna kitten
seXxy Noodle: too much work
Ryan62674: we're gettin a leeezard
seXxy Noodle: eww
seXxy Noodle: lol
Ryan62674: water dragon
seXxy Noodle: r u sure r guys r ready?
seXxy Noodle: thats big comitment
seXxy Noodle: getting a pet together
seXxy Noodle: thats like... bigger then moving in together
Ryan62674: lol
Ryan62674: shush squirt
seXxy Noodle: Im serious
seXxy Noodle: I couldnt handle it
Ryan62674: leeezards dont care
seXxy Noodle: pets who's owner split up r torn
Ryan62674: cut em in half
seXxy Noodle: who gets the back end?
seXxy Noodle: who gets the front?
seXxy Noodle: u'll end up in devorce court
seXxy Noodle: I'll tape it for you
Ryan62674: nope. the kitchen, with a sharp knife
seXxy Noodle: aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Ryan62674: mwahahahaha
seXxy Noodle: how awful
Ryan62674: :-D

seXxy Noodle: o i saw tai!!!!!!!!!!!
jayr8318637: where?
seXxy Noodle: he was gardening at the school
seXxy Noodle: lmao
jayr8318637: really?
seXxy Noodle: yes'
seXxy Noodle: dirt everywhere
seXxy Noodle: wit a flower in his hand
seXxy Noodle: lol
jayr8318637: lol
jayr8318637: did u take a pic?
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: nope:-(
seXxy Noodle: no camera
seXxy Noodle: he still thinks im stalkin him
jayr8318637: lol
jayr8318637: he saw u?
seXxy Noodle: maybe i
seXxy Noodle: yes
seXxy Noodle: he tried to hide the flower
seXxy Noodle: lmao
jayr8318637: lol
jayr8318637: in his pocket?
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: behind his back
seXxy Noodle: lol
jayr8318637: lol
seXxy Noodle: i laughed and he turned red
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: it was hella funny
jayr8318637: heh
seXxy Noodle: u shoulsdve been there
jayr8318637: lol where?
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: at mt eden silly!
jayr8318637: o heh
jayr8318637: maybe hes still there?
jayr8318637: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: layin in the flowers
jayr8318637: heh
seXxy Noodle: I can picture him doin that
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: makin snow flowers...
seXxy Noodle: waving his arms back and forth....
seXxy Noodle: smiling like a 6 year old...

elpunko23: hi
seXxy Noodle: hello
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: ask santa
elpunko23: ummm . where do he be livin these days?
seXxy Noodle: north pole
seXxy Noodle: or the mall round dec.
seXxy Noodle: I'll go wit you, we'll make a list
elpunko23: ok
elpunko23: lol kol sounds like a plan
seXxy Noodle: if u got the time we can make it now lol
elpunko23: sure
seXxy Noodle: ok
elpunko23: you wanna start?
seXxy Noodle: sure
href="">-Click Here To See Our List-


MeAmRockER: so what u been up to today??
seXxy Noodle: *yawns*
seXxy Noodle: having perverted thoughts about you of course
MeAmRockER: oh
MeAmRockER: the usual then huh
seXxy Noodle: yes
seXxy Noodle: nothing new
MeAmRockER: ah well i always think bout u no matter what
seXxy Noodle: so when u were at the movies this afternoon u were thinkin bout me on ur lap?
MeAmRockER: yeah but u in general
MeAmRockER: also
seXxy Noodle: hmmmm like what sweetheart:)
---convo post ends here b/c of Pornograghic Material---


Koo LaidE hurtS: dont have to put on the red dress
Koo LaidE hurtS: SELL your body for money
Koo LaidE hurtS: doesnt MATTER if its WRONNNGGG or its RIIIIIIGHT

seXxy Noodle: Bloodsucker4life: Who won? Dallas or Raiders?
seXxy Noodle: I hate baskettball
Bloodsucker4life: God you are so ignarant.
seXxy Noodle: lol
Koo LaidE hurtS: sure
Koo LaidE hurtS: i think dallas won
seXxy Noodle: hes gone
Koo LaidE hurtS: matthew and gary had me up to par with all the scores..
seXxy Noodle: hes the one that scares you
Koo LaidE hurtS: he doesnt scare me, his stupidity does
seXxy Noodle: he IS his stupidity
Koo LaidE hurtS: hmm
Koo LaidE hurtS: good point
seXxy Noodle: yep
seXxy Noodle: im full of em
seXxy Noodle: ew
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: nm
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol

MeAmRockER: the excolax
seXxy Noodle: is within us all
MeAmRockER: us
MeAmRockER: just we dont know it
MeAmRockER: like most folks
seXxy Noodle: but u have told me
seXxy Noodle: so I know
MeAmRockER: oh yes

Koo LaidE hurtS: need purr desperately
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: go
seXxy Noodle: may the meow
seXxy Noodle: be with you
Koo LaidE hurtS: need purr like a whore
seXxy Noodle: lmao
Koo LaidE hurtS: lmao
Koo LaidE hurtS: night
seXxy Noodle: byee
Auto response from Koo LaidE hurtS: goodnight...I need sleep, or else I'll miss my yellow bus

seXxy Noodle: kik
seXxy Noodle: *lol
MeAmRockER: oh that makes sense now ;p;
MeAmRockER: er.... lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: were both havin typin problems
MeAmRockER: i know huh


sleepy6164: I think I'ma go
seXxy Noodle: fine!
sleepy6164: I know I know
sleepy6164: your "fine"
seXxy Noodle: lol
sleepy6164: don't take that the wrong way
sleepy6164: lol
seXxy Noodle: too late
seXxy Noodle: lol
sleepy6164: bah
seXxy Noodle: lol
sleepy6164: well I'm gonna go offline
seXxy Noodle: FINE
sleepy6164: arright, fine :-P

seXxy Noodle: awwwwwwww
seXxy Noodle: feel the love
MeAmRockER: and the pain lol
seXxy Noodle: lol oh yes that too
seXxy Noodle: cant have one without the other
MeAmRockER: exactly

seXxy Noodle: see?
seXxy Noodle: lol
OnlyAnISP: uh huh (:
seXxy Noodle: soooooooooo
seXxy Noodle: we could be.........
seXxy Noodle: hmmmmm
seXxy Noodle: what two words?
seXxy Noodle: Friend and lover?
seXxy Noodle: Frier?
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: no
OnlyAnISP: fluver?
seXxy Noodle: PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OnlyAnISP: no...
OnlyAnISP: Fluver (: not flubber...
seXxy Noodle: fluver
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: fluver is the world of the day

