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Rating: PG-16
In Their Beginning
Chapter One

Dean got Cassie’s bags out of the car while Sam prepared to wait in the Impala. “Come in for a minute,” Cassie said as she waved at Sam.
Cassie said hi to her friend, Missy, as she walked by her to show Dean where to put her bags.
“Missy that’s Sam,” Cassie called out as Sam walked in the door. Cassie pulled Dean into the room so she could peek from behind the door and watch Sam as he had his first look at Missy. Dean laughed at her as she grinned when he pulled her inside the room.
“I think they will be perfect together,” Cassie grinned before she noticed Dean’s solemn expression.
Dean shut the door to the room and put the bags down while Cassie stood expectantly watching him as she bit her lip and her heart pounded hard against her chest. She felt a bit light headed when she was near him. Her husband.
“I love you Cassie Winchester.”
“I love you too my sweet husband,” she said.
To avoid Cassie’s cast he used his right hand to put around her waist as he leaned in to kiss his wife goodbye. She put her free hand to his face wanting more contact than the kiss could provide. When he pressed his tongue into her mouth against her teeth Cassie knew it was a bad idea because it always made her want so much more of him. When she added her tongue to the mix Dean knew he didn’t want to leave her. This is insane. The kiss lasted a few minutes longer before he pulled back; his breath was ragged while their hearts raced.
“You know I hate leaving you like this,” he said with both arms around her gently placed to keep from hurting her arm while he looked into her eyes.
She nodded.
“ Some honeymoon.”
Dean laughed, “I’ll owe you that and much more.”

When they had married almost two weeks earlier Dean had hoped to take a break from ghost hunting for a while to settle in with Cassie somewhere nice. Somewhere centrally located in the continental United States. But John phoned to say he thought he knew where the demon was that killed his mother. Dean didn’t want to leave his new bride so soon. He didn’t want her to doubt her decision to marry him. He even considered disobeying his father’s order to come as soon as possible. But Cassie understood that things needed to be done whether or not they were convenient. That was one of many things he appreciated about her.

They walked hand in hand back to the front door.
“So you’ll be at Mary Ann’s?”
“Yea, she had to work today so she’ll pick me up later.”
Dean nodded as he held her close to him again. This is too hard; leaving her when I just want to stay in her arms.
Sam and Missy came out of the kitchen smiling. Missy’s brown hair was in disarray and her green eyes sparkled, though she was tall she was at least four inches shorter than Sam.
They had been chatting long distance ever since Cassie had told Sam about her but there first meeting had been today.
“You ready?” Dean asked.
“Yea, nice to meet you Missy,” Sam replied a bit too casually to explain the grin on his face.
Dean waved to Cassie as they headed to the car then he patted Sam on the back.
“You dog,” Dean teased.
Sam could only laugh. He had never met a woman he felt like kissing the moment he saw her. It was just a peck on the cheek but he would swear it was electrically charged.

Cassie sat down on the sofa after the guys gone. She looked sad.
“Have you taken your pain pills,” Missy asked concerned for her best friend.
“No, I should do that.”
“I’ll get them. Where are they?”
Cassie told her they were in her bag the one with the photo album on top. Missy brought the Advil to Cassie but looked through the album.
“Who took these pictures of the three of you?”
“There was another couple at the beach house where we stayed. They were nice,” Cassie said with a bit more perk than she really felt.
“You and Dean make a nice looking couple,” Missy said as she took the album back to the bag.
Cassie smiled as she looked at her wedding ring. She would never have pictured Dean buying a ring like the one he picked out. A one carat emerald cut diamond in an antique setting with etchings on the separate band as well as the sides of the ring. He had surprised her even more with what he had engraved inside the band I’m Yours Forever, Dean. It seemed out of character for Dean to do something so sentimental but maybe being married had brought a bit of emotionalism to the forefront.

