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Rating: PG-16

The Curse
Part Three

It was Joshua’s night to cook dinner since his wife worked late on Thursdays. Jon Jon went to his room to play while he waited to eat. Joshua thanked the sitter who watched his two year old, Bethany, before he went to check the recorder. He pushed the button as he got things ready in the kitchen. Then he heard Missouri’s voice.
“Joshua if you see Dean tell him his wife really needs to talk with him. They’re looking for you so I gave them your address,” she said before hanging up.
Joshua smiled to himself but hoped Dean’s wife was a more generous person then his Sharon.

Sharon didn’t like Kansas, she liked the life they had experienced in Chicago. They moved to Kansas for Joshua to take an executive’s position at a computer company and she had been angry with him ever since even though she had a job she loved as an English teacher. She was distant, cold, and rude to him. They had been considering divorce ever since the move. Joshua began to get concerned about his brothers when there was a knock on the door.
“Sorry about not calling first Missouri gave us the address,” Dean said.
“No problem come in,” Joshua said as Sam tried not to stare.
He looks just like Mom’s pictures.

“Hey I made some chili if you’re hungry grab a chair and I’ll get you some bowls.”
Sam noticed the quiet little boy at the table eating.
“Hi, I’m Sam,” he said to Jon Jon as he smiled showing two missing teeth in the front.
“Jon Jon these are you uncles,” Joshua said as he pointed to Sam and Dean.
The four year old nodded as he went back to eating.
“He is shy around new people,” Joshua said ruffling his son’s cropped brown hair.
Jon Jon looked up at him with his intelligent brown eyes to ask permission to go play while Joshua nodded to him.

They guys were almost done with the chili when Joshua remembered to tell Dean to call Cassie. Dean went out to the car to get his phone but someone hit him in the head before he reached the Impala. Dean’s double walked in the door a moment later but Sam knew he wasn’t Dean. He grabbed him by the neck and pushed the thing against the door.
“Where is my brother?” he asked as he could smell the slight sent of sulfur he remembered from his encounter with him earlier.
Then the double disappeared in front of their eyes. Joshua had to sit down as Sam went in search of Dean. He found him as he was getting up off the ground. After he stood up he put his hand to the back of his head where it hurt.
“You okay?” Sam asked as he reached in to grab Dean’s phone from the seat. He noticed Cassie had phoned four times.
Dean knew something had to be up for her to phone at all especially more than once.

Sam explained it all to Joshua while Dean went to make the call with an ice pack on his head.
“Cas, what’s up?”
She told him the situation with Jessica and he let her know he was alright but that he believed the baby was reacting to the evil he had been faced with.
“Great, well at least you are working on getting your father out right?”
“Yea, we think Joshua will help us.”
“I’m glad at least I have an idea now what’s going on with her.”
He told her about his dreams then she reciprocated with the telling of her own dreams about his double lying in bed watching them as they slept.
“It’s so creepy,” she finished.
Dean shook his head, will this ever end?
“I love you so much; but maybe you should get out while you still can,” he said sadly.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easy, I’m not going anywhere. Just tell me how to fight this I hate feeling helpless,” she said without a moments hesitation.
Dean smiled that was his stubborn wife; the love of his life. He explained to her how Sam had overcome the double earlier. He knew she could take care of her and the baby because determination was something she had in abundance.
“Thank you,” he said simply.
“Don’t thank me just get back to us in one piece.”
He told her briefly about Joshua, and then he heard someone else’s voice.
“Try to keep her calm okay. I love you,” he said as they hung up.

“You didn’t tell me your sons had gifts,” The double said to John as he hit him again.
They were in an old office underground the floors were concrete so there was a constant coolness in the air. Even though he was wrapped in a blanket he was still beginning to feel a soreness in his throat again.
“You didn’t ask,” John said trying not to smile through his pain.
“I don’t like to go into a situation blind,” he said as he allowed John to roll up in a ball in the corner of the room while he paced. John was proud that Sam had begun to practice using his gift; he hoped it would help them get him out of there. He knew from Missouri that Joshua used to read minds as a child but had never, as far as he knew, practiced it since then. He wasn’t proud of himself for keeping the brothers apart. He always knew the time would come when they would have to come together for a cause; it was something he had half dreaded half longed for. The double hit him once more before it disappeared through the wall.

Sharon glared at Joshua, Dean and Sam like they were aliens as she stood by the door. She was five nine with brown hair and eyes; dressed in black slacks with matching black shirt she wasn’t who Dean expected outgoing Joshua to be married to. She had fire in her eyes as she walked down the hall with barely a word to Joshua despite the fact he introduced them to her.
“Sorry, she hates me,” Joshua said with little emotion.
“Sorry man,” Sam said.
Then Bethany, Joshua’s two year old, floated in the room looking like a fairy. She had milky white skin and flyaway blonde hair with her daddy’s blue eyes.
“Hey angel,” Joshua said as he picked her up and kissed her cheek.
“Hi Daddy,” she replied hugging him then she looked at Dean and Sam.
“This is Bethany, my angel, she likes me,” he said smiling at her as she watched Dean.
“These are your uncles, Dean and Sam.”
“Hello,” she said still looking at Dean.

Joshua put her down as she requested and she went to her play table to seat down.
“What a cutie,” Sam said.
“She seems sweet,” Dean began with a knowing look at Joshua.
“She is special and smart beyond her years,” he emphasized.
A few minutes later she handed him a drawing.
He looked at her strangely as he raised his eyebrow.
“What?” Dean said as he and Sam gathered around to look at a drawing they assumed would be crude at best.
“What the?” Dean exclaimed.
“Grandpa,” Bethany said looking right at Dean but pointing to the drawing.