seXxy Noodle: whos been warning you
LazyTexan3401: meh
LazyTexan3401: this weird guy
LazyTexan3401: that is gay
LazyTexan3401: and stupid
seXxy Noodle: glad to know u two r gettin along
LazyTexan3401: oh we are
seXxy Noodle: oh good
seXxy Noodle: And here I was worried

seXxy Noodle: and u know what I said.........
seXxy Noodle: I feel kinda bad bout this...
seXxy Noodle: lol
Koo LaidE hurtS: umm
Koo LaidE hurtS: blublahubagugagabububublahlblagooba?
Koo LaidE hurtS: oh sorry
Koo LaidE hurtS: let me translate
seXxy Noodle: "sorry erika but... i dont even think john will be happy to see you.."
Koo LaidE hurtS: "FUCK YOU"
seXxy Noodle: yes I said that afterwards
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: Word Of The Day: blublahubagugagabububublahlblagooba
Meaning: FUCK YOU
Koo LaidE hurtS: yes
Koo LaidE hurtS: in Argonian
seXxy Noodle: goin on website
seXxy Noodle: lol
Koo LaidE hurtS: nooo!!
Koo LaidE hurtS: mine!!
seXxy Noodle: wha?
seXxy Noodle: those bunch of letters?
seXxy Noodle: lol
Koo LaidE hurtS: its an actual statement!
seXxy Noodle: o my bad
Koo LaidE hurtS: i didnt jsut type that at random
seXxy Noodle: o see now I thought u had
Koo LaidE hurtS: no, that is argonian cursing
seXxy Noodle: would it make u feel better if I just put this in the page for convos?
seXxy Noodle: that way u can claim it
Koo LaidE hurtS: yes please
Koo LaidE hurtS: because
Koo LaidE hurtS: the sacred Argonian language is very dear to me..
Koo LaidE hurtS: matt and I took many long minutes to decipher it
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol
seXxy Noodle: yes I shall quote u on that
seXxy Noodle: lol

seXxy Noodle: okay well hows life treatin ya now?
JohnnyKait: decent, I guess
seXxy Noodle: good good
seXxy Noodle: and hows ur dog?
JohnnyKait: its fine I guess
seXxy Noodle: hmm thats good..
seXxy Noodle: and ur cat?
JohnnyKait: I dont have a cat any more
seXxy Noodle: o what happened to it?
JohnnyKait: got lost
seXxy Noodle: o how sad
seXxy Noodle: r u sure it wasnt stolen?
JohnnyKait: it got lost. thats my story, and Im sticking to it
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: good good
seXxy Noodle: when did this... "incident" happen?
JohnnyKait: couple years ago
seXxy Noodle: what was its name
JohnnyKait: ghost
seXxy Noodle: maybe it.. disappeared then


AbsoluteZ3R0 000: ima freese soon
seXxy Noodle: blanky
seXxy Noodle: o wait
seXxy Noodle: ur puter
seXxy Noodle: lol
AbsoluteZ3R0 000: lol


GIANTLAWNGNOME: see you in the past, present, and future
seXxy Noodle: ditto


seXxy Noodle: LOL
seXxy Noodle: i need a singing tea pot for my website
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: and then u click it and u go to the tea party
seXxy Noodle: sound nice?
GIANTLAWNGNOME: i can't judge your creativity, only cover my eyes to shade the oncoming darkness
seXxy Noodle: lmao


Bloodsucker4life: I've always wanted to know the answers to those questions.
seXxy Noodle: I’m sure, like a hamster goin round his wheel, you will always ponder those Jose-like thoughts.
Bloodsucker4life: You know it baby
Bloodsucker4life: Can I ask you 2 questions?
seXxy Noodle: i know u have a penis
Bloodsucker4life: no
seXxy Noodle: lol what r ur questions then?
Bloodsucker4life: What happend to the green, why pink
Bloodsucker4life: ?
seXxy Noodle: THIS IS NOT PICK
seXxy Noodle: PRUPLE
seXxy Noodle: PURPLE
Bloodsucker4life: It's pink.
seXxy Noodle: PURPLE
seXxy Noodle: oh this big it looks pink
Bloodsucker4life: It's fucking PINK!!!!!!
seXxy Noodle: oOoOoOoOo bringin out the BIG words now eh?
Bloodsucker4life: No.
seXxy Noodle: Yes.
Bloodsucker4life: no
seXxy Noodle: Yes.
Bloodsucker4life: no
seXxy Noodle: Yes.
Bloodsucker4life: no
seXxy Noodle: No.
Bloodsucker4life: yes
Bloodsucker4life: Uhhh
Bloodsucker4life: NO!!!!!!
Bloodsucker4life: my bad
seXxy Noodle: oops
seXxy Noodle: lolo
Bloodsucker4life: *lol
seXxy Noodle: LMAO
seXxy Noodle: I WIN I WIN
Bloodsucker4life: No, you said no.
seXxy Noodle: *EVIL LAUGH*

Bloodsucker4life: Kiss my big bilingual ass.
seXxy Noodle: lmao
seXxy Noodle: It would be my pleasure


Bluewulf: man
Bluewulf: im'ing random people is just gay
Bluewulf: it's gay!
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: u didnt know me when u IMed me!!!!!!!!
Bluewulf: well
Bluewulf: it was still kind of gay!
Bluewulf: wasn't it?
Bluewulf: I don't know you to this day actually
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: very true
seXxy Noodle: I am
seXxy Noodle: the noodle
seXxy Noodle: The Noodle
seXxy Noodle: Noodle
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: no The
Bluewulf: you are psycho
Bluewulf: is what you are
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: yes that too
Bluewulf: lol

Bluewulf: theres this girl that I don't know and I started Iming her
seXxy Noodle: lol
Bluewulf: I'm asking her all these in depth philosophical questions cuz she's so dang boring
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: ask me ask me
seXxy Noodle: !!!!!!!!!!!
Bluewulf: whats the meaning of life, noodle
seXxy Noodle: hmmmmmmmm
Bluewulf: whoah
Bluewulf: she said that too
seXxy Noodle: to become all mighty and powerful
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: to TAKE OVER THE WORLD
Bluewulf: you see
Bluewulf: why can't people be like you
Bluewulf: they all gotta suck
Bluewulf: one has to ask
Bluewulf: why ya gotta suck
Bluewulf: kinda like
seXxy Noodle: lol
Bluewulf: why you gotta hate, except, its why you gotta suck
seXxy Noodle: is that a real question??
Bluewulf: no
seXxy Noodle: didnt think so


IKFW: im in need of a hobby
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: poems
seXxy Noodle: write a book
IKFW: i could
seXxy Noodle: skate boarding
seXxy Noodle: sky diving
seXxy Noodle: yo yoing
IKFW: hell no

PyschoKyle7: well u have half of cali after u
PyschoKyle7: =P
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: My goal is to get the other half
PyschoKyle7: that should be easy for u


seXxy Noodle: wait
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: did u
seXxy Noodle: take nude pics again?
Koo LaidE hurtS: what the hell?
Koo LaidE hurtS: lmao
seXxy Noodle: well did you?


