

Ah, here I am in my element! Behold gardenz' "patented grow-system". With components supplied by Homey Depot, it's no more than a black-vinyl coated wire shelf system. Can be disassembled at the end of the season and stored flat. We put casters on the bottom legs so it can be rolled easily on the carpet.

Short pieces of rebar are stuck in slots below each shelf to support cheapy cool/white flourescents, which are hung by chains to raise and lower as per plant growth demands. Three lights to a shelf, which remain on a minimum of 16 hours a day.

An extension of PVC is attached to top shelf (with appropriate elbows to make a kind of "opened table top frame") so that lights can be hung from there to illuminate top shelf.

There's also a similar PVC frame set up on the desk in front of me and one on my left over my heat mats (which, at the time this picture was taken, had been taken down, as I was finished germinating any more seeds by then.) That's basically for those seeds that need light to germinate.

You might also notice a wooden rack hung from the ceiling above the area where I've got my mats. That holds some of my dried flowers which I need to immediately access, while crafting. The remaining flowers are either in my shed or in the garage.

Okleeeee....Now, jangle these tools, and let's see where these puppies go from here!