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Warning: PG-17 (Adult Situations)

The Decision

It had been three weeks since Dean saw Cassie and he missed her desperately. He and Sam were on the road headed toward Missouri again when the phone rang. Dean picked up without looking at the display.
“Dean, she’s dead; my mom is dead,” Cassie said, her voice broke and he could tell she was holding back tears.
“We’ll come okay; where are you? At home?”
“No, they took me into protective custody; my mom was murdered.”
Dean sat up in the seat.
“What? Who?” he said concern heavy in voice.
“They don’t know,” she added as she sighed.
Dean told Sam what had happened let him know he didn’t have to go; if he wanted to drop him off to take the bus he could pick him up at a later time. Sam insisted he was going with him.
“Dean, its okay to care.”
“Shut up and drive,” he said with a grin.
They arrived at the local police station to pick up Cassie three hours later.

Dean smiled his trademark crooked grin when he saw her, but he almost lost it when he saw how sad she looked. He could tell she had been running her hand through her hair because it was unruly. She went straight into Dean’s arms when she saw him; surprising the policeman, he held her for a moment before he took her hand in his own.
“We can take care of her now,” Dean insisted confidently.
She told them he was her boyfriend so they backed off; the officers let them know the house was considered a crime scene, but she could get some things if she needed to.

At the car Dean just held her and kissed her cheeks as she finally allowed the tears to flow freely. Sam stood by awkwardly for a few minutes after he let Cassie know he was sorry about her mother, she acknowledged his comment with a nod.
“Cas, if you’re in danger we should get in the car so we are not sitting ducks here in the open,” Dean whispered in her ear.
She nodded licking her lips as they got in the car. Dean drove and Sam got in the back for the first time.

At the hotel they got adjoining rooms after making sure the hotel had only one entrance and exit. Sam and Dean sat as they waited for Cassie to tell them what happened. She was across from them on the bed with her knees up and her arms wrapped around them. Dean couldn’t take it he went toward her but she stopped him.
“If it’s too hard we can talk later,” Sam offered.
“I’m good, but thank you,” she said trying to be strong.
She’d arrived home and saw through the window that her mother lay at the bottom of the stairs. She ran inside to check on her; when she didn’t respond to her shaking, Cassie dialed 911. The operator told her to get out of the house, just in case, so she cautiously went to her car and waited for the police and ambulance. After she told them her story they let her rest while they went to the adjoining room.
“I’ll be back in a bit, okay,” Dean said kissing her cheek while he put a blanket over her.
“Thanks,” she replied emotional.

“What if it’s the same truck? There would be no evidence.” Sam said as soon as they walked in the other room.
“You said you thought it worked, but, we weren’t positive; it would be our fault for leaving so soon,” Dean said.
“No, we do the best we can; don’t use this as a reason to hide your feelings for Cassie,” Sam said.
“Hey, don’t go all psych 101 on me,” he said.
Sam didn’t smile, as he headed for the shower.
“Take care of Cassie; we can investigate in the morning.”

Once he was in the room he watched her for a few minutes before sitting beside her on the bed. He kissed her forehead and she opened her eyes.
“How do you feel about a shower?” he asked as she sat up and smiled at him.
Sam knocked on the door a while later and wasn't surprised too hear the shower running and them both missing from the room but their clothes were on the bed. He grinned to himself and went to do some internet surfing.

When they were comfortable in bed Dean decided it was time for the discussion. She was lying in his arms looking at him; making it very hard for him to think.
“Earlier at the station, you called me your boyfriend.”
“I’m sorry it was easier than explaining.”
“Don’t be sorry; what I’m trying to say is I want to be your future the way you hoped.”
“Don’t be difficult,” he said leaning on his elbow which some how made him feel more confident about explaining.
“How am I difficult; when did you send the memo entitled I want to be yours?”
“When I left you three weeks ago, I thought you understood how I cared for you.”
Cassie took a deep breath and set up against the headboard with her lips pursed.
A thousand things with through her mind as she looked into his beautiful eyes while he waited for a response. God ,I love him and I want to be easier to deal with. Her eyes filled with tears surprising them both. Dean pulled her into his arms as she cleared her throat and swallowed back the tears.
“Maybe we should talk about this tomorrow,” he said concerned she was thinking about her mom the way thoughts of his mother came back to him at the oddest times. I don’t want to blow it again, I don't want to take that chance.
“No, its okay so you haven’t been with anyone else?”
No, I haven’t gotten over you.
“No, we’re pretty busy; besides you have to know I’m crazy about you,” he said running his finger over her lips and down her chin.
She pressed her lips against his; he eagerly responded sliding his tongue into her mouth as he sighed with satisfaction; the kiss was a prelude to them making love.

The next morning Sam had already gone to check out some things around town while Dean lay watching Cassie sleep. He had the urge to touch her but he didn’t want to awaken her; he moved while he considered what to do and she opened her eyes.
“I wasn’t sleep; just enjoying the moment,” she said grinning up at him.
He smiled as he leaned down to kiss her, “How much longer can we get away with being in bed?” he asked.
She leaned over him to look at her cell for the time pressing her soft skin against his chest, This is crazy we have to leave this room, take a deep breath think of something else. It was almost ten, already.
“We should get up,” she said trying to be responsible when she wanted to stay in bed with him all day.
Sam knocked on the door, then walked in without waiting for a response. Cassie pulled the sheet around her.
“Sorry, several people around town wondered what happened to you since they know you left with us,” he said.
“Small towns,” Cassie said with a smirk.
“We’re getting dressed; we will be out shortly,” Dean said dismissing Sam.
“Okay,” Sam replied as he shut the door soundly.
“Don’t treat him like a child,” Cassie said getting out of the bed.
“I didn’t mean to,” Dean mumbled as he dressed.