Edcool1: menstration is a beautyful thing


seXxy Noodle: everything is ok now
Koo LaidE hurtS: oh good i was worred there for a second
seXxy Noodle: :-)
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: no need no need
Koo LaidE hurtS: good, because I was lying
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: figured

seXxy Noodle: hey
Koo LaidE hurtS: what?
seXxy Noodle: u know that feeling?
Koo LaidE hurtS: depends one which
seXxy Noodle: where theres a person
seXxy Noodle: u just wish would shut up
Koo LaidE hurtS: mmm
Koo LaidE hurtS: you have no idea
seXxy Noodle: so the point of waiting to throw
seXxy Noodle: something hard
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: at their head
seXxy Noodle: or gag them
seXxy Noodle: or push them
seXxy Noodle: into a never ending pit
seXxy Noodle: and stand on the edge.... listening to them scream...
Koo LaidE hurtS: oh you're still talking?
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol
seXxy Noodle: yes, yes I am lol
Koo LaidE hurtS: ::throws an empty bottle of water at you::
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: did I just give u that feeling?
seXxy Noodle: lol
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol


seXxy Noodle: I dont drink soda
seXxy Noodle: lol
JohnnyKait: you should
JohnnyKait: you're missing what life is all about
seXxy Noodle: not really
seXxy Noodle: someone on drugs told me that once
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: I told em to go fuck a dog
seXxy Noodle: dont MAKE me say the same thing to you
JohnnyKait: wouldnt be the first time, lol
JohnnyKait: or the second
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: thats sad
JohnnyKait: yeah.... i know...
JohnnyKait: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol


seXxy Noodle: ur so cool kw
Koo LaidE hurtS: am I?
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: yes
Koo LaidE hurtS: do you have direct reasoning behind it?
Koo LaidE hurtS: or are you just kidding?
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: neither
seXxy Noodle: its just my opinion.
Koo LaidE hurtS: thats okay though
Koo LaidE hurtS: because i already knew iw as cool
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol
Koo LaidE hurtS: :-)
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: figured

-Later Same Day-

seXxy Noodle: Id still rip it up and throw it at his face pudgy face
Koo LaidE hurtS: ....
Koo LaidE hurtS: but you arent as cool as me
Koo LaidE hurtS: lol
seXxy Noodle: NO
seXxy Noodle: No I am not


Bluewulf: what is the meaning of life
seXxy Noodle: its the cheese
Bluewulf: I knew it!
Bluewulf: I need some cheese, quick!
seXxy Noodle: I know how u can get it
Bluewulf: please tell me!
seXxy Noodle: would u like the steps?
Bluewulf: just tell me!
seXxy Noodle: first strip naked and dance wildly in the streets singing "lolipop"
Bluewulf: k, then what
seXxy Noodle: second, find the nearest old lady and grab one of her sexual privite places
Bluewulf: got it, whats next
seXxy Noodle: third, submit urself to the town sane aysulum
Bluewulf: ok
seXxy Noodle: then take a hostage
Bluewulf: is that all?
seXxy Noodle: and DEMAND some cheese
Bluewulf: dang
Bluewulf: alright
Bluewulf: be back in a while
Bluewulf: wish me luck
seXxy Noodle: good luck
Bluewulf: *starts stripping naked*
Bluewulf: first off
Bluewulf: to go dance
seXxy Noodle: go go go!
Bluewulf: then find an old woman, while still naked
Bluewulf: and grab her....
Bluewulf: something
seXxy Noodle: hmm?
Bluewulf: and then
Bluewulf: submit myself
Bluewulf: and take one of the people inside the asylum hostage
Bluewulf: and demand my cheese
seXxy Noodle: yes
seXxy Noodle: no
Bluewulf: am I forgetting anything?
seXxy Noodle: DEMAND cheese
Bluewulf: oh, DEMAND cheese
Bluewulf: what are you going to do in the meantime?
seXxy Noodle: wait
seXxy Noodle: I have my own plans
seXxy Noodle: *evil laugh*
Bluewulf: oh dear
seXxy Noodle: :-D

koolaid E hurts: because, its all part of the great plan
seXxy Noodle: Oh I love them
seXxy Noodle: but whats the great plan?
seXxy Noodle: u gonna try and get him to fall for you?
seXxy Noodle: and then tell him to dump his girlfriend for you
seXxy Noodle: and then get him naked
seXxy Noodle: in the girlsbathroom
seXxy Noodle: and leave him there?
seXxy Noodle: (w/out his clothes)
koolaid E hurts: lol
koolaid E hurts: lock him in a stall
koolaid E hurts: no!
koolaid E hurts: chain him to a toilet
koolaid E hurts: or the sink
koolaid E hurts: lmao
koolaid E hurts: oooooh
koolaid E hurts: I love this
seXxy Noodle: lmao
seXxy Noodle: no but whats ur real plan?
seXxy Noodle: lol
koolaid E hurts: I dont really have one, im just gonna make it up as I go, lmao
seXxy Noodle: well
seXxy Noodle: seriously think
seXxy Noodle: bout the one I just made
seXxy Noodle: lol

seXxy Noodle: whats the one food u hate
koolaid E hurts: i hate some foods
seXxy Noodle: name some
seXxy Noodle: lmao
seXxy Noodle: this sux
koolaid E hurts: chocolate pudding
koolaid E hurts: what sucks?
seXxy Noodle: I made the most beuatiful playlist ever and I was plannin on makin it into a CD and then the playlist just disappeared
seXxy Noodle: u dont like chocolate pudding?
koolaid E hurts: yes, please dont ask why rigfht now
koolaid E hurts: im too emotional
koolaid E hurts: lol
koolaid E hurts: it was a trauma thing
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: i'll ask when ur more emotionally stable then
koolaid E hurts: lol
koolaid E hurts: i dont know when that is, but when i am i will let you know
seXxy Noodle: thank you

