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Rating: PG-16 (Adult Situations, Language)

A/N--Just for Lyndsey I coded two sections in one day, hope you enjoy it. :)

The Curse
Part Two

“Dean?” Cassie said momentarily panicked.
“No, need to worry about Jessica.”
Sam and Missy shook their heads.
“God, no way,” Sam said hugging Cassie and the baby together.
Dean replaced Sam after a few minutes.
“We’ll take care of this and all of us will be fine,” Dean insisted kissing the baby’s head.
“And we’re going to get Dad back too,” Sam added.

Sam and Dean decided they needed to brainstorm but they wanted Jessica with them for inspiration. Dean sat in the chair while Sam warmed the bottle. Missy and Cassie tried not to laugh though Sam knew what to do. Sam checked the milk temperature on his wrist; while Dean insisted he would have to do it also to make sure.
“Cassie, tell Dean I know what I’m doing.”
Cassie told Dean to be nice to his brother.
“No arguing around my baby in there,” Cassie said with a grin.
She felt better when Dean actually began to feed the baby; she and Missy sat down to chat.

“So, Dean how long did they give us?”
“They didn’t because you know who the really want,” Dean said in a whisper as he looked down at his innocent child.
Jessica seemed to be watching Dean as she drank her milk. It hurt him to think someone wanted his baby girl dead but he refused to dwell on it. They figured out by simple deduction that John really didn’t know that the shape shifter was the doppelganger. There must have been spies for them to suddenly want to sacrifice John after all these years.
“Probably Meg, though I haven’t seen her around, it doesn’t mean she wasn’t here,” Sam said.
“So our sacrifice dreams were just giving us hints to what we needed to know?” Dean asked.
“Looks like it; I think that finding our older brother is our first step, we should contact Missouri I bet she knows something about this,” Sam said.

“I was thinking the same thing except what if he is leading a regular life?”
“Okay, if Dad needed a transplant he would expect us to contact him right?” Sam said.
Dean agreed not knowing your real family would be strange. Of course, they were being selfish too; they really wanted to meet him.
“Dean, she looks like she doesn’t feel well you may want to burp her,” Sam suggested.
Dean asked Sam to get him a diaper so he could protect his shirt.
“Not words I ever expected to hear from you,” Sam said laughing on the way to do what Dean asked.
“You want to hurry with that?” Dean said.

Everyone needed rest before Sam and Dean took off the next day so they all headed to bed. Jessica was still wide awake so Cassie placed her on Dean’s chest as they lay down to talk. She was totally relaxed as she lay on her Daddy's tummy sucking her fist as she looked at Cassie who lay down beside Dean. When he spoke Jessica tried to look up to see him but she became frustrated so she poked out her bottom lip while she made dissatisfied noises.
“Looks like we have a pouter,” Dean smiled as he turned her so she could look at him, now she had her upper body on his chest so she could lay her head down to look toward him and she was on her knees like she could crawl away at any moment. Cassie laughed.
“Yea, I expected you would be the one to spoil her by responding to her every demand,” Cassie laughed as she leaned up to kiss him.
“That’s what Daddy’s do for their little girls,” he said as he kissed Jessica’s forehead.

