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June 11, 2003 11:14 PM

Hello. I'm ________ ______. Why did I not tell you my name? Not out of fear of stalkers or anything like that. Infact, just the opposite. You probably know me. You've probably been to my other wepages. Why am I deciding to keep all names, places, etc., etc. secret so that only I know what I'm talking about? Why? Because I am bisexual. That doesn't sound like a very big deal, does it? Well you don't know me or my friends or my family or the narrow minded people in my town (and this society). This is the only online journal and the only webpage I have where the real story will be told. How I really felt? You won't find that on my livejournal. Uh-uh. So if you're a homophobe, this is the time to freak out because HAHA...you might be one of my best friends. And if you're a guy...I may've dated you. And chicas??? I might think you're hot. But lol...the beauty of this page is...you'll never, ever know. If you have any comment supporting or dissing this page...send it to the email address at the bottom. If you are a bisexual or lesbian or gay and would like to start posting on this page send you're story and some info-or not...you want privacy..that's fine- and I'll make sure to post it up here for you. Questions, advice...anything you want will be given (within reason).

There will be more on this page...links, poetry, picks of the week, and such. I'm still not sure what I want to do with it right now. So for now, it's just a journal. I think you can live with that now, right?

Anyway, I spent all of yesterday with _____. I love her to death. Really. I always knew my feelings for her were different. I knew I saw her more than just a "best friend". She's wonderful. But, alas, she will never know how I feel because, of course, she hates homosexuals more than anyone I know. But when she was in that bathing suit I thought I would die in ecstasy. Seriously. She's beautiful in every way.

Freaked out yet? You know, you can leave if you want to. Nobody's making you stay. And if you hate gays, why are you here in the first place? Hmm...oh, maybe because you want a reason to hate me. You don't know me, I don't know you. And if you think my description of my feelings for my friend up there are gross, why don't you leave? Because you need to discriminate me. That's all. Putting me down for who I am makes you feel important. That's great Oh Superficial One. I applaud you. Be proud of your shallow ways. Happy now?

Did I mention I have a boyfriend? Yes, he's wonderful. And I love him. More than anything in the world. He knows I'm bi and he has no problem with it. He thinks I'm beautiful and perfect. He knows how I feel about my friends and other girls and it doesn't bother him at all. He listens to me and he understands because he loves me. It's wonderful.

I can feel a strong bond between us already. Maybe one day I'll reveal my true identity. Who knows? 'Till then...you'll have to settle for this.

June 12, 2003 10:42 AM

So here's some info on homosexuals. First of all, we're NOT evil. Yes, the bible does speak against homosexuality, but it also speaks against hate, sex before you're married, and adultery. All of which people practice daily. Second of all, just because I like females as well as males does NOT mean that I'm sex-crazed and chase after every girl I see. Infact, there are only two girls I have feelings for. The rest of my female friends I see as just friends. We have preferences, and have what we like in people and what we don't like. And in most cases, I don't like people who I know aren't bisexual or lesbian. _____ is the first girl I've liked that's straight.

The point of this entry is not to judge something and someone you don't understand.

June 12, 2003 8:59 PM

Today shall remain a sacred day in my life forever. This was the day I lost my virginity. Oh, it was everything your first time should be. It was sweet and unexpected and painful and awkward and, of course, fun. I don't regret it either. It was such a great experience and I love _____ so much. For real, I do. And I know he feels the same way. It's all so perfect. I mean, he and I had already explored each other in every other way: emotionally, mentally, spiritually, we've hurt each other and been there for one another no matter what. Now we've reached the next level in our relationship and I can't wait to do it again.

June 13, 2003 11:56 AM

I got a guestbook. Sign it, please. But don't stop the emails!!!

June 15, 2003 4:17 PM

I really have nothing of importance to say, but I'm just in the mood to write. And I looked at my livejournal and my other webpages and they are so full of content and this one is so lonely. I just felt it deserved to be updated. I'm having a block right now, and I have no idea what to put on this page. I want it to be completely different from any other page I've ever created, but I have no idea how to go about such a thing. If you have any suggestions, any at all-whether it be a new layout or a some links or graphics or activities...whatever-send them to me via email (PLEASE don't put suggestions in the guestbook...that's strictly for comment use). I'd really appreciate it, and I'd most likely use your ideas and if you give me something I like I'll send you a nice thank you. Until then...well, you can just keep up with this, I guess.

June 16, 2003 10:57 PM

I've made an observation of myself and other bisexuals. Now I'm not labeling anybody, so don't go there. But I've just noticed that the most icons of livejournal.com bisexual females are of two females or a naked female. And when I look up porn, I go to lesbian sites straight away. If I can touch a guy, okay...but just looking at one in a picture doesn't turn me on at all. And when I have sexual fantasies, I almost always think of females. What is wrong with that?

P.S. I have a horrible stench coming from my vagina. Dun dun dun May it be that time of month?

June 30, 2003 9:54 PM

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm thinking about closing this page down. It hasn't been a big deal to me or anyone. I didn't really expect it to be, but I did think some people would take notice and join the page and help me to build up to something more. But I think I'll keep it for my own relief.

My boyfriend and I have had sex numerous times since I posted about it and we've tried plenty of new things, anal, 69, etc., etc. Now we want something new: a third person. A female.

But it goes deeper than that. I don't want a female in my life just for a hot and steamy threesome. I long for those feelings I've felt before to be returned. I have a certain girl in mind and I want to talk to her and see what she thinks. I want to experiment physically and emotinally and everything. And of course, _____ knows. He understands and says as long as I don't keep anything from him and he can be involved it won't hurt him any.

July 3, 2002 6:39 PM

Alright people, my wish has come true!!! ____ stayed all night last night and things got very hot and heavy...I mean, you won't believe. We were rolling around all over the place, sweat was pouring, the bed was shaking...it was amazing. I have a thing for that girl. It was great!!! And what was even better is that mah boyfriend, _____ came over before she did and we got into it. And yes, he knows about me and ____ and he thinks it's H-O-T!!! Ddddaammmmnnnn.

I'm adding a page to this. I kind of stole the idea from one of my friends, but oh well. It's an on going story thing.

Life is good, my friends.

July 24, 3003 1:49 AM

The on going story has officially begun. Keep up with it. Thanx...;Þ.

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