He sat on the edge of the bed watching her dress; when she was done she stood in front him biting her lips.
“Stop that,” he said as he stood to embrace her.
“See sometimes we say things without thinking; I know I don’t have the right to tell you what to do, no one does.”
“It just happens, I see your point there is no reason for us to argue about everything,” he replied with a smile.
“Cas, will you think about coming with Sam and I after all this is settled?”
“You mean the ghost hunting? I don’t know it sounds dangerous, but I do want to be with you.”
“Please think about it, I know it’s not a normal life but I want you with me. Besides once we find what we are looking for we will settle down like regular people and have stories to tell for years,” he said trying to convince her.
She put her arms around his neck and kissed him.
“I’ll consider it seriously.”
Dean didn’t want to consider the alternative.

They went to the medical examiner to find for certain what killed Cassie’s mother. Once they were there she hesitated to go in, but decided she needed to get pass this to move on. The examiner told them they found a needle mark in her neck but whatever it was used for is no longer in her system. “That is a sign someone wanted to give her a heart attack,” Cassie said as they went out.
“Which is a good sign that you are in more danger than we first suspected; but who would want to kill your mother?” Sam asked.
“Maybe the same family that had my dad killed.”
Dean was quiet. I just want to get Cassie out of this town alive now that she knows how I feel.
“What do you think?” she asked looking at Dean as they got in the car.
“Too many people are dying over this; maybe there is an angle we missed. We may need to search your mom’s room and study at least,” Dean said.

At the funeral home Cassie chose an urn and they were done in under a half hour. Dean held her hand as they walked out; he could tell she was hurting again. They drove by the house and saw that the police tape was gone so they parked in front.
“Try not to say too much around the officers since we really don’t know who to trust at this point,” he said to Cassie.
When they approached the porch an officer stopped them but saw Cassie was with them so he let them pass. The policeman told them someone had broken in and made a mess of the study but nothing else was touched from what they could tell. Cassie put her hand over her mouth to keep from losing it. Dean guided her in the door and thanked the officer. Now it made sense that the police department had called and wanted her to come by later; just in case she didn’t stop at the house.
“You okay,” he asked her.
“I’m glad we decided not to come back her last night,” she said looking at him.
They went to the kitchen to get her some water before tackling the study; Dean stayed with her while Sam got started.

A while later in her bedroom she put some things in an overnight bag but left room for any papers they might need to take with them. Looking around her room, if I go with Dean I won’t need all these clothes. He stepped in the room behind her and wrapped his arms around her without saying a word; she knew it was him his smell was unmistakable a spicy sweet aroma that always tickled her nose.
“Find anything?’ she asked facing him.
He moved a stray tendril of her hair behind her ear.
“Not yet, I just came to see if you were lost in the land of two closets,” he said teasing her.
“Actually I’m ready,” she said grabbing some condoms out of her drawer.
He laughed as she tried to hide them in the side pocket of the bag.
“It’s too late to be shy about that,” he said as they shut her door.
She couldn’t help grinning.

There seemed to be a casserole on all the surfaces in the kitchen. They put what they could in the fridge and left the others out with a note to the officers to please take them home so they wouldn’t ruin. She was moved that so many people cared she was dealing with that feeling as she wandered into the front room and saw her aunt talking to the cop.
“Hey Aunt Naomi,” she said hugging the older woman who was her father’s sister who lived in a neighboring town.
She introduced Sam and Dean as her boyfriend and his brother. Dean smiled and gave into to Naomi’s hug of Sam settled for a handshake. They took Cassie’s bag with them to the study while she visited with her aunt.

“So how are you?”
“Well as can be expected; Mom wanted to be cremated so that has been taken care of, I will have a small memorial service in a couple of days. She could tell her aunt didn’t approve but she didn’t say anything. After visiting for a while Naomi let her know she should feel free to come by whenever she wanted. Cassie thanked her and she was on her way.

Cassie stopped by the study to check on their progress and saw them going through a file cabinet so she let them know she was thinking she may need another bag.
“Be careful; remember what we found out,” Dean said as he gave her a concerned look. She nodded as she promised to be quick and careful.

A half hour after Cassie left she still hadn’t returned. Sam noticed first since Dean was distracted looking through old photo albums, something he had picked up out of the mess on the floor.
“Shouldn’t she be back?” Sam asked.
Dean looked at his watch.
“Yea, she should it will be getting dark pretty soon and we should go,” he said as he noticed a folder with blueprints on the desk.
“I’m going to go get her,” Sam said leaving the room without looking back.
Dean opened the folder and noticed there were three sets of blueprints. He only recognized one as having the same design as the present house; even though they all had the same address on them.
Sam came back about ten minutes later.
“Dean, Cassie is missing.”

To Be Continued….


The Decision Part Two

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