aw you know the title by now

Sunday, December 1, 2002 10:06 PM
the first sunday of advent

hey people. *sigh* i don't really feel lke typing but screw it. im already here newayz. so how have your thanksgivings been? J'espere bien. mine was okay. we had this lady from the church who had no family to celebrate with come over. it was my mum's idea and it worked out okay i guess... she was a little hard of hearing though and kept calling my mom Gloria. also NONE of us had anything to talk about. and because alice is stupid and stuff she kept going upstairs to go online to avoid having to talk to ruby (that was her name) im so sure. it was okay though. one of the two days of hte year that i eat meat. well... actually, 3 days, but same difference. NEways. enough about my diet.

nothing other than that happened this weekend. i did go with sheils to the ice rink and Jen from my geometry class and a girl named ellen were ther too. DAN should have come when sheils invited him, but he had a hockey game to go to. *sigh* it really is sad how i never get to see him anymore. well sad to ME. everybody else is starting to get sick of my complaints about not being bold enough to SAY anything to him though. i've been thinking a lot about dan and sebastian lately. well, THIS weekened anyways, one of the few weekends i DON'T have homework. i had a really bad day on wednesday and spent lunch with sheila, and we talked about (omg, can you believe it?) dan, and sebastian because.... arrgh. im not sure if sebastian still likes me or not, cuz i tTHINK he likes someone else, (which is good because this someone likes him) and i would never intentionally be mean to him, but sometimes all i want to say to him is that i think we'd be so much better as friends than as anything more, but then i know that if dan ever said that to me i'd like... lose it. so i have no idea what to do about him. i hate being a "wait and see" person, because that never, ever works. but on the contrary, i've always been afraid to take any kind of risks.

and what risks are there to take at the moment?

none, unfortuanetly. i miss the way things used to be (like you've never heard me say THAT b4). but on to a happier subject for the time being.

you know what i DON'T miss? the play!! omg, Rocky's Road Show SUCKED compared to Les Mis this year. even though i don't have a REAL part, or even a solo, im still SO HAPPY that im in this play. yeah our costumes suck, but WHO CARES? im so nervous about opening night.... lol, even though, as i said, i don't have a part. but i am A PART of the play, and we'll preform in front of the school... and everyone's parents.... =). im so excited! lol. and we have AWESOME shirts - George designed them. george is going out with a blonde chick from the vollleyball team, but hey, that DOES NOT, in any way, stop him from looking like Shane West!(and it doesn't stop girls from looking AT him either=)) not that i actually have a crush on him or anything, but it's a noce distraction from JP and Matt Doniger trying to rape me.

if you know what i mean.

lol.. imstrange!! [but don't worry, dan is still way hotter (and if you don't agree with me,.... GOOD.=)] i seriously wish..... i really wish that everything would start to come into focus again, like it did last year. the play helps, but not... not in the way... not in the way i want help with, i guess. it's always been clear to me that i want to sing and act.... but other things.... aren't as easy to see i guess. alright im gonna stop now because even though im not depressed, i might make myself thta way if i continue to complain about my opaque life. more later.


there's no place like home, there's no place like home....