Cassie didn’t think she would ever have the nerve to tell Dean about when she bought his ring.
She was at the mall shopping trying very hard to not feel stupid and sad for letting Dean leave without telling him she believed he was a ghost hunter. They had shared their I love yous the week before so maybe he hoped that would help when he had to tell her the truth. But it hadn’t. Instead she had panicked; now he was gone though she knew she would always love him. She never meant to buy anything when she went in the jewelry store that day she was only browsing as sad single woman with a broken heart, but when she saw the platinum comfort fit men’s wedding band she wanted it for him. She maxed out her credit card with the hope that someday she would be with Dean while she promised herself she wouldn’t put that ring on anyone else’s finger.
{End Flashback}

She had no idea then the things that would happen before they made it to the altar. There were only a couple of times she wanted to take it back to the store for a refund, but mainly she prayed for things to work out between them. Now both her parents were dead but she was with Dean. What if I had only believed him that day would it have kept my parents alive? Maybe it was all just a twist of fate.
“So how did it go with you and Sam,” Cassie asked as she tried to pull herself from her melancholy state of mind.

“What were you and Missy discussing in the five minutes you spoke with her that would involve…….humm mussing up her hair?”
“Never mind Dean it was innocent,” Sam said with a grin.
“What you think I can’t relate to innocent?”
“No comment, man, now you’re married so chill,” Sam insisted.
“I’m married so I’m boring?”
“You are married so you should think about you wife.”
“Dude, I can’t stop thinking about her,” he said as he smiled to himself.
He still wondered when she had time to buy him a ring. He took it off to read the engraving again; You have my heart, my love, Always, Cas.
“Changing the subject does not answer the question. You liked Missy right?”
“Yea Dean I did; I just met her and I liked her a lot. Silly huh?”
“Hey College Boy, liking someone isn’t rocket science. Just go with it,” Dean advised.

Mary Ann helped Cassie move her things into the cottage behind her house. Cassie was glad she was still friends with most of the people from college. Mary Ann was one of Cassie’s former professors and the editor of the school paper.
“I hope you don’t mind my being here we will pay the rent that’s not a problem.”
“So where is your husband going?”
“He does a lot of traveling as a detective. It’s a small company so he is gone quite a bit. I had planned on going with him this time but with the broken arm it just didn’t happen.
It was kind of last minute we will get our own place.”
“He didn’t break your arm did he?” Mary Ann asked suspiciously.
“No, it was a car accident. Seriously a three year old got behind the wheel of his mom’s car and rolled back into the car I was sitting in half asleep. Crazy huh?”
“Yea, crazy. Well you are welcome as long as you want; doesn’t worry about the rent just take care of yourself. I better not find out that husband of yours is hurting you,” Mary Ann warned as she left.
Cassie sighed just before her cell phone rang. She couldn’t find it in her purse before whoever it was gave up.

\ “Why isn’t she picking up?” Dean said as he started to dial again.
“Hey give her a sec to call you back; she could be in the shower or something.”
Dean closed the phone just before it rang.
“Hi Baby,” she said.
“Hi I can’t talk long my wife is going to call,” Dean teased.
“What a lucky lady,” she said as she attempted to make herself comfortable on the sofa. “I tried to get Sam to come back to get you but you know how stubborn he is.”
“Maybe it’s for the best.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was joking silly; you can give it out but not take it, huh,” she teased.
Dean laughed but his heart had skipped a bit; was she trying to give him a heart attack.
“Sorry. I miss you too much to joke about it,” he said.
“Let’s not talk about that. Mary Ann thinks you broke my arm.” “What?”
“I had to make up a story so she wouldn’t keep asking me where you are.”
“But she thinks I hurt you?”
“No not anymore I explained.”
Dean was quiet.
“You there?” she asked.
“I would never hurt you,” he said as he sighed while running his fingers through his hair before sitting on the bed.
“I know Sweetie, I don’t know why she would think that even for a moment. You know how some people are always assuming the worse.”
“Yea, I do.”
Sam came out of the bathroom.
“So what did Missy say about Sammy?” Dean asked Cassie.
“Never mind Cassie,” Sam said as he grabbed Dean’s phone.
“Missy and I can handle this on our own,” Sam insisted before Dean took the phone back. Cassie laughed, what a couple of clowns.

