
"Welcome, indeed! No, you're not in the crafting section...this just looked like an approprate way to say "Welcome" to Spring and the gardening season! Now that the winter crafted wreaths have been stowed away till next season and the balsam ones, tossed in the compost or the dried needles saved for next Christmas' crafting's time for the Spring wreath of forced forsythia branches and this Summer one, which usually goes up around Memorial Day. It's a soft-sculputure wreath, and if you're interested in any details about it's construction, you can find them (soon) in Gardenzcrafts

This is a view of our house as viewed when approached from the one-lane road. There's two island beds (out of shot) in the foreground, on

either side of the driveway. In the back on the right, you'll see my greenhouse and our shed. I think I'll have to replace my flag this year. It's become a bit tattered. I made it in memory of our first cat, Mister. But, I won't be throwing it out! Of course, I'll save it as a momento.

Before you get to the flower beds directly in front of the house and surrounding the walkway to the front door, there's a large center island bed with an open-framed pseudo-gazebo, replete with a couple of chairs to sit and watch the birds in the four birdbaths I have scattered around. In the bed (pictured to the right) is a mix of perennials and annuals, like these zinnias, tithonia, feverfew and miscanthus.

I had visions, one day, of connecting the "island" with the borders that run along the front of the house....but, after last year's drought, we decided we already had too much to water and look after. So, we'll stop with what we have. "Yeah, right!!Hah!"

Pictured below, is a view of another corner of the island. Yet, one more ground bath Only this time, it's for the squirrels or our friendly box turtles. (Now, if I could only get some good bug-eating frogs to visit!) That's one of the new Zebra grasses I got last year. I can't wait to see it come back this season! I love those tall, billowy grasses. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of room anymore. But, I'll most definitely be on the lookout for smaller specimens.Speaking of birdbaths...uh...were we? I made this one from several terra cotta pots and two saucers. Apparently it's just the right size for smaller birds, like the chickadees and goldfinches and, with a few pebbles tossed in there, the butterflies love it, too!

Sorry, the color seems so washed out. I'll wager that most pictures rarely do our gardens justice. After all, you know the favorite lament of the typical gardener:"Oh, you should have seen it yesterday (or last week)!"

Behind the birdbath is a rudbeckia "Goldstrum" that I've had for years, and it probably needs dividing, cause it's not been blooming as well as it should. There's statice, verbena bonariensis, purple flamingo feather celosia, salvia and (cause I'll use anything as a planter) an old workboot of Jim's that's tucked under the birdbath with a few miniature petunia "Fantasy Mix". A large arborvitae (with another on the other end of the house) and a pretty huge Japanese barberry, serve as a backdrop for the beds directly in front of the house.

Well, I got seeds to sow! But, you're sitting in front of your computer (when you KNOW you should be tending to your seeds or your garden). Oh, well...while you're here, take a few more minutes and head on to GardenzvilleTwo.