Joshua motioned for them to have a seat after he hugged Bethany and she went skipping back down the hall to her room. He told him about his abilities that he never developed but when he found out about Bethany he started to study it again. That’s why he kept her at home with a sitter instead of her going to daycare even though his wife didn’t understand. Her drawing talents were an additional gift that he thought helped her because she didn’t know how to express some things.
“When I was younger it drove me crazy, there was too much stimulation in groups but Missouri helped me back then to learn to tune it out. When I was in the army they sent me to the Psych ward because it was too overwhelming hearing everyone’s thoughts.”
“So you are still investigating it, right?” Sam said.
“A lot of it has to do with controlling your environment, something that can be hard when you’re young.”
“So everyone has a gift but me, even Jessica,” Dean laughed.
“You have training that I don’t have that compensates for that,” Sam said as Dean looked at him.
“Hey, I’m cool with it. I got the brawn and the looks,” Joshua and Sam laughed with him this time.

“Jessica?” Sam asked.
Dean told them about what was happening at home.
Joshua sighed. Mom was either in really deep or there were still more revelations to come. They decided to go find the warehouse that Bethany had drawn.
“Hey I think I know were this could be,” Joshua said as he pointed at her drawing.
“That was amazing,” Sam said as he looked at the sketch again.
It was drawn with a pencil but there was an extreme amount of detail.
“So she was reading one of our minds?” Dean asked.
“She was staring at you from the time she came in the room; what were you thinking?” Joshua asked.
Dean was concerned about Dad as he wondered where he might be or if he was even in Lawrence.

Joshua went to tell Sharon they were leaving for a while. He came back wearing a black knit cap, black jacket with some jeans.
“Ready?” he asked as they stared at the cap.
“The blonde hair tends to draw attention,” he said with a laugh.
They rode in Joshua’s black Toyota Tacoma truck. Dean loved its roominess so Sam let him ride in the front. As soon as he got in he reached to change the radio station but Joshua stopped him.
“Driver picks,” he said with a smile.
Sam laughed at Dean’s surprised look.
“Hey he sounds like you, now who can shut their cakehole?” Sam asked teasing him.
Joshua looked from one brother to the other before he broke out into a smile too.

“So how does your wife feel about you being on the road so much?” Joshua asked Dean.
“She hates it but puts up with me because she is her own independent person something that I’m thankful for.
I couldn’t have a clingy wife,” he said.
“Sounds like she’s perfect for you. I used to think Sharon was my soul mate but she has never learned to accept a lot of my strangeness over the years. She hates Kansas and I would divorce her if I thought I could get the kids,” he said bluntly.
“That’s too bad maybe at some point you can work it out or at least have an amiable divorce,” Sam said still getting used to Joshua’s resemblance to Mary.

They turned into the industrial park just as the sun went down. They saw the building on the drawing right away.
“There it is,” Dean said still surprised Bethany drew the drawing.
It was actually a small metal building in front but behind it there was a building made of aluminum type material that was the size of a football field. They parked a distance from the building to watch it. After about twenty minutes Meg showed up with a guy, tall with dark hair, who was just a bit taller than her. They tapped on the door twice and someone opened it so they could go inside. Dean and Sam looked at one another then decided Joshua needed to know about her.
“So she isn’t a demon but controls them?”
“Yea, but that rarely works out it seems in all the movies I’ve seen those that are controlled usually end up being the controllers.” Dean said.
“She is deceived but she won’t let us help her so we have to treat her as the enemy,” Sam said sad that the potential she had seen in Meg early on was no longer there. She was clearly the enemy.

Once Meg and her friend left they became uneasy because they believed she might have seen them despite the fact that they weren’t in the Impala. They watched her leave then waited an additional half hour before Dean and Sam decided to check out what was in the building. Sam kept watch as Dean used his picks to get the door open. Sam had looked in the window so he believed the office to be empty. But who had opened the door for Meg? They went inside slowly then shut the door. Joshua saw them go in as he took in his surroundings. His martial arts training would come in handy he could feel that in his bones.

Joshua looked up at his side mirror and saw Meg as she walked his way. Things are closer than they appear. He opened the door knocking Meg to the ground at the same time he kicked backward hitting her male pal in the groin. He grabbed her up off the ground throwing her against the truck as he pulled her hands behind her. She was momentarily stunned. This is weird I never hit a woman before. He kicked her friend again as he tried to get up. He duct taped her wrist before he wrapped the tape around her mouth while she silently glared at him Maybe if she can’t utter the chant it won’t work hopefully thinking it doesn’t do the trick. She continued to stare at him as her blue eyes darkened. He kicked her friend again as he saw out of his peripheral vision he was trying to get up again. He dragged Meg around to the back of the truck pulled down the back and pushed her inside. Then he taped up her friend but left him on the ground.

Dean and Sam were surprised to see Joshua’s collection of people.
“Nice job, Bro,” Dean said as Sam got in the back of the truck with Meg to watch her.
“Where we headed?” Dean asked after he told Joshua they didn’t find anything but believed there might be another way to get under the larger building.
“It’s on the back side; but Dad’s isn’t in immediate danger,” Joshua said as he backed out and made a u-turn to leave the parking lot.
Dean smiled but mind reading wasn’t his favorite gift to have to deal with; simply because his thoughts tended to roam toward his wife and her naked body at unexpected times.
“Warn me when you are going to do that,” Dean said with a smile to Joshua who knew the whole thing was a bit disconcerting because he still wasn’t used to it.

The Curse Part Four**Coming Soon**

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