They quietly enjoyed a time of silence as they relaxed together for a few minutes before the inevitable discussion.
“Cas, I hate that we’ve been put in this situation where we have to leave so soon. I had hoped to stay around at least until Jessica was six months,” he said as he absentmindedly stroked the baby’s hair.
“I know, Baby, but hopefully when this is over it could be the end of the whole hunting thing, right?”
“That would be awesome; but I hadn’t even dared think about that yet. It’s all happening so fast, plus now that Dad and Jessica are both in danger we don’t have any time to lose,” he added hesitant to see Cassie's reaction.
She just watched the baby with a sad look on her face for a moment.
"Were we wrong for having her? Though I can’t imagine our lives without her now; do you think we were selfish?" she asked with tears running down her face. He shook his head as he ran his hand over Cassie’s face wiping at her tears.
“No,we did the right thing, Cas, I know we did,” he said without any hesitation.
“Your words were I would rather our baby experience one day of life on earth than to die without ever experiencing that gift; I believe that too,” Dean added with sincerity.
Cassie was touched that he recalled her words that as she leaned up to kiss him again he tasted her tears. Jessica tried hard to keep an eye on the two of them but fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The next morning leaving the women behind was a little harder than they had expected. Sam and Missy made the inevitable mistake of going to the car first to say goodbye leaving the happy couple alone in the house.
“Well, I’m not going in to see what’s taking so long,” Sam said as he kissed Missy again.
Missy laughed as they took advantage of what time they had left.
After about five more minutes, which made a total of around a half hour, Cassie came out carrying Jessica while Dean brought up the rear carrying supplies that Sam had forgotten.
“Thanks,” Sam said knowing he would hear about it since he thought he had everything packed.
Dean nodded at him a sure sign the incident would be something Dean would hold over his head.

That first night Dean had a horrible dream and woke up screaming with sweat dripping from his body while he was tangled up in the sheets.
“NO,” he yelled just as Sam was deciding if he should wake him, he woke himself.
He looked around wildly.
“You’re okay, it was a dream.”
Dean just looked at him for a moment.
“Damn I hate this, dreams seem so real,” he said.
“At least they aren’t visions,” Sam said as he went back to researching.
“That’s all you can say? Even dreams have meaning. Damn it Sam I dreamed they were in the room with my child, I was there.”
Sam apologized.
“I was there tied to a chair as they came after her. She could feel the evil as the shadows came toward her so she cried and I was helpless to help her,” Dean said frustrated as he went into the restroom to cool off under a shower.
The air was out in their room it had to be eighty and it was night time. In the shower he released his frustration as he cried like a baby wishing he could have seen this happening from the beginning. But that would make me God. If I blame this on Dad I have to blame Mom too; I’m not ready to deal with that emotion yet. Oh God, he began before a fresh batch of tears poured out of him. He was in there so long Sam knocked on the door.
“You okay?”
“Great, I’m almost done,” he replied.

“So what do you think my dream means?” Dean asked as he took the sheets off the bed and replaced them with towels since that were all he had; he hoped there weren’t bed bugs.
“I don’t mean to make light of your dream but I think you’re just feeling helpless in all of this; of course you’re afraid for your baby.”
“I’m sure that’s it; You know it’s funny when I dream it’s meaningless but we always must take your visions at face value,” Dean said letting his frustration turn to irritation.
Sam thought Dean should be relieved that it wasn’t some type of premonition. Dean let him know he wasn’t the all seeing eye on dreams and visions as he tried to go back to sleep.

The next morning Dean made what Sam saw as an attempt to apologize for his behavior the previous night, Sam wasn’t worried about it he was just happy he hadn’t had a vision about Jessica himself but he didn’t bring that up to Dean.

Missouri had told them they had to come to her place to get the info they needed but Sam had a bad feeling about that, though no visions. When they got there he asked Dean to stay in the car; Dean agreed since Missouri he wasn’t sure that she had the same affection for him as she did for Sam or so it seemed at times.
“Hey, I’m fine in here man.” Dean said as Sam headed to the door.
Sam neglected to let Dean know that he thought he would be safer in the car because he had no proof but figured it couldn’t hurt for him to watch the house. Sam just hoped Dean didn’t use the down time to call Cassie since he had the same dream three nights in a row and was a bit anxious about the baby. Sam hoped his lecture on Cassie being able to take care of herself and the baby had gotten through to him to stop being a nervous Dad.

