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Disclaimer: I don’t own Rurouni Kenshin so if you would like to know who does go find out from somebody else. The only thing that that does belong to me is Kaeda so there!


  Kaoru was sitting on the front porch of the dojo “Damn! Where everyone when I need them. I’m sure Yahiko is at the Akabecko, Sano is probably gambling, and Kenshin… Who knows where that baka is!”  She hears someone jiggle the gate. ‘Who could it be?’ she thinks.


A beautiful girl maybe three years older than she was standing there, she had red hair with blond highlights and blue eyes. ‘Strange’ Kaoru thought ‘She looks a lot like Kenshin…’ She snaps herself back into reality, “Hello, what business do you have here at my dojo?


The girl smiles sweetly, “My name is Kaeda and I’m looking for a place to stay.” Kaoru’s eyes open wide for a second then soften. “My name is Kamaiya Kaoru, and you may stay at my dojo! I have plenty of room and you can stay here as long as you like. But you should know that I have other people here as well. Miojene (Spelling?) Yahiko and Himura Kenshin.” At the sound of Kenshin’s name Kaeda gasps and drops the bag she was carrying. “Is there anything wrong Kaeda?” Kaeda’s eyes are sorda glazed over for a second, and then she snaps back into the world. They both say at the same time” Can you excuse me for a second?” and they both turn around.


Kaoru’s POV- Oh my god! She knows Kenshin! Could it be? No!!! I can’t stand the though of that! Might they have been lovers? ~(She blushes, and waves her hands in front of her in a ‘That’s silly’ kind of way)~ Of coarse not! I’m just jealous… ~(She blushes harder)~


Kaeda’s POV- It can’t be HIM!!! It would be so strange to see HIM NOW! Maybe if I see HIM I will know for sure. ~(Slams fist into hand)~ That’s what I will have to do, that it is!!!


~(They both turn to face each other and plaster on a smile)~ “Well Kaeda!” Kaoru says, “Please come right on in!!!”


  Sorry that the chapter was so short, but it was just a start! I will be writing a whole lot more later! ^_^ Also, brace your self, for this is going to be a long story probably. Don’t worry about updates because I promise that I will update as much as possible with my limited schedule. I also promise I will put a close on the story innless a emergency would come up that would mean I couldn’t (that probably won’t happen though so not to worry). Please read and review this chapter! I love getting nice comments as well as ones that will help me improve it. P.S. Since this IS fan fiction all of the character’s pasts may not be entirely accurate!!! So don’t flame me on that type of thing or I will hurt you!!!


On to Chapter 2! Memories Awaken