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Molly's LDS Info Connection

_____Hello. I'm Molly Mormon. I hope the name does not give you the wrong impression. I am not mormon...or at least not any more. I was born into the mormon church, and I spent about seventeen years of my life there...but i am not a mormon.
_____I have created this site in order to help better inform both LDS members and non members of the beliefs of the church. This is not an anti-mormon site, so if that was what you were looking for, you may leave as you choose.
_____However, this is not a pro-mormon site either, so please do not asume anything. As I do not choose to spend countless hours on my computer pointing out the great things about the lds people, or the faults in the religion, I simply post links to pro, anti, and simply factual websites. I can only post so many a day, so please be patient as I build my site up. If you would like more personal information on my reasons for leaving the church, please click here.

_____I try to only post factual sites, though I will post some oppinion sites and make sure you understand they are such. There are some things I disagree with, i.e. the god makers and books/movies similar to it, as they present anti-mormon information that does not make sense to anyone who takes the time to think about the facts.

_____If you decide you dislike the Mormon religion, dislike it for the right reasons! Don't say stupid things like, "I hate Mormons because they...uh..kill rats." This statment is:
1. untrue
2. illogical because people who kill rats come from all religions and typically do not kill them because their church said to...but because they hate rats.
_____If you were to tell me that you don't like Mormons because they don't drink coffee, that would be a more logical statement. I, personally, dont think you should stop liking someone for not drinking coffee, but at least your statement is based in fact instead of a made up reason.

_____So, here goes. My first postings of websites.. if you have other sites you have found and would like to have me review and add, you can email your comments to

_____I hope that if you have a problem with a site I post a link to, that you will simply disregaurd it rather than trying to send me hate mail that I would just ignore. I will listen to complaints, but unless they are logical complaints I will not worry about them. However, I do enjoy feed back on who uses my site, whether you like it or not.

_____If you are anti-mormon and think I should hate mormons, I do not care to hear you bash them to me. Go to another anti-site and talk to them.

_____If you are a faithful LDS member and think I am being blasphemous by posting these links, complain to the sites you disagree with. Not me. All I am doing is building a resource for people who wish to further expand their knowledge on the LDS religion.
Knowledge is power. Take the time to educate yourselves! If you are a nonmormon christian, who wants to defend your beliefs against LDS missionaries, educate your self in not only what the bible teaches, but what the Mormon church teaches. This will enable you to explain why you do not care to join the religion.
_____If you are a Mormon that wants to defend your religion, inform yourself on not only what your stake teaches, but what the entire church history teaches! Be prepared to defend your religious choices. No matter what choice you make.
Yours truly,
Molly Mormon

NEW - Getting Out
Support for people trying to
leave the LDS Church

NEW - My Faith
More indepth personal beliefs
and why the LDS church
does not fit in with them

Pro-Mormon Sites

Anti-Mormon Sites

Fact-Only Mormon Sites

***If you wish to refer your site please, by all means, mail me so that i can check it out!***

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