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Rating: PG-16 (language, violence)

The Curse
Part Four

Cassie woke up to Jessica’s crying but when she looked at the bedside clock she realized that they had only just gone to bed thirty minutes before after feeding her. She reached to pick up the baby then saw Dean’s double on the other side of Jessica. She grabbed the baby as she glared at the thing.
“What the hell? Get out of my house,” she said trying to get past anger to calm like Dean had suggested. “Oh don’t be mad I’m just watching you two beautiful girls sleep,” he mimicked.
“You son of a B----,” she said calmer now.
“You know Cassie, becoming a Winchester just made your life harder; your poor baby is marked for death already.”
“LEAVE NOW,” she insisted loudly but calmly.
He looked at her once more as he faded away.
Jessica stopped crying when he was gone; Cassie just kissed the baby’s head as she held her against her chest.
“It’s okay; you are going to be fine; your daddy will take care of all this.”

Joshua drove them to the back side a park with plenty of trees, once Sam dragged Meg out of the truck they tied her to a tree using some of Joshua’s rope he kept in the back of the truck for camping. Meg didn’t try to break free she just watched them as they huddled together to talk. When they were done they faced her. “So what is the plan? What do you really want?” Joshua asked as he took the tape off her mouth with as much roughness as possible.
“All of your children will die when they turn five,” she said with a smile.
“What?” Joshua said before he slapped her soundly on the cheek.
“Hold up,” Dean said.
“You mean because of a curse?” Sam asked.
Meg nodded.

“But what do you really want?” Dean asked in frustration as he stood in front of her needing to know what could be done so this horrible death sentence wouldn’t be carried out on his sweet Jessica.
“You idiots, we knew no one would be able to stop you from mating,” she spat out.
“Mating? You talk like we’re animals,” Sam said as he took his turn at slapping her.
He was furious for his lost love, just the thought that his brothers might lose their precious children made him livid. Dean pulled him back before he hit her again he knew Sam was frustrated he and Meg had been almost friends once.
“Hold on,” he said facing Meg again.

“What purpose does it serve to kill them? Is it still revenge for what our Mom didn’t do?”
Meg laughed despite her bloody lip.
“Kind of an anti circle of life, huh?” she replied as she mocked them.
Sam knew there had to be a way out of this mess. Maybe Dad could lead them in the right direction Meg was only creating fear, fear that would bring it all crashing around them if they gave in to it. Dean knew they had to get her out of the park before someone saw them with her and reported it; he told Sam and Joshua they should go since they had all the answers she was going to give them.

Back in the truck no one spoke. As much as they didn’t want to let her go they felt helpless because she really wasn’t the key to what they needed to get rid of the curse. They took her back because Lawrence was such a small town three men with a woman would draw quit a bit of attention, especially if she played the helpless female card. Sam suggested they leave her in the park but he was pretty pissed off.
“I’m thinking a dark road might do the trick,” Dean said.
“My thoughts exactly,” Joshua chimed in, Sam watched her out of the window she just seemed to damn calm for him.
They let her out on a long stretch of highway with the hope of buying time to go back to check on John.

Meg’s car was gone when they got to the industrial park but they assumed her male friend had gotten free and taken it. Sam stayed with the truck this time so they reminded Joshua the double smelled of sulfur just in case he showed up but he could look like anyone. Just before Joshua and Dean got to the door Sam’s head started to hurt and he had a vision. He ran to stop them from going behind the building, they heard him coming and they turned to face him just as the building exploded. They were all thrown into the parking lot. Fortunately, they only had scrapes and bruises. Joshua’s truck looked awful.
“Well, at least we have each other,” Joshua said trying to laugh after seeing his precious truck.
“Sorry man,” Dean said as he helped Sam up.
“I came as soon as I saw it but it just wasn’t good enough. If the visions are supposed to help I wish they would give me some type of notice.”
“Hey you were distracted earlier maybe you just didn’t register it, nothing we can do now except get out of here before the cops come.” Dean said as Joshua checked to see if the truck would still run since they needed to get it out of there.
“Looks like it just exterior damage, let’s go,” Joshua said.

Back at his house Joshua knew Sharon couldn’t see them in their condition so he drove the truck in to the garage and cleaned himself up the best he could pulling his cap down further over his head. He told them to wait while he got some bandages and checked on what his wife was up to.
“You’re back?” She said as he walked in through the kitchen.
“Yea, what’s up?”
“Where are your friends?”
“They’re my brothers and we are checking out some things in the garage; I need to go to the restroom though,” he added hoping she didn’t follow him to keep talking.
He kept his shirt outside his pants and stuffed his pocket with hydrocortisone, band aids, cleaning wipes in little packets and he tried to look normal as he passed Sharon who was watching television in the living room.