--- note to reader, jack is her dog---
seXxy Noodle: go jack
seXxy Noodle: go jack
seXxy Noodle: its ur birthday
seXxy Noodle: its ur birthday
seXxy Noodle: go jack
seXxy Noodle: ::does the funky chicken::
koolaid E hurts: wtf
koolaid E hurts: lol

seXxy Noodle: ur a saint
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: thanks much
koolaid E hurts: I know, I tried applying for saint-hood, but I guess they dont take people who condemn the name of their Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
seXxy Noodle: Well thats stupid
seXxy Noodle: they should reconsider
koolaid E hurts: yeah, thats what I said
koolaid E hurts: but you know, those damn white supremises
koolaid E hurts: always have to have everything their way ya know
seXxy Noodle: we should sue
seXxy Noodle: and apply for an appeal
seXxy Noodle: I cant be ur lawyer though..
seXxy Noodle: Imma be the one dressed in black threating each member of the jury
koolaid E hurts: I dont think the catholic church is a democracy
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: oh
seXxy Noodle: lol
koolaid E hurts: actually, i KNOW its a monarchy
seXxy Noodle: then that is a problem
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
koolaid E hurts: you know
koolaid E hurts: that pope guy?
koolaid E hurts: you've probably heard about him
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: isnt he catholic?
seXxy Noodle: I heard bout him in the spice girls movie
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: koolaid E hurts: koolaid E hurts: I dont think the catholic church is a democracy
seXxy Noodle: lol
koolaid E hurts: he is the king of the catholics
koolaid E hurts: lol
koolaid E hurts: fear him
koolaid E hurts: roar! >:o
seXxy Noodle: anyone catholic I fear
seXxy Noodle: is he like the king of the jungle?
seXxy Noodle: hairy and loin looking
seXxy Noodle: ooo ooo! does he have wings?
koolaid E hurts: no Id ont think so
koolaid E hurts: but I think...
koolaid E hurts: I think there is a helicopter landing pad under his hat
seXxy Noodle: omg
seXxy Noodle: what makes u think that?
seXxy Noodle: cuz that would be so cool
koolaid E hurts: lol
koolaid E hurts: nah
koolaid E hurts: how would you like to be at church, and then all of a sudden then hellicopted comes flying over and like, chops your head off
koolaid E hurts: WOOSH
koolaid E hurts: gone
seXxy Noodle: I dont think Id like to be at church period
koolaid E hurts: lol

koolaid E hurts: my way or the failure way, is my motto
seXxy Noodle: yes
seXxy Noodle: I know
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: and sometimes
seXxy Noodle: u cant tell the two apart
seXxy Noodle: lol
koolaid E hurts: lmao
koolaid E hurts: thats just the consequences of my motto
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: lol

seXxy Noodle: does ur mom know ur not a virgin
person: nope
person: would you tell your mom?
seXxy Noodle: depends on who it was
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: if it were brad pitt, yeah
person: I think I'd have to tell my mom that too
person: lol
seXxy Noodle: lmao
person: though I dont think it woudl go over as well as if you had.....
seXxy Noodle: lmao u just made me choke on a strawberry

seXxy Noodle: ok like lemme give u an example
seXxy Noodle: lets say we meet at a gym
seXxy Noodle: Not a bar cuz I dont drink
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: and we dunno each other
seXxy Noodle: and we have a one night stand
person: umm, okay
seXxy Noodle: how could I tell if ur a virgin or not?
person: I dont think you can
seXxy Noodle: exactly
person: why are we talking about this? lol
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: I dunno I was just curious

seXxy Noodle: LMAO
seXxy Noodle: punk just fell
seXxy Noodle: into her water bowl
seXxy Noodle: lmao
seXxy Noodle: and she RAN
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: into the lamp
seXxy Noodle: lmao
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: now shes under the bed
seXxy Noodle: and I dont think shes comin back out for awhile
seXxy Noodle: lol
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: hell
seXxy Noodle: I wouldnt
koolaid E hurts: lol

seXxy Noodle: if I died how would u find out
JohnnyKait: I've probably see them sifting the lake for you body
seXxy Noodle: hmm
JohnnyKait: or ang would tell me
seXxy Noodle: u think theyd dump me in CV?
JohnnyKait: lol
JohnnyKait: either one
JohnnyKait: anywhere really
seXxy Noodle: lol
seXxy Noodle: I wanna be dumped in hayward
seXxy Noodle: my home town
JohnnyKait: any body of water, really
JohnnyKait: could be a pool or something
JohnnyKait: I bet hayward's pools are all murky anyways, ya know? with a bunch of shit in there and they dont clean one would find you for months
seXxy Noodle: hmm
seXxy Noodle: maybe I dont wanna be found
JohnnyKait: what would they burry?
seXxy Noodle: my toothbrush


Edcool1: if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
koolaid E hurts: what if you arent happy?? or maybe you are happy, but your hands ar full?? or maybe you are too tired to clap?
Edcool1: well i dont know, but if you're happy and you know and you really wanna show it then you gotta clap your hands.
koolaid E hurts: but cant I be happy and rebelious at the same time??
Edcool1: if you want
koolaid E hurts: and just stand with my arms crossed with a smug look
Edcool1: well you can but people will assume u dont wanna show you're happy


seXxy Noodle: but u dont believe in god
seXxy Noodle: lol
Bloodsucker4life: I acctually am a Catholic dude now.
Bloodsucker4life: I know, scary.
seXxy Noodle: since when
Bloodsucker4life: I don't remember.
seXxy Noodle: oooooooooooooooookay then

xXrAtEdAzNbOyXx: ijust woke up
seXxy Noodle: who me or you
xXrAtEdAzNbOyXx: i just woke up
seXxy Noodle: oh I see
seXxy Noodle: u lost ur I
xXrAtEdAzNbOyXx: yes i did
xXrAtEdAzNbOyXx: and it was just found
seXxy Noodle: oh good
seXxy Noodle: call back the search parties
seXxy Noodle: everything is okay now


Auto response from GIANTLAWNGNOME: Homework is so much fun that I can't talk to you right now. Just kidding! FUCK! I hate this stupid busy work! I'd rather go prance in the sun like a butterfly... too much said. talk to you soon
seXxy Noodle: lmao a purple sexxy butterfly..
GIANTLAWNGNOME: a purple sexxy gay butterfly with fancy patterns on its wings...
seXxy Noodle: how fancy?
GIANTLAWNGNOME: sorry i didn't put much thought into it
seXxy Noodle: well u should have

seXxy Noodle: say hell to ur gay roommate for me!
GIANTLAWNGNOME: how'd you know he's gay?
seXxy Noodle: lmao
seXxy Noodle: in college ur supposed to have a gay roommate
seXxy Noodle: if HE wasnt gay... thatd mean YOU were the gay roommate
seXxy Noodle: lol
GIANTLAWNGNOME: yea... ah huh
seXxy Noodle: lol
GIANTLAWNGNOME: it's like in the contract or something
seXxy Noodle: and if u were both straight
seXxy Noodle: thatd mean u were secrectly having sex with each other
GIANTLAWNGNOME: "the dorm comes with two bunk beds, desks, and a gay roomate..."
seXxy Noodle: "please sign here.."

