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Naga City, Camarines Sur
17th Century
Feast day - 3rd Saturday of September

History relates that the original image of the Virgin of Peñafrancia (Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia), now venerated in the Bicol region, was found by f French man in the slopes of Sierra de Francia, a mountain range situated between Spain's province, Salamanca and Caceres.

Simon Vela, the man singled out for this special favor by heaven, was the sole heir of a rich French family. Burning with great desire to dedicate himself to the service of God, he entered the convent and not long after became popular among the members of his community for his exceptional devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Simon lost no time and donning the garb of a pilgrim, began to search for the image on the western part of France, "where the sunsets". After long and weary years of futile search on this part of France, he decided to give up, when one night he heard again the voice saying, "Simon, do not stop. A great reward awaits a great sacrifice, and yours will be great."

So Simon continued his search all lover the western part of France, but again without any success. He was once more tempted to give up, but the voice kept calling him and asking him to go ahead with his mission.
At that time, a great number of pilgrims bound for the tomb of Santiago de Compostela, the patron saint of Spain, were passing by the street name "Paso Frances" (the French Road). Simon joined the pilgrims and asked for Peña de Francia, but nobody could give him a satisfactory answer.

Finally Simon decided to go to the University of Salamanca, hoping the professors of that institution could give him the information he needed. He reached Salamanca on a market day, and here he overheard a discussion between two coal vendors. One vouched that his products were of better quality because they were taken from the slopes of Peña de Francia. Without saying anything, Simon followed this vendor to his home.

When he reached San Martin de Castañar, a village at the foot of Peña de Francia, he approached the people and was able to get information about the exact place where the sun sets. But as he was starting to go to the mountains to the place indicated to him, the voice counseled him not to proceed without companions who would serve as witnesses.

So, Simon went down and brought with him Antonio Fernandez, Pascual Sanchez and Benito Sanchez, the "escribano" of the place. Finally on May 19, 1534, as they removed a big stone following a divine inspiration, they found the most coveted image of the virgin of Peñafrancia. And on the very same spot, all these men received special graces from the Blessed Virgin. Simon Vela's wound in the head was instantly cured. Pascual Sanchez' defect in the eye disappeared. Juan Fernandez who was deaf began to hear, and Benito Sanchez' finger which was defective from birth became normal.
The official document of these miracles and the discovery of the image were duly signed by those present before the Notary Public of the place and is presently preserved in the archives of San Martin de Castañar.

The arrival of Our Lady of Peñafrancia in the Philippines is traced back to the 17th century, when a Spanish family from San Martin de Castañar came to settle in Cavite. The son of the family, Miguel de Cabarrubias began his theological studies in the University of Sto. Tomas, but he suffered from frequent illnesses. His only recourse in moments of pain and anguish was the picture of Our Lady of Peñafrancia.

After his ordination, Fr. Miguel was named Parish Priest of Nueva Caceras and eventually Vicar General of the Diocese. He constructed a chapel made of nipa and bamboo in Nueva Caceres where the natives could be served in their spiritual needs. Some months after the completion of the chapel, he went to Manila because he lost sight of his left eye. Several doctors pronounced his case hopeless. Fr. Miguel vowed to construct a stone church in Naga to make the devotion to the Virgin more widely known among the Bicolanos and instantly, he recovered his lost sight. Fr. Miguel experienced several miracles of healing.

In 1914, the Image of Our Lady of Peñafrancia was crowned by the degree of Pope Pius XI in recognition of the popular veneration by the faithful.
In 1949, the Sanctuary was reconstructed under Most Reverend Manuel P. Del Rosario, Bishop of Calbayog. From May to September the image is brought to the different towns of the Bicol region. The people go barefoot in procession wherever she is take.

On 22 May 1982, the image was installed in a beautiful basilica in the outskirts of Naga; Our Lady of Peñafrancia is the Queen of the Bicol Region.

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