“Wow, look at Joshua’s truck?” Dean said as he felt sorry for his brother he knew how he would feel if his car looked banged up like the truck did now.
“Yea, what is he going to do with the truck overnight?” Sam wondered as he looked at the other two vehicles. There was a grey SUV as well as a navy blue Mercedes in the three car garage.
“Hopefully he leaves before her in the morning; I wouldn’t like to explain this to Sharon.
So what was the deal earlier when I got hit in the head?” Dean asked Sam.
“I think that the double needs to take your place to keep an eye on Jessica,” Sam said.
“It’s so weird when he told Cassie, Jessica was special we assumed it was for good. Funny how a different viewpoint can change things so drastically,” Dean said.
“But now we know she is special all the way round,” Sam replied as he patted Dean on the shoulder.
“I knew that already,” Dean laughed as he thought of his little girl.

Sharon stopped Joshua before he could get back out to the garage.
“Are they staying the night?”
“No, they have a hotel room already.”
“Well they can if they want I made up the guestrooms,” she offered in an attempt to be nice even though she never actually looked at him.
Joshua was taken back.
“Thanks for doing that,” he said as he went out the door shaking his head.
Dean laughed when Joshua told them Sharon hadn’t done anything for him in the last three months.
“And I mean absolutely nothing,” Joshua said with emphasizes.
“You didn’t smell in sulfur did you?” Sam asked just to make sure of who they were dealing with.
Joshua laughed before he whispered, “It’s her she wants something I’m sure that’s all it is.”
Joshua told them he would meet them for lunch the next afternoon to plan their next move. Dean and Sam felt sorry for him, he had to figure out how to explain the truck damage plus deal with his unhappy wife.
“I wouldn’t want to be him tonight,” Dean said on the way to the car.
“Me either dealing with Sharon has got to be a pill,” Sam said as they drove off.

Sharon was in the kitchen when Joshua came in the back door. She saw the scratches on his forehead right away this time.
“What happen to you?”
“Just a little incident with the truck,” he lied trying to tie it all into one explanation.
Sharon headed toward the back door to take a look. She came back to look at Joshua again.
“I can’t see how they two connect,” she stated but didn’t care enough to ask for clarification.
She went down the hall without looking at Joshua again. After Joshua cleaned himself up and showered he slept in one of the guest bedrooms so he wouldn’t have to deal with her staring at him. Sharon checked on the kids before sliding under the cold silk sheets. Maybe I should be more understanding, he did what he thought was best. Joshua worried about his Dad as he tried to piece together the things his brothers had told him. So much had happened in one day though he eventually drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Joshua woke up because he felt a weight on him. He opened his eyes to find Sharon lying on top of him. She looked at him for a moment.
“We should talk.”
“He looked at the clock.
“It’s three in the morning. You had all night to talk to me. You didn’t even care that I had an accident,” he said frustrated while trying to not be attracted to the woman he loved but that seem to hate him so much.
She got in bed beside him despite his staring at her like she was a stranger.
"If I said I was sorry would it help?"
He kept staring though his body was starting to respond to her. Her hair was disheveled and she was naked beside him.
“I don’t know.”
She ran her finger down his chiseled jaw line. He sighed. I wanted this for months, why now?
“I don’t think sex will fix what’s wrong with us,” he insisted still fighting with himself.
She put her lips against his but he refused to respond.
“No, you’ve been down right evil to me for months now you expect me to make love with you just because you decide?”
“Yes,” she said before he gave in as she kissed him again.
This can’t be right, but it’s been so damn long.

The next morning Joshua woke up in the bed alone. He wondered if he had dreamed that Sharon came to his bed and they’d made love. He lay back for a minute to think about it but still wasn’t sure. Then he smelled bacon. Bacon was a sign that she had been in his bed. She only made it when she was in a good mood. In the last three months she hadn’t cooked breakfast. He got dressed with a smile on his face, though the realization hit him that they hadn’t discussed their problems yet.

Sharon was all smiles in the kitchen even though it was barely six a.m. Bethany was in her chair while Jon Jon was at the table eating his favorite cereal.
“Good morning,” Sharon said as Joshua nodded her way hesitant to get to caught up in this change of heart she seemed to be experiencing.
As he sat down to eat she brought his juice and even kissed his forehead. Joshua really wasn’t convinced this was real but he was polite. I will get to the bottom of this.

