HEARTSTRINGS: Stories From The Heart

To inaugurate this page....a story for my Father.

Daddy, I don't remember that day at Coney Island. I don't remember if there'd been crowds on the beach, families strolling on the boardwalk; or if the air echoed with the elated screams of kids careening down the Cyclone or whipping around on the Tilt-a-Whirl.

I only have this picture to show we were there. Together. I don't even know if it was Fathers Day. But, it was our day. For within this picture lies a deeper meaning to me than you will ever know. And, on this Fathers Day, I want to share that meaning with you.

As I lay against your strong chest, I must surely have been reassured and relaxed in the safety and knowledge that my Daddy would protect me. That this was a good place to be. A warm, loving place. A place where no one could hurt me or reject me...or they'd have my Dad to reckon with! That you would always put me and our family before yourself.

The years have flown. We've changed. Life's made us change. It's been hard, yet also, rewarding. It's been devastating, frustrating and, at times, unbearably sad. Yet, through it all, even today, when I feel those grown up boogiemen nipping too close to my heels, I can still "lean back and rest my head on your chest". You're there for me. Older and maybe a bit more vulnerable, but you're ever strong and protective in your heart and spirit.

You'll always represent the epitome of sacrifice and what it means to "do the right thing" for your family. To go without. To give your all. To give us all. To provide those in your care with the safety and security you never had as a child.

Many years have passed and many grains of sand have ebbed from that beach. But, some things time can never change:
You'll always be my Daddy, and I hope I'll always be your little girl.