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Random Poems and Thoughts

A rush of air

to hollowed lungs,

relief from the

weight of an

ill-sketched past.

Cliché, yes, a

savior to untie

the weights

holding me underwater.

You are the

light, brilliant yellow

the warmth of

sunshine. The

breeze upon my

face and the

rapid beating of

a heart mended

with duct tape.

A heart eager

to be your


GNS 04/03/04

You are pitiful,

everything I hope

I never become.

SEX- Your life

your empowerment

over me.

**** has no

excuse, no time

contraints, it's

just another sin

in a cardboard

box full of your

failures. It is

your way to hold

on to your

mighty, crumbling

throne. Fuck

you and fuck your


GNS 20/01/04

VERY brief. 11:12 PM 13/01/04

New poem as follows. And I apologize again for the spaces between the lines. If I knew a damn thing about HTML, I would do it differently.

Passing you by,

I am nothing more

than a shadow of

your past. A

ridiculing laughter

lingers in a

thick air, filled

with the haze

of my tears.

It's a struggle

to survive the

broken past and

a stolen, shattered

trust. Your joke,

you misinterpret,

it is fear itself

that drives the

human soul.

Happiness is only

one more discarded

emotion in the

boneyards of

innocence, of my naivety.

Disappear into the

black nothingness

that envelops

the greedy and

the dead. You're

already there.

GNS 10/01/04

Something of an update. 8:46 PM 01/12/03

Don't fake another

unmeant apology

for the repeated

error of your ways.

I don't need your

shallow words-

what's done is done

and your choice

was made.

Your apology isn't

heartfelt, you don't

understand what you

did wrong.


--,I still

fear you in

the scent of

your cologne on

a passerby or

even at THEIR name.

It's an endless

maze, and I am

unable to escape

the destruction of

my soul. My

innocence and youth

are stolen in your

"8-seconds" excuse.

So don't think

I'll ever forget

the pain you put

me through-the

feeling of waking

up next to you,

I don't know how it

happened, ---

--, I'm pretty

sure I didn't,

but would you ever

tell the truth?

Just leave me be,

it's easier to

pretend you don't

exist than to hear

your voice everyday,

screaming in my

head. So please

remain the distant

memory I have made you.

GNS 27/10/03

A really bad poem. 3:13 PM 24/10/03

Hey kids. I wrote this poem today and I think it sucks, but I'm putting it up anyway. I figure, at least it has feeling. So hope you're all swell. Love to all.

Merely lovers, we

walk side by side,

never speaking of

us, the sex we find

ourselves entangled in.

We are only lovers,

your heart does

not belong to me

nor ever will it,

and mine will not be yours.

Lovers, don't let me

cry when I see her

at your door, distance

is the only rule in this

fucked up relationship.

I am your lover,

do not scowl at

him, the one who holds

me when the sun is

high in the sky.

Merely lovers, so

why does this hurt?

Why can't we walk

away, jealousy

tucked away?

Merely lovers.

GNS 24/10/03

I told you it sucked! Oh well!

"Debts to Jealousy"

Welcome yourself into the light

of a new dawn, reality no longer

exists and pain is the threshold off

which we feed. Hatred knows no

boundaries in age, sex, religion, or

creed. Everyone fights for food to

conquer the rumble that makes the

world shake. The streets clutter with

scraps, guns, and drugs your three-year-old

son dropped. Violence is our air, the only

knowledge we hold in our capacity of

our losses. Colors equal bullets, torture, and

death, symbolic of society's crash into

a blackened darkness, lit with our bloodshed.

And we know not of what we were, but only

of the antagonistic future we behold.

GNS I don't know when I wrote this, sometime during my senior year of high school, I believe.

Pain is just a side-effect

in this infantile whirlwind of a romance.

The softest kisses in the world

can't erase fuck you bitch

from my memory, nor can any

shallow apologies mend my

own indiscretion with the tip

of my tongue. I never

wanted an I love you,

just a reason to

have a little faith

in those who continually

break my heart. But so

it goes in the upgraded

high school, college

is about a quick fuck, a

one night stand. Stupidity

reigns, particularly in

the young and lonely.

My own heart is no

exception to the need

to feel wanted. Commitment

is a sin and I find

myself the most sinful

of us all. I guess the

definition of college

never really sunk

in. Here's to a

word not even in

my vocabulary. To

a fool.

GNS 9/1/03