Joshua met Dean and Sam at Buffalo Bobs Smokehouse; Dean was happy they served barbecue since he had wanted some for quite sometime. After they had their meals with plenty of napkins, Joshua told them about Sharon.
“Good for you bro,” Dean said wiping his mouth as he talked and chewed.
“Maybe she’s coming around,” Sam said.
“I don’t think so; I still think something’s up,” Joshua said.
Dean thought Joshua knew Sharon well enough to know when she was playing him so he let the subject drop.
“So we should head back over to the industrial park tonight so see if we can get in again,” Sam said ready to get things in motion.
Dean and Joshua agreed. They would meet at Joshua’s at sundown. He let them know the truck should be repaired by then; he was driving the SUV today.
“Bethany said hi Dean,” Joshua added with a smile.
“What about me?” Sam asked pretending to be upset he was left out.
“Tell Bethany she is a woman of excellent taste,” Dean teased Sam as he pursed his lips at him.
Joshua laughed at the two of them as he tried to keep the barbecue off his nice shirt.

The industrial park was busy that night there was a crew picking up debris from the explosion. It was easy for them to blend in as they stooped every now and then to pick up pieces of the building. A volunteer came behind them to give them a bag to put the pieces in. The part of the building they needed to enter was still standing so they went right in. There was a stairwell inside the door that led down so they took it. When they were on the next level they saw about ten doors; five on each side. Splitting up they checked each one finding they were all empty rooms. At the end of the hallway they saw another stairwell and repeated the procedure until they found John in the end room. Dean could see his face but he seemed to be having hard time breathing. He was surprised no one was watching over him maybe the motley crew outside was the reason.
“Dad? It’s me Dean.”
Sam came in the room dimly lit dusty room behind him followed closely by Joshua who stayed at the door to watch out. They helped John to a chair.
“Dad we can help you on the stairs but there are a lot of people around can you walk at all?” Sam asked.
John nodded as he tried to pull himself together he coughed. Joshua shook his head as he went over to help them.
“We should get out of here,” Dean said as he motioned for Joshua to open the door as he and Sam supported John’s weight.

The coast was clear as they made it to the stairs; John was glad the stairs weren’t metal but were actual solid concrete. They were doing fine until they reached the final level when they heard voices coming toward them. They hid in the nearest room until the voices past. John was wheezing so they had to get him out and to a hospital.
“Dad, we are almost there,” Joshua said.
They sped up their progress once they were out in the hall this time. Dean was worried about what all the volunteers outside were going to say when they saw them. Sam’s face showed he was thinking the same thing. Once they were outside they saw everyone had gone they were relieved as they guided him over to the truck.

Later, at the hospital they found out John didn’t have pneumonia this time but he did have a sinus infection that could have gone bad if he had not received treatment. Joshua was sitting beside John’s bed when Sam and Dean went in.
“I wish I could say we were safe; but we really all shouldn’t be in the same place,” John said with tears in his eyes.
“Dad, we have to know how to get rid of this curse, I assume it has something to do with what we’ve been hunting, right?” Sam said.
John nodded, “I’ve told you everything I know, and I assume you updated Joshua.”
“I know most everything from Missouri,” Joshua said. “I’m sorry,” John said to his eldest.
“So what next? Where do we get the answers? Jon Jon will be five in less than four months, Dad,” Joshua insisted.
John was aware of all his grandchildren’s birthdays; he thought of each one and how they could die most every day of his life.
“You will have to research the Coven your Mom was in each one has different rituals, sacrifices etc… It’s the Rising Moon Coven in Kansas City. There group is overseen by that thing that keeps changing into Dean.” John said as he looked at his middle child. He asked about Jessica so Dean revealed the latest news.

He leaned back to close his eyes as all of his sons looked at him. If he weren’t sick Dean would have screamed at him for giving them information in drabbles. All of this could have been revealed at one sitting, unless he was just figuring things out himself. Dean didn’t believe that; maybe I’m just angry because I want to be home with my girls.
“I wish saying I’m sorry about all this would help, but getting rid of the curse is the first step to all of this being over.”
“You rest, Dad,” Sam said as they all went in the hall. “So you’ll stay up and research while I get my beauty sleep,” Dean said.
Joshua laughed.
“I suggest we all research at my house. I have two computers and the more heads involved the sooner we can get this done,” he said.
“Uh, where is Sharon tonight?” Sam asked.
“Out with some friends.”
“What do you mean out? Just like that she leaves the kids to go out?” Dean asked.
“It’s okay its only once a month; its book club or something,” Joshua laughed.
“Doesn’t Cassie go out with Missy to hang out?”
“Yea, I love watching Jessica,” Dean beamed.
Dean explained that he imagined Sharon being out on the town with her buds just having a good time.
“Remember we talked about you and your imagination; Reel it in okay,” Sam grinned as Dean smacked him on the head.
Joshua could only laugh at the two of them.

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