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3 of the below poems have been published in anthologies by the International Library of Poetry in Owings Mills, MD.
You can find me by entering my Last and First name in the search(Malagisi,Rosa)

© 2003-2009 by Rosa L. Malagisi RLM

Hate Poem, part 1
Hate Poem, part 2

Love is too strong a word.
Hate isn't strong enough a word.
Love and hate coincide with bad and good but only one can triumph over the other without too much effort...
And the answer is...
Your own opinion to that subject matter.

Everything I used to know is now dust in the air; clouds in the sky
Everything I had owned is now in someone else's possession; somwhere I'd rather them not be
Everything I wanted to do; Everything I wanted to know; Everything I wanted in life is now gone and I don't know how to get it back or if I even can
Everything is Nothing; Nothing, Everything

So what if your friend only cares about themself?
They're just trying to watch out for you , right?
If they don't take care of themself first, they can't ever worry about you
How does it feel?
To be treated second-rate and class
To have no priority in someone else's life
You don't know until it happens to you
Don't let it happen-- either stand up for yourself or stop associating yourself with them

I sit in my corner of solitude and daydream until my mind is clear
As clear as glass or night sky
No worries
No care in the world

Who knows if I can stay in a good friendship or relationship for very long? I sure don't and probably never will.

For as long as I can remember, I have been too shy to get involved; too ignorant to know how; too angry to be myself with anyone.

Rusty Beatnik Poetry ® ISP/RLM © 2005
Love and Hate
Fighting and Compromise
Your Disease
Their Affection and Emotion

Pure Delight
Undying Devotion
My rules
Our vengeance

Pro Quo
Veridis Quo
Word of Political Substance
Dry Eyes
Dirty Lies
Somehow inside my mind
No More

Devilish Grin
Massacre Royale
Brutal Force
Total Chaos
Deadly Remains

Heavenly Halo
Peaceful Palace
Weak Power
Controlled Environment
Lively Togetherness

It sounds like rain
but it isn't
It looks like rain
but it isn't
It tastes like rain
but it isn't
What is it?
Your Tears

Attention, Awareness
Better Buy
Creative, Crazy
Deep Dive
Eeerie, Enticing
Fast Find
Gripping, Grinding
Hard Hand
Icy, Indecision
Joky Jester
Kind, Knowing
Lucky Love
Mountains, Mazes
New Notes
Occurring, Overrated
Pretty Paper
Questionable, Quivering
Rough Ride
Special, Serious
Tricky Theory
Ultimate, Underappreciated
Vicious Victory
Working, Wasteful
Xylophone Xylophone
Yearning, Yourself
Zany Zebra

Three Four Five plus ONE poem
Hearts Among Us
In The Deep
Perfect Day Ahead

Long Way To Go
Tales Of Long Ago
You Just Never Know

Where�s The Love For Me?
Bring Your Stupidity For Me!
Fake It All For Me


I've been waiting for the right time to say this but I didn't know how.
For some reason I do know now.
You don't have anything to offer me,
but you do have something I want.
Over there in the corner lies my obvious taunt.

You don't know me
I don't owe you anything
It's not a right, it's a privilege
Learn the difference DICK(HEAD)
Get out of my way
Get out of my sight
Or I just might murder someone tonight!

This life we're living in isn't worth the pain it brings but if you try to make it better you'll end up with worse things.

waiting for an answer
to my weird
analytical obsessions
and knowing
they will never
be fulfilled

do you ever wonder
never like to talk about it well
about to find out come
down this slippery spiral-like slope and

Broken Trust ® ISP/RLM © 2004
Once again
My heart in yours
Like a flowing river with no end

Once again
I hear your voice
It's filled with pain

I ask why
You don't say anything
I ask again
You're still silent as ever

Problems come
Problems go
But you and I will be intertwined for LIFE

But if you can't feel comfortable
Telling me what's wrong
Then you might as well leave
Because we have nothing left
To share

Set Free ® ISP/RLM © 2003
Death is near; you're going away
It's pitch black and nobody knows the sorrow I hold
Once you were gone
I never thought I'd recover
But I did and so did mother and brother
It's still a tragic thing 'til this day
That for some reason God came and whisked you away
We have no way of knowing if you're still here
In spirit, of course, so we have nothing to fear
Because you're the guardian angel
With beautiful wings watching over us
They say
"Where there's faith, there's love
Where there's love, there's peace
Where there's peace, there's God
And where there's God, there's nothing missing."
I just hope this is true, so I can truly know that God
Is taking care of my father and can go on
In life 'til I too am set free

Everybody needs somebody,
wants somebody,
to love

Nobody needs heartache,
wants heartbreak,
but does

When is it okay
When is it right

Why does it happen
Why does it, How does it



I beg and plead of you gotta lemme know

Light the way

Keep us in the dark

whichever you choose
will not give an answer

The only way it'll all be better is to...
what words can express my feelings I do not know
how will I show you, my love, the sorrow I feel without you around
it is with cruel intentions and feverish lust that screams out like fire
you do not know your emotional strength and the effect it has on me

Haiku 1
to be or not to be is
a good question too
so will someone tell us who?

Haiku 2
sun and moon play happily
love is in the air
time comes to sleep is not fair

Cinquain 1
Vibrant beats
Rocking, jumping, fun
The spice of life

written on 04/02/06
You don’t light up my life like I thought
You don’t make me feel any different
You couldn’t make me feel any worse
Which might be why I got so sick so often
You did it to me, You made me ill.
But no more will you be around me, allowed to touch me; talk to me.
Erased memories
You no longer exist
Nothingness; fragment of one’s imagination
All you will ever be

written on 04/14/2006
you hold my hand
tightly, tightly
your everlasting grip is killing me
let go, let go
it bothers me so much so that I tell you to leave
goodbye, goodbye
I will not do this with you anymore
I cry, I cry
shed a tear
shed a tear

they only care about "partying"
ruining their brains, livers and hearts
what happened to this generation
of nothing [doing]
nowhere [going]
nobody [becoming]
they all sleep around from the time they hit puberty

there's already plenty of war right here but why would anyone else care?
they are blind. we will be left behind.
why is killing only lawful in the military but everyone is allowed to walk around with weapons?

written February 2017
she cries alone in her room, no one knows but her.
just wanting, waiting for the suffering to end.
will it ever go away? she asks no one because she's the only one around.
she knows not why she's feeling these emotions, heavily so, but wishes, endlessly, that they'd just dissipate. go away she says, please!
she feels like she's letting everyone down, but who? she sits in the darkest corners of her mind just screaming to escape.
please won't someone help me out of this hole i've created for myself? she cries out, but there's only a faint echo of her own voice reverberating back to her like a racing heartbeat, growing ever more loud and fast.
never again will i trust so easily, so blindly, never again will i give my heart away to be destroyed, crushed, into dust and it gets swept away by the wind of her imagination, she's saying all of this to herself, inside her head, of course, so no one else can hear her.
she'll never be the same again. she'll never feel safe again. she'll never know calm or ease inside her mind, heart or soul, ever, ever, never again. NEVER AGAIN!

off the top of my head and the depths of my being, existing. existence is futile.

wasted emotions
wasted emotions
i was nothing to you
you were everything to me
wasted emotions
wasted emotions
you never cared about me
i will always care about you
wasted emotions
wasted emotions
i never meant anything to you
you will always mean everything to me
wasted emotions
wasted emotions

Copyright 2017, © ® ™ Rosa Malagisi