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mel's page

Why you should look at this site


poems (GO SEE)
everything else
some really bad jokes
friends sites
quotes, some by me, most aren't though
The Book
books I've read
new thoughts

Sign My Guestbook, prove you were here, go sign it! NEW ADDITIONS: Alright, it sure has been a while but I'm back. The newest part is the thoughts page, that's cooler than it sounds...really. I've reread some of "The Book" and don't worry...I'm gunna edit it a lot, it really needs it. I signed the guestbook to make sure it still works...and it does! SO GO. Today is March 24, 2005. Well that's all go browse! Any suggestions at all just e-mail me..really, I need to know stuff to add, plus if you give me stuff I'll put it in, I promise :D, i'm also a girl 5'7" blue eyes and likes long walks on the beach ;)..hehe nah I'm kinda jokin bout that even if it is true...alright so yeah I really do want suggestions, leave your name or something.

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