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The Glass House

The Rhymes

The Rhythms

The Words

Inside My Head

The Dreamer

Still Frames

Life Forces


Message Board




























Hi, my name is Jessica. I'm your typical teenager trying to find out who she is. This website is just a place for me to sort out my thoughts, share some good moments, and make my contribution to man-kind. If you like what I have here, great! If not, does it really matter? I'll be updating my journal and pictures often. I'm writing about one chapter a night of my stories as well.


z "May the stopping never start." ~Jason Mraz
z "Brave is just those with the clearest vision of what lies ahead." ~"Kate & Leopold."
z "Well the pope may be French but Jesus is English!" ~"A Knight's Tale."

My Horoscope
Carry within, and your ability to listen with an understanding heart and to unconditionally accept people as they are can be a healing influence in their lives. You are inclined to exclude nobody. At a deep level you feel and know your oneness with all creatures, and thus every snail in the garden or stray cat is part of your "heart's family".

However, this same all-embracing emotional/psychic openness and receptivity can be the source of some of your greatest challenges in life. It is easy for you to become overwhelmed by the world and its sorrows, and to seek some form of escape from it and from your own extreme sensitivity; for instance, over using drugs or alcohol or even food to alter your mood, or retreating from life into the unreal world of television or other diversions. You may simply withdrawing into your own private fantasies to avoid confronting the challenges in the physical world. At its worst this tendency can devolve into evasiveness and playing ostrich "about important issues in your life". While your imagination and your sensitivity are the well spring of some of your richest experiences and gifts, if over indulged you may become passive, ineffectual, lost or confused. Especially when young, Jessica, you may lack a strong sense of self, of definition and identity, because on a feeling level you identify with others so easily. It can be difficult for you to separate yourself, to know what your boundaries are, when to say no or how to stand up for your own personal interests. Since you are not narrowly focused on self, others may take advantage of your natural generosity and sympathy. Learning and incorporating the concepts of discrimination and clear judgment will enable you to give of yourself in ways that are healthy for you and the ones you are giving to.

Love Forecast
 Unconventional, outrageous and willing to try anything once, this is the roller-coaster ride in the Midway of Love! Those with this placement seek thinkers as well as adventurers, and if they're rolled into one attractive package, all the better. See, it's physique which adds to the mystique here, and those with their Venus in Aquarius consider a beautiful body (theirs and anyone else's) as a prerequisite to love. This aesthetic isn't a be-all, end-all, however. The mind game at work with this placement could challenge anyone! Having Venus in Aquarius means a steady dose of emotional highs and lows, a few sensible and many not. That's the beauty of living in a dream world! Those graced by this placement where affairs of the heart are concerned make the most compassionate and humanitarian of lovers, however they are well served to seek out a mate who can appreciate their unique outlook on life - and love!

My Astrological Personality Profile
Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They are also quick to engage others in this process, which is why they have so many friends and acquaintances.

Updated: 08-07-03
Life Forces, Inside My Head, & The Dreamer.

===Right Now===

I'm chatting on AIM and painting my nails pink (Dream On by Sinful).

Reading: "A Bend in the Road" by Nicholas Sparks.
Limitpoint & Metaphor's new split EP. Jason Mraz.
Nural.  *wink*




























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