Updated: Jan. 02/05

A Repertory of Spirited Writings and Esteemed Literary Sources.


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You don't have to be rich, or smart, or good-looking - It's already yours. Tap into it. More than a place, a person, an idea, Passion is a State of Mind.

"Miguel de Cervantes: ...When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Too much sanity may be madness! To surrender dreams---this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash! And maddest of all---to see life as it is and not as it should be!"

- Man of La Mancha (1972).
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Thoughts on Tsunami (ii) (The Swamp & Tsunami (i)) - by Robin Ouzman Hislop
Let Robin Ouzman Hislop move you with his thoughts and poetic contributions concerning the Tsunami
catastrophe which occurred December 26, 2004, in South East Asia, and its global impact:

"I no longer know how to placate nature, we don't respect her, we abuse her & we have never been
prepared for her..."

Thoughts on Tsunami [ii]

Science says this event which struck the world was not seasonal. A geological event in the geological time of the planet, whose to debate intention, intervention !? I no longer know how to placate nature, we don't respect her, we abuse her & we have never been prepared for her. The ramifications of this event will reverberate on the hegemony of the developed countries with an impact it never considered in its economy based as it is on arms manafacture for war with second& third world countries.

No there was no intervention but who knows a 60,000 year cycle tetonic magma plate boundary eruption may not be far off with a dust fall out more effective than a nucular winter if it quakes on terra firma rather than a Tsunami on the sea or a plague of rats carried on the swamp's flotsom & jetsom wrecked on the arid wastes like a Noah's Arc! Nature can make us anytime into refugees, overnight. The early swamps that formed the fens of East Anglia between land & sea famously known as the Norfolk Broads, were once a thermometer of natures equilibrium, an incubator of cosmic germ & now a microcosmic record of conservation, were originated through much the same phenomena of geological time, as this Tsunami, unfortunately it will not act as a similar catalyst.

The Swamp (i)

Recovered from her sickness
like a sick calf shakes on the morn.
Before even the ape became human
She'd transformed her womb,
given birth to new incubation

Metamorphosis of the dragon fly,
came we human on the crane's wing
to a shore with a word hoard,
where the lilies set sail to the sea
before the angels were born.

Who fell from the stars to skies
long after we'd left those starry isles
as memories on waters, which we once
trod beyond these ruins & their stars,
where labyrinths run to sewers.

Tsunami (i)

You've just blown in
on a big wave
& as the death toll rises
over the score
consciousness changes
as never before
you've changed history
for better or worse
but not as before
with no white man around
they knew the ground
& they knew before
but we don't know now what
will happen & there's
still time for wars to share
loss of loved ones
so poor but it doesn't happen
here hardly at all
but as the death toll rises
over the score
consciouness changes
as never before.

~ Robin Ouzman Hislop ~
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