Dean wasn’t paying attention to the house but he was listening to loud music so he didn’t notice when Sam grabbed his head in pain as he approached the door. He was on the ground before Dean saw him and ran to his aid.
“What is it?” Dean asked as Sam got up and raced back toward the car.
“Get in the car, I don’t have time to explain but drive around until I call you,” Sam told Dean while he went back toward the door as he took deep breaths.
The expression on Sam’s face said everything to Dean. He was seriously frightened but he needed Dean out of the way. For once there was no inferior, superior argument but Dean did what he was told.

Sam finally knocked on the door like everything was fine; Missouri answered with a smile plastered on her face.
“Hey Sam, Dean stay at the hotel?” she said less boisterous than usual.
Sam nodded as they walked into her study, he was glad Missouri hadn’t watched out the window for them or she would have realized right away the car wasn’t there. He was surprised to see that the study was empty, but when she went to retrieve the information the door shut behind them. Dean’s double stepped out to glare at Sam.
“Where is Dean?”
Sam tried to ignore him but his eyes penetrated through him. He knew that it couldn’t read minds like Missouri but it did inspire fear.
“He had things to do, why? Sam replied with a confidence that was fleeting.

Jessica wouldn’t stop crying and it wore on Cassie who had tried everything to quiet her. She started out with a whiny whimper that escalated; Cassie knew it couldn’t be good for her throat so she checked her herb book. The crying seemed to be something usually related to colic but Cassie just didn’t think that was the problem though it did provide a solution she could use that wouldn’t hurt. She drank some special tea that Jessica would benefit from in her breast milk, in the meanwhile Jessica actually began to settle down. Her little eyes were red so Cassie but a cold towel over them while she set in the rocker with her. She had been carrying her as she tried to soothe her but now they both relaxed like nothing ever happened. Cassie didn’t know what to think once she spoke with the midwife who informed her not to worry but she had seen a real connection between Dean’s moods and Jessica’s. If that true what is going on with Dean? She refused to worry but prayed instead.

Dean drove around for ten minutes as he fumed because Sam had bossed him, but he knew Sam had to have a good reason to risk getting an earful from him. That actually made him smile. He decided to stop for gas while he waited to hear back.
“What’s taking him so long to get an address?” he said aloud.
At the other pump was a tall blonde man about Sam’s height with greenish blue eyes that caught Dean’s eye. He stared at him for a moment longer than he meant too so the guy frowned at him as he went inside to pay. Why does he look familiar? Dean went in to pay while he still wondered about the guy as he stood in line behind him he turned to face outside and saw a bumper sticker on the guy’s vehicle. YEA, WINCHESTER LIKE THE GUN is how it read. Dean turned pale, as the guy was about to exit the store he saw that Dean looked sick.
“You okay man?” the blonde asked.
“Uh, Dean answered with difficulty.
“Hear let me help you,” as he gave Dean’s money to the clerk and helped Dean back out to the car.
“Thanks,” Dean finally said as the color returned to his face.
Before the guy nodded and went back to his SUV, Dean stopped him.
“Is your name Joshua by any chance?”

The blonde turned around to give him a look that turned from anger to recognition as he took in Dean’s features.
“You, Dean?” he enquired.
Dean nodded as he bit his lip in an attempt to avoid any appearance of emotions or weakness in his eyes.
“I’m Joshua Winchester, your brother,” he replied as he walked back over to where Dean stood to get out of the way of the other cars.
So many things went through Dean’s mind; then he got the call from Sam.
“Damn it, this is the call I’ve been waiting for. We’re actually in town to find you because Dad is in trouble,” Dean said a little matter factly for the moment.

“That call was a 911 from Sammy I have to go; there is too much to go into to explain at this moment.”
“My little brother, Sam?”
“That’s the one,” Dean said with a weak smile.
Joshua nodded because his mind was racing. Dean wrote down Joshua’s number with a promise to call him later but he emphasized if he did not phone him to contact Missouri. Joshua acknowledged that he knew her because her family had raised him but they would talk about that later. Before Dean drove off Joshua came back to the window.
“Godspeed,” he said simply praying inside that his younger brothers wouldn’t be killed.