seXxy Noodle: byeeeeeeeeeee
seXxy Noodle: *blows kisses at purple sexxy butterfly*
GIANTLAWNGNOME: *sexy butterfly does a sexxy jigg*
GIANTLAWNGNOME: happy-happy joy-joy

SeekSkating: blah
seXxy Noodle: blah!
SeekSkating: BlAh*!
seXxy Noodle: BLAH!!!!!!!!!
SeekSkating: wow
SeekSkating: u win
SeekSkating: lol
seXxy Noodle: but I have one more
seXxy Noodle: lol
SeekSkating: ok
SeekSkating: fine
SeekSkating: blah!!@#
SeekSkating: go
SeekSkating: for it
seXxy Noodle: >:oblah!>:o
SeekSkating: holy shit
SeekSkating: im fuckign scared


seXxy Noodle: Hiya
Auto response from lIlllllIlIlIIIII: I'm not here at the moment im probably not even home so u can leave your name, phone number, where you think i am, where you are right now, your favorite food, your friends favorite food, your age, address, your favorite movie, your favorite drink, a 6-10 sentence paragraph on why im the coolest person you know, and 4 reasons why i should get back to you first!
seXxy Noodle: My filled out information is too long
seXxy Noodle: I am going to have to send it to u in three peices.
seXxy Noodle: My name is Noodle. My phone number is 1-800-go ricky. I think you are away from the computer, maybe in the potty. I am in a pink chair. My favorite food is beanie weanies. I am 15 years old. I live on 1960 Florida Street. My favorite movie is The Return Of The Pink Panther. My favorite drink is mango juice.
seXxy Noodle: I think you are the coolest person because you have good air conditioning. You have good air conditioning because you live in Modesto, California. It is very hot in Modesto, so you have air conditioning. Your air conditioning is so good, that you are cold most of the time. I don't know anyone else who lives in Modesto with good air conditioning or anyone who lives in Alaska or Antarctica. So until that happens, you are the coolest person I know.
seXxy Noodle: Why You Should IM Me First Reason Number One: You have nobody else to IM. Why You Should IM Me First Reason Number Two: I am The One And Only Noodle. Why You Should IM Me First Reason Number Three: You have nothing better to you. Why You Should IM Me First Reason Number Four: I am the only one bored enough to fill out your stupid away message.


SwEeT NoOdLe2002: the rock will not be the next arnold
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: arnold cannot be replaced
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: its like replacing brad pitt with nelly
koolaid E hurts: ...
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: u do not agree?
koolaid E hurts: arnold is great but I dont have anythign against the rock
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: me neither but they r two seprate people
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: arnold cannot be the rock
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: and the rock cannot be arnold


MeAmNoodLE: I see I see
JohnnyKait: you see.....
MeAmNoodLE: what do I see?
JohnnyKait: i dont know, you said it
MeAmNoodLE: oh
MeAmNoodLE: yes I did
MeAmNoodLE: I mean
MeAmNoodLE: yes I do
JohnnyKait: you do
MeAmNoodLE: I do
JohnnyKait: do I?
MeAmNoodLE: Im not sure
MeAmNoodLE: do u?
JohnnyKait: I dunno I dont see anything
MeAmNoodLE: then no, u dont
JohnnyKait: nope I'm blind


nmaDaixelsiD: sup foo
seXxy Noodle: i cant talk, I have homework
nmaDaixelsiD: story of ur god damn life
seXxy Noodle: u can say that again
nmaDaixelsiD: ne way c ya
seXxy Noodle: byee
nmaDaixelsiD signed off at 9:02:32 PM.


SwEeT NoOdLe2002: :-D SMILE
randomguynumber2: oh, i'm smiling
randomguynumber2: smiling so much
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: lol
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: good
randomguynumber2: it hurts
randomguynumber2: ow
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: it should hurt
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: :-D
SwEeT NoOdLe2002: he looks like it hurts
randomguynumber2: yeah it does


koolaid E hurts: how you doin
MeAmNoodLE: how YOU doin
koolaid E hurts: no YOU
MeAmNoodLE: no
koolaid E hurts: i asked YOU first
MeAmNoodLE: hmm and I asked YOU second
koolaid E hurts: i asked YOU first so YOU have to answer first
MeAmNoodLE: I asked second so I answer second
koolaid E hurts: it doesnt work that way
koolaid E hurts: 100
MeAmNoodLE: u were wrong haha
koolaid E hurts: what is 100?
MeAmNoodLE: an even number
MeAmNoodLE: lol
koolaid E hurts: meaning...?
MeAmNoodLE: I am not good
MeAmNoodLE: and you are?
koolaid E hurts: could be better
koolaid E hurts: a lot better
MeAmNoodLE: yes ditto


koolaid E hurts: i found some balls today
koolaid E hurts: 3 of them
koolaid E hurts: golf balls
seXxy Noodle: they come in 3s now? where have I been...
koolaid E hurts: it's an economy havent heard??
seXxy Noodle: no I havent I wasnt imformed
seXxy Noodle: do they milk them now?
koolaid E hurts: yeah
koolaid E hurts: they milk 'em like vaginas
koolaid E hurts: you can quote me
koolaid E hurts: lol
seXxy Noodle: I will
seXxy Noodle: lol


koolaid E hurts signed off at 12:08:50 AM.
koolaid E hurts signed on at 12:11:10 AM.
SwEeT NoOdLe2005: boo
koolaid E hurts: ahh.


sweet noodle2005: we are waiting
sweet noodle2005: lol
JohnnyKait: okay. we're waiting
sweet noodle2005: yes we are
sweet noodle2005: an hour and 10 minutes
JohnnyKait: yep
sweet noodle2005: let us wait together.
JohnnyKait: alright. we're waiting together

Edcool1: cool
Edcool1: brb i'm gonna get a drink.
Edcool1: and then i'm gonna have to use the bathroom for a bit...i'll talk to you in like 5-10 minutes...
koolaid E hurts: oh okay
Edcool1: ya
Edcool1: see ya in a second
koolaid E hurts: or 5-10 minutes
Auto response from Edcool1: I'm um, in ya know..I'll b back in a sec...go ahead and send me a message : )


koolaid E hurts: everyone enjoys me
sweet noodle2005: yes
sweet noodle2005: I am everyone
sweet noodle2005: I am one of everyone
sweet noodle2005: I am part of everyone
sweet noodle2005: I am gonna stop now while I am ahead.
koolaid E hurts: or behind

