hello everyone and welcome to my humble room these are doors leading into my closet.. but just pretend that they are to my room..

if they were the doors to my room I would make you come in by doing this.. and if you are a fatty like me you might have a bit of trouble.

ok this was taken in my room I was standing against the door that you open to come in my room!

to all my lovely tod viewers this is no fake picture this is really me because if you look close enough you can see that i am actually on tod!

ok look I have no life... see? I am still on the fucking computer!

hey look I am not on the computer but you can still see it in the mirror!

this is my kinkie picture lol I love that my finger is in my mouth..

lacy loves my face in this picture.. i was just laying down and talking to Lacy and she took that picture.. it just caught me off gaurd that it looked posed.

this picture was taken over spring break when everyone was working on their tans but guess what?! I wasn't! lmao look how white I was!

I was soooo white I looked like a albino! really look! i do and my eyes are blue too so it just makes it more believeable!

this one was also taken over spring break.. we were playing with the lighting and well this one I like.

hey look I am a freaking sea scout I'm so gay!! lmao its the truth thats the hats that we have to wear and they are so gay its just wrong and the skirt that we have to wear goes to the middle of my calves

I don't remember when the hell this one was taken it was a long time ago.. I was playing with Trenton we were fighting like in starwars with the lazer swords and all.

dang I look short!

this is Gabby, Kurie, and me.. if it looks like I wear that shirt over and over your right I do. this was taken the same night as basketball homecoming.

rockabye and goodnight go to sleep little ashley! ok well this is the last of my pictures so go to bed! goodnight this is all that i have. get a life quit looking for child pornos!