When they arrived at the hotel to meet John he was in his truck in the parking lot using the phone.
“Took you long enough,” John said sarcastically.
“Well we had things to do Dad, we couldn’t drop Cassie off like so much baggage. She needed to be with her friends until I could get back to her.” Dean said not at all happy.
“The demon is gone now he wasn’t planning on waiting around for you two to decide to show up,” John said as he got out of the truck and put his phone in his pocket.
“You knew the time frame we were dealing with so don’t give us a hard time…. Sir.” Dean said hesitant.
“Pastor Jim is keeping an eye out for them and will contact us, we have other matters to deal with now.”
“Like what?” Sam asked. “Like how does Dean think he is going to hunt and worry about his wife.”
“Look don’t talk about me like I’m not here. I respect you as my father but leave Cassie out of this,” Dean insisted as his temper began to rise to the surface.
John shook his head.
“You know its hard enough being married to someone that you see everyday without adding this long distance element. Then add a few supernatural characters in the mix and your poor wife is never going to get a decent night’s sleep.”
“Don’t Dad really I agree with Dean we should stay out of his personal affairs,” Sam said.
“I don’t need your help with this Sam. Dad and I have discussed this all before he knows where I stand. Can we get to work now?”

It was too late to do anything that night so they got a hotel with two bedrooms. Sam volunteered to sleep on the sofa while John and Dean went to their rooms. After his shower Dean phoned Cassie.
“Hi Sweetie.”
“Hi ,” Dean said glad to hear her sweet voice.
“How did it go with your Dad?”
“I will tell you but first do me a favor and just talk about anything while I listen. I really just want to hear your voice for a few moments.”
Cassie laughed while she told him about her day. But after a few minutes she was quiet.
“Um, Dean let me call you back in a few minutes I have to hang up but I promise to call back,” she said as she ended the call.
Dean was angry then confused and finally he was concerned. When she hadn’t return the call in twenty minutes he went for a walk outside to clear his head. His heart was racing as the adrenaline rushed through out his body. What was wrong? I hate not knowing what is happening. God please keep her safe. I know I don’t deserve my pleadings to be answered but for her. Please.

Over thirty minutes past before she called back. He had already returned to the room.
“Dean I am in Mary Ann’s house now there was a guy looking in my windows in the cottage.”
“What?” “I’m fine I promise, Mary Ann’s husband came to walk me. I also gave a description to the police.”
Dean was quiet. I hate feeling helpless. I would be devastated if she were hurt again.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said with emotion.
“I know what you’re thinking. I will be careful,” she said.
“Promise me you won’t go back to the place by yourself until after they catch the guy, promise,” he insisted.
“I won’t,” she said quietly.
“I hate I wasn’t there for you. I’m a horrible husband,” he insisted.
“You are a wonderful husband, I don’t want anyone else but you. You are loving, kind, understanding, stubborn, a potty mouth and oh …I forgot sexy as hell,” she teased.
Dean smiled, she is in danger and she is making me smile. Why did I leave her behind?
“Well you aren’t too bad yourself…but I don’t like when you get hurt. You’re already in a cast because of me.”
“You weren’t in the car that hit me. Come on Dean it’s not like you to be this way. I’m fine really. Now tell me what your dad said.”

Neither John nor Sam asked why Dean had gone out for a walk the night before. They were all quiet as they ate at the restaurant that next morning. Dean picked at his food but ate very little of it.
“I met Cassie’s best friend, Missy, she seems really nice,” Sam said to break the overbearing silence that lay like a heavy weight on the table.
“That’s good that she has people around her that she is close to,” John replied.
Dean knew that they were just making conversation but he wasn’t sure how to tell them his decision without them making a big deal of it in the restaurant so he just did it. “I’m going back to Ohio to be with Cassie at least for now. It wasn’t right for me to leave her,” he said as Sam’s dropped his fork and John glared at Dean.


Any recognizable Supernatural characters are owned by those that created the show Supernatural.
NO Copyright Infringement is Intended.

Chapter Two

Supernatural Fan Fiction