JohnnyKait: my printer just printed everything in it trying to tell me something?
sweet noodle2005: lmao
sweet noodle2005: its a girl!!
JohnnyKait: lol
JohnnyKait: its not crying yet


koolaidehurts: tonight IS the night
sweet noodle2005: when two become oooone
koolaidehurts: i can feel it
sweet noodle2005: lmao
koolaidehurts: lmao
koolaidehurts: l m a o
sweet noodle2005: I need some lovin like Ive never needed lovin before
sweet noodle2005: wanna make love to ya baby
sweet noodle2005: had a lil loooove
sweet noodle2005: now Im back for moore
sweet noodle2005: wanna make love too ya baby
sweet noodle2005: set ur spirit freee
sweet noodle2005: its the only way to beee
koolaidehurts: lmao
sweet noodle2005: omg
sweet noodle2005: I remembered that ALL by heart
koolaidehurts: thats so sad
sweet noodle2005: lmao
koolaidehurts: i have the cd
koolaidehurts: lol
sweet noodle2005: me too
sweet noodle2005: lmao

sweet noodle2005: goodnight girly
koolaidehurts: blargh


ThUgGeTtO: hi heather
sweet noodle2005: ahh u know my name
sweet noodle2005: hold up two hands if ur really a troll
ThUgGeTtO: go study for ur spanish test
ThUgGeTtO: now
sweet noodle2005: oh shit
sweet noodle2005: a troll who's stalking me
ThUgGeTtO: yes i sure as fuck am
sweet noodle2005: *shivers*
sweet noodle2005: what ELSE do u know?
ThUgGeTtO: be quiet u beast
sweet noodle2005: ok yeah who is this lol
ThUgGeTtO: ur worst nightmare
sweet noodle2005: thats not a hard thing to be

Auto response from koolaidehurts: I want to be on the football team....they get cool jackets (not)
but the cheerleaders get to wear really cool skirts and they get to giggle and stuff i cant choose

Bloodsucker4life: Bite or no bite?
sweet noodle2005: lick
Bloodsucker4life: There is either bite or no bite, ask mikey to lick, that is not my responsiblity.


SweetNoodle 2002: kaitlyn is how old
JohnnyKait: 26 or something
SweetNoodle 2002: i wanna be 26
JohnnyKait: why?
SweetNoodle 2002: none of my reasons seem logical, only to me


sweet noodle2005: jose or jesse?
Skitzo guy180: niether
Skitzo guy180: 4 i am
Skitzo guy180: sancho
sweet noodle2005: the mighty..?
Skitzo guy180: the great
sweet noodle2005: the mighty sancho
sweet noodle2005: the great and all mighty sancho
Skitzo guy180: but of caurse
sweet noodle2005: dun dun dun
sweet noodle2005: all hail
Skitzo guy180: yes
Skitzo guy180: none shall disobay me
Skitzo guy180: 4 i have tha best ass
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: bow down and kiss it?
Skitzo guy180: in tha world
Skitzo guy180: dun dun dun
sweet noodle2005: lol
Skitzo guy180: heh heh heh

jayr8318637: :-D
sweet noodle2005: >:o
jayr8318637: O:-)
jayr8318637 signed off at 8:49:27 PM.
jayr8318637 signed on at 8:51:08 PM.
sweet noodle2005: BITCH
jayr8318637: ass
jayr8318637: say this out loud
jayr8318637: mike hunt
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: my cunt?
jayr8318637: ew
sweet noodle2005: lol


sweet noodle2005: hi hello
sweet noodle2005: when is gaming?
Lehrer12345: howdy
Lehrer12345: was going toe-mail that
Lehrer12345: November 8th
sweet noodle2005: 8th
sweet noodle2005: thats a what?
Lehrer12345: can't be this Friday because there's a district wide SIP day
sweet noodle2005: yesyes
sweet noodle2005: no school
Lehrer12345: the next Friday
Lehrer12345: that doable?
sweet noodle2005: umm
sweet noodle2005: uhh
Lehrer12345: lol
Lehrer12345: just mark it on your calander
sweet noodle2005: whos gonna be our DM?
Lehrer12345: and you guys will start at 4
Lehrer12345: Boyd will finish out the game, then the next one I will run
sweet noodle2005: Alright
sweet noodle2005: r u talking to my mikey?
Lehrer12345: not yet. Do I need your permission?
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: not this time
Lehrer12345: well, I'll let you inform him to make sure I don't get into trouble
sweet noodle2005: good
sweet noodle2005: its always best to play it safe
Lehrer12345: LOL, this coming from a Kender
sweet noodle2005: better safe than sorry
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: Im not a kender anymore
sweet noodle2005: Boyd robbed me of my true inner self
Lehrer12345: you'll always be a Kender to me
sweet noodle2005: oh yay
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: I feel better now
Lehrer12345: okay, well, time for me to log off
sweet noodle2005: I'll tell my mikey for you
Lehrer12345: well see ya next week
Lehrer12345: thanks!
Lehrer12345: laterz
sweet noodle2005: sure thing
sweet noodle2005: byee

sweet noodle2005: *licks ur cheek*
MeAmRockER: u know what
sweet noodle2005: wha?
MeAmRockER: i miss u
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: I miss you too love
sweet noodle2005: mikeeeeeeeeeeeeey
MeAmRockER: yes
sweet noodle2005: I miss you
MeAmRockER: i miss you too beautiful
sweet noodle2005: *kisses ur bottom lip*
MeAmRockER: *licks my lips and press my lips against ur lip*


MeAmRockER: damn
MeAmRockER: the things i do for u
sweet noodle2005: sorry but
sweet noodle2005: I have you
MeAmRockER: and i have you
MeAmRockER: and im happy with that


MeAmNoodLE: I took out all my reses and gave em away to the lil kids at my door
jayr8318637: ....
jayr8318637: theres a guy
jayr8318637: named mario
jayr8318637: at your school
jayr8318637: who would of liked them
jayr8318637: u know.....
MeAmNoodLE: lol
MeAmNoodLE: well
MeAmNoodLE: ive heard of this mario u speak of
MeAmNoodLE: but
jayr8318637: i heard hes cool
jayr8318637: very cool
MeAmNoodLE: I also know that he was supposed to gotrick or treating with me. had he done this, he would have been able to have taken all of my reses and any other candy I disliked.
jayr8318637: u mispeled reeses
MeAmNoodLE: *reeses
jayr8318637: ok beter
jayr8318637: so yeah if he knew
jayr8318637: that he was suposed to
jayr8318637: then he wood of
jayr8318637: but he has anmeis
MeAmNoodLE: he knew, because we had a deal to go stalk that house
jayr8318637: he has bad memnory
MeAmNoodLE: Imma have to agree wit that


