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Laws of the Land

The laws of My Lands have been adopted from the old CoM rules, I ask that all those entering here respect and abide by them to the best of their ability. Gor is a harsh and brutal world, governed by the Priest-Kings from their land high in the Sardar Mountains and by the steel of the Men below. Honor and respect are the words We live by here. I ask that A/all who choose to come here read and abide by the following:

1. This is a Gorean Site, and non-serious Free or slaves should not come here to disrupt. I have built an area in which GOR is revered, sought, desired, and enriched, making the experience for all an enjoyable one. This can be and is a most enlightening time, and should be looked upon as such. If you don't want to be here, Go in Peace, and be well.

2. First and foremost, this is an ADULT place and the following are enforced by the owners of all the Rooms. No one is allowed here under the age of 18. Role playing in public as someone under the age of 18 is also not allowed. Those entering wearing Gor or Gorean in the name field of their ID will be assumed to be knowledgeable of Gorean ways and will be treated and expected to act accordingly. Others will observe and study to learn more of Gorean ways before interacting. If you enter and have Gor Observing, Gor Friendly, or any such entry in your ID, you will be treated as if you have nothing in your ID unless you begin to interact at which time you are no longer Observing.

3. Once you enter all agree to abide by the general rules of role-play and to effectively play within the role you choose at all times, accepting captures and kills and continuing their roles within the spirit of fair play. It is accepted that those who are killed within the role-play will return with a new identity and start over with full loss of any gained property.

4. All are encouraged to learn of Gor be they Master or slave. I am building an extensive library of food, drink, dress, dance and attitudes as well as information about the original books on Gor written by John Norman. All are encouraged to read these works to learn more of the culture We, as Goreans, strive to create.