gardenz & Co.

OK, so I'm vain!! Sue me!! After all this time, I'll be darned if the first "gardenz unveiling" is gonna be with my butt hip deep in compost and dripping of fish emulsion or covered in hot glue and spanish moss!! husband, Jim, seems to think that "earthy/crafty quality" can be a bit of a turn on! But, then, he's hardly objective and has seen me a heckuva lot worse and (glutton for punishment that he must be) he still sticks around! 25 years and still counting! This picture was last summer...and..NO...not in my garden. I wish!! But at the Vandergoot Rose Gardens here in New Jersey.

Yep, here we are: "Mr. and Mrs. Gardenz"

LINDA & JIM. To tell you the truth, I've gotten so used to folks on many forums calling me "gardenz", that I think, if anyone addressed me as "Linda"...I wouldn't think they were talking to me. Kinda scary?

Jim and I have been married for 25 years now. He grew up in New Jersey, and if it weren't for working at the same office in Manhattan, the East River and the Hudson, probably would have prevented us from ever meeting!

Like most couples, we have our differences, but have long since stopped trying to "fix" each other. Inasmuch as those "differences" have provided (shall we say)interesting bumps along the road, in a strange way, they've leveled us out. Filled in each other's "gaps". I'd like to think we've learned more from each other because of any differences than similarities. I can you grow as a person and as a couple, when you're mirror images?

Besides, I need that love and support from Jim...especially whenever I go off on one of my rants. Not to never know when you're gonna need a strong, former Marine to do some "heavy lifting" in the garden!

This is in front of my house at Christmas. In addition to gardening...crafting and writing are my other passions. In a sense, I think they're all connected. All forms of expression. All venues for the creative soul. Not to mention, it saves a heckuva lot on psychiatrist bills and mood elevators! (Been there, done that. And I'd rather be kneeling in the dirt than lying on a couch, thank you very much!) that you've gotten to know a bit about me and seen me "out of the garden", follow the rotund fellow below....~

Click My Big Belly to see more of the REAL gardenz!