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David Trammell

February 16, 1952 - October 2, 2000

First, let me tell you my brother David had bladder cancer, he had been through at least three surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments. Having passed that dreaded, "six months to live" speech by two or three weeks, we his family, were thrilled to see him doing so well. We could tell he was becoming weaker and was not feeling well most of the time, and that is why the story you are about to read is so incredulous.

My brother had forgotten to appear on a 4th degree domestic violence charge. He was in talks with the P.A. office to have these charges dropped. He had an argument with his wife outside on the sidewalk, he went one way, she went the other, but in this state, if someone calls the police one of you is going to be arrested. I really questioned the officer on this. His words were, "this is the least thing you could get arrested for". "Raising your voice".

Bail was $165.00. Not much to lose one's life over is it? These guys charge $125.00 each so I suppose the bonding agent lost a little money on this one. Oh well we lost a son, a brother, a father, an unlce, a friend.
These two wanna be's went out to capture the "bad man" instead of someone really jumping bail, with their automatic assult stlye weapons and their 9mm handguns - yes, in mr. Smallidge's back seat the police report says they found an assult type rifle with two bannana clips taped together end to end. I'd say mr. Smallidge was looking for a war.

According to the statement given by Smallidge (who's partner just happened to be outside during all the excitement..) My brother David attacked him with a scuba knife. They wrestled around for a while and Smallidge was stabbed and he then shot David. Not once, but twice. Remember, this was a man weak from cancer and Smallidge said, he was amazed at the strength of this man so he had to shoot him. They wrestled from one bedroom, down a hall and into the master bedroom, yet the partner couldn't get inside in time to see what was transpiring. I'll tell you what was happening. A very sick man was fighting for his life. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough to fend off his attacker. Besides, if you come into my house at Three O'clock in the morning, in the dark, I'm going to attack you too!

After reading the hopsital and doctors report, we found that Smallidged wounds were, in the doctors opinion, insignificant and superficial. They averaged in size from around 1/4" deep to 3/4" and the largest was not even two inches long. If I could show you a picture of the knife, you would say, HUH?

The supposed weapon is approximately 12" long with a curved blade. There was no blood found on it. We also saw items moved around in the "evidence photos" and other things not even mentioned. Like two shots fired, three bullet holes and one expended round on the floor in several pictures that never show up in evedence. All of that in itself is pretty strange to me, don't you think? I also believe the police hindered EMT's by delaying their entrance to treat my brothers injuries. He has no major arteries damaged and yet he bled to death. I was told the EMT's arrived within five minutes of the call and began working on Smallidge, who, in one officer's report said "was complaining loudly" of his injuries. Whimp.

I'll be adding to this in the future, it takes a while to pull all these emotions out and put them on paper, it's still fresh. There is so much more it will take time to put it all in order for you but I'll keep at it. I hope to give you a clear picture of what happened that night according to the evidence. I don't know why these guys weren't arrested. Maybe they do a service no one else can get away with. Our entire family has a wound that can not heal. Pray for us. Especially our parents.

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