GIANTLAWNGNOME: yeah i miss all my old friends still at mt. eden
sweet noodle2005: of course u do
sweet noodle2005: we're so special
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: who WOULDNT miss us
sweet noodle2005: i miss myself all the time.
GIANTLAWNGNOME: you miss your sanity
sweet noodle2005: no no
sweet noodle2005: u cant miss somethin u never had
sweet noodle2005: oh well, I guess I shall never know what its like to be sane
sweet noodle2005: lol
GIANTLAWNGNOME: just watch some driftwood on the beach, it's very calming
sweet noodle2005: thats for the suggestion, I shall take it under consideration


sweet noodle2005: is he rubbin off on you
koolaidehurts: Im not sure
koolaidehurts: I hope not
koolaidehurts: maybe i should get vaccinated just in case
sweet noodle2005: u mean u havent yet?
koolaidehurts: I think they gave me the wrong one
sweet noodle2005: they gave u the one for the hamsters didnt they?
koolaidehurts: yeah no wonder my wheel has been quiet
koolaidehurts: i just thought he oiled it or something
koolaidehurts: guess he left
sweet noodle2005: yeah u need to get a new vet cuz the one u got cant even get ur shots right
koolaidehurts: oh the vet??
koolaidehurts: whoops
koolaidehurts: lol
koolaidehurts: i went to a preist
sweet noodle2005: happens to the best of us...

jayr8318637: mgkktuk
sweet noodle2005: hahaha
sweet noodle2005: NO AWAY MESSAGE
jayr8318637: damn
sweet noodle2005: lol
jayr8318637: lol
jayr8318637: one day
sweet noodle2005: lol
jayr8318637: watch you'll be gone
sweet noodle2005: im scared
jayr8318637: muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: dun dun dun
jayr8318637: bleah
jayr8318637: lol
sweet noodle2005: lol

MtEdEnTrAcKsTaR: hey
MtEdEnTrAcKsTaR: what suppa
sweet noodle2005: HI CANT TALK HOMEWORK BYEE
MtEdEnTrAcKsTaR: okay
MtEdEnTrAcKsTaR: bye


GIANTLAWNGNOME: yeah, well that's college
GIANTLAWNGNOME: and you have to do that every single semester
sweet noodle2005: glad Imma high school girl
GIANTLAWNGNOME: i wish i could be a high school girl sweet noodle2005: everybody does
GIANTLAWNGNOME: actually i wish i was hugh hefner
GIANTLAWNGNOME: then i would actually have high school girls, hehe
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: im sure ur not the only one who thinks that
GIANTLAWNGNOME: wouldn't it be funny if hugh hefner was actually gay, but just liked to hang around girls cuz he gets along with them?
sweet noodle2005: thats a very fair possiblilty
GIANTLAWNGNOME: but i'd still wanna be hugh hefner
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: even if hes gay
GIANTLAWNGNOME: but then at least i'm set financially
GIANTLAWNGNOME: and everyone thinks i'm a "pimp"
sweet noodle2005: aww mike, ull always be a pimp in my eyes.
GIANTLAWNGNOME: that's so sweet? haha

sweet noodle2005: u trust me???
sweet noodle2005: thats not safe
GIANTLAWNGNOME: it's safe enough
sweet noodle2005: i dunno...
sweet noodle2005: i may be hazardez to ur health
GIANTLAWNGNOME: i just won't trust your directions
sweet noodle2005: y not
sweet noodle2005: lol
GIANTLAWNGNOME: you don't know?
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: no i dont
sweet noodle2005: im lost
GIANTLAWNGNOME: senior citizen center? ahem ahem
GIANTLAWNGNOME: see what i mean?
sweet noodle2005: YOU were driving!!!!!!!!
GIANTLAWNGNOME: well i don't know
sweet noodle2005: lol
GIANTLAWNGNOME: you start driving yet?
sweet noodle2005: nope
sweet noodle2005: exactly
sweet noodle2005: u will get a notice in the mail imforming u I am on the road when it does happen
GIANTLAWNGNOME: i'll be sure to wear my safety helmut when the time comes
sweet noodle2005: please, wear the full protection wear
sweet noodle2005: the suit and all
sweet noodle2005: knee padds sold seperatly
GIANTLAWNGNOME: my main concern is for the crotch support
sweet noodle2005: thats included in the safelty package
sweet noodle2005: yea ur not the only one worried bout that area
sweet noodle2005: NoodlePlus was sure to add that to the package back in 92
GIANTLAWNGNOME: cup holders are a must


sweet noodle2005: hi?
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: well hi?
sweet noodle2005: well huh?
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: i don't quite understand
sweet noodle2005: me neither
sweet noodle2005: can we start over?
sweet noodle2005: ok
sweet noodle2005: u start
sweet noodle2005: oh hi

sweet noodle2005: PINKbUNNIESkILLu: hello?
sweet noodle2005: hi?
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: well hi?
sweet noodle2005: well huh?
koolaidehurts: lol
koolaidehurts: PINKbUNNIESkILLu: hi
koolaidehurts: hi
sweet noodle2005: how come u didnt get a question mark
sweet noodle2005: lol
koolaidehurts: im not special enough
sweet noodle2005: here
sweet noodle2005: ?
sweet noodle2005: its all urs
koolaidehurts: lol
koolaidehurts: thank you
sweet noodle2005: ur welcome

PINKbUNNIESkILLu: did u get every thing u wanted for christmas?
sweet noodle2005: kinda
sweet noodle2005: yeah
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: what did u want in the first place?
sweet noodle2005: i wanted kw
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: and I had her allllllll night on sunday
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: hehehehehe he...he..... he. . . .he. . . .. . . .. .. .. . .he. . .. . . . huh
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: oh well, good for u
sweet noodle2005: yes it was good
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: i hope so
PINKbUNNIESkILLu: itz implied
sweet noodle2005: uh huh


sweet noodle2005: anything u wanna say to me before i go to sleep?
Edcool1: if you lie to me again i'm going to kill myself
sweet noodle2005: anything else?
Edcool1: if you cant talk to me without lying, i never want to hear from you again.
sweet noodle2005: is that all?
Edcool1: what more is there to say
sweet noodle2005: how bout goodnight?


sweet noodle2005: no spanish hw right?
DrummingJennie: not jennifer
sweet noodle2005: grr
sweet noodle2005: well
sweet noodle2005: tell me there isnt any spanish hw
sweet noodle2005: humor me
DrummingJennie: ok, there is no spanish hw
sweet noodle2005: thank you
DrummingJennie: ur welcome


sweet noodle2005: y arnt I blocked
Edcool1: because i dont like to block people
sweet noodle2005: oh ok
Edcool1: and i dont like to hold grudges
sweet noodle2005: whatever
Edcool1: ok
Edcool1: why do you want to stay blocked?
sweet noodle2005: i dont really care
sweet noodle2005: i find if rude of you
Edcool1: find what rude
sweet noodle2005: i am not any more guilty than kw is and yet u block me and not her
sweet noodle2005: so i dont really care
Edcool1: because she was nicer then you
Edcool1: you haven't shown any remorce
sweet noodle2005: and i wont
Edcool1: thats why you got blocked.
Edcool1: but i like to forgive people
sweet noodle2005: i dont want ur forgiveness, i never asked for it.
Edcool1: you dont need to ask
sweet noodle2005: i dont need it
Edcool1: do you need anything
sweet noodle2005: u act like ur so big and bad and important. like anyone really gives a shit whether u like them or not
Edcool1: i'm not acting like that
sweet noodle2005: dont try and pretend to be the bigger person, it just makes u look like the pathetic asshole u really are
Edcool1: i'm not trying to be bigger
sweet noodle2005: then ur alright now wit excepting the fact that ull always be 3 inches ?
Edcool1 signed off at 8:42:30 PM.


Writesway2much: hi

Auto response from sweet noodle2005: one with kw

Writesway2much: hi

Auto response from sweet noodle2005: one with kw

Writesway2much: hi

Auto response from sweet noodle2005: one with kw

Writesway2much: HI

Auto response from sweet noodle2005: one with kw

Writesway2much: hi
Writesway2much: ??

Auto response from sweet noodle2005: call me if u need me

Writesway2much: no

Auto response from sweet noodle2005: call me if u need me

Writesway2much: no
Writesway2much: hi

Auto response from sweet noodle2005: call me if u need me


sweet noodle2005: rock paper scissors
sweet noodle2005: Choose your weapon
koo Laid E hurTs: paper
sweet noodle2005: hmm
sweet noodle2005: nice
sweet noodle2005: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: why?
koo Laid E hurTs: lol
sweet noodle2005: it was on mikes profile
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: i love him
sweet noodle2005: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: why is my choice nice?
sweet noodle2005: bc u chose it
koo Laid E hurTs: hmm
koo Laid E hurTs: what did you choose?
sweet noodle2005: depends
sweet noodle2005: on who im fighting
koo Laid E hurTs: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: me
sweet noodle2005: i dont wanna fight
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: id rather justpin u down
sweet noodle2005: and do nasty nasty things to you
sweet noodle2005: everybody picked paper..
sweet noodle2005: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: why?
sweet noodle2005: i dunno
sweet noodle2005: sweet noodle2005: Rock, Paper, Scissor
sweet noodle2005: Choose your weapon
Kevo One: paper
sweet noodle2005: y
Kevo One: I dunno
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: sweet noodle2005: Rock, Paper, Scissor
sweet noodle2005: Choose your weapon
jayr8318637: both
sweet noodle2005: theres 3 choices
sweet noodle2005: lol
jayr8318637: paper
sweet noodle2005: y paper
jayr8318637: remember when i sent u that sung hi lee pic?
jayr8318637: remember?
sweet noodle2005: yes
sweet noodle2005: y?
jayr8318637: no reason
jayr8318637: and paper cuz its flamable
koo Laid E hurTs: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: paper cause
koo Laid E hurTs: i can do a lot with it
koo Laid E hurTs: not much you can do with a rock
koo Laid E hurTs: and not much you can do with scissors
koo Laid E hurTs: they dont always cut
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: i say paper
sweet noodle2005: so I can write my sourender and my last
words down
sweet noodle2005: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: lol
sweet noodle2005: fuck that I wanna stapler...

DeviLsHenchMahn: is it a horror book?
DeviLsHenchMahn: lol
sweet noodle2005: not telling
DeviLsHenchMahn: is it a fantasy book?
DeviLsHenchMahn: oh i know!
DeviLsHenchMahn: you got me a goddamn EROTICA/CHILD ABUSE/DR. SEUSS book didn't you?!
sweet noodle2005: shh
sweet noodle2005: i didnt think ud have guessed it
DeviLsHenchMahn: HAH!
DeviLsHenchMahn: I am the great Socks!
sweet noodle2005: lol
DeviLsHenchMahn: of course i would've guessed it!
DeviLsHenchMahn: what do you take me for?
DeviLsHenchMahn: a lump of cheese?
DeviLsHenchMahn: HAH!
sweet noodle2005: lmao
DeviLsHenchMahn: I'll tell you that I wash myself w/TIDE soap
sweet noodle2005: lol
DeviLsHenchMahn: good for my fabric


koo Laid E hurTs: but you're mine
sweet noodle2005: thats what i told her
sweet noodle2005: u need to umm
sweet noodle2005: howd u put it?
koo Laid E hurTs: what?
sweet noodle2005: hump the bejeezes outta me like a cat in heat
sweet noodle2005: so that everyone will lemme alone
koo Laid E hurTs: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: should I do it in the middle of the quad so everyone knows?
sweet noodle2005: yes
sweet noodle2005: thatd be best
sweet noodle2005: dont want any misunderstandings
koo Laid E hurTs: me either
koo Laid E hurTs: I'd love to hump the bejeezes outta you any time
sweet noodle2005: this is being added to the webpage
sweet noodle2005: lol
koo Laid E hurTs: uh oh


sweet noodle2005: goodnight socks
sweet noodle2005: sweetdreams lil sock
SpiTMoNkEY57: goodnight grean pea
SpiTMoNkEY57: may you never roll out of ur plate
sweet noodle2005: lol
sweet noodle2005: may u never know the horros of lint
SpiTMoNkEY57: lol
SpiTMoNkEY57: thank you
SpiTMoNkEY57: good night
sweet noodle2005: goodnight


kinkienoodle: r u familar wit sonnets?
Edcool1: like, old english poetry ?
kinkienoodle: yea
Edcool1: nope




kinkienoodle: i wanna know if thats the right rythme for a sonnet
Edcool1: i cant read music
kinkienoodle: lol thats not music
kinkienoodle: its poetry
Edcool1: its a bunch of letters
Edcool1: lol
kinkienoodle: each letter stands for a sound
kinkienoodle: like umm
Edcool1: ...?
duck A
Bat B
luck A
Cat B

Fat B
Dog C
mat B
log C
kinkienoodle: like that
Edcool1: umm
kinkienoodle: the last letter of every sentence in the poem
kinkienoodle: follows that
Edcool1: i dont get the connection of C to dog
kinkienoodle: ugg nevermind..


Static3001: Jose wouldnt leave me alone
sweet noodle2005: neither would I!
Static3001: he was pretty much on the borderline of me about to kill him
sweet noodle2005: hes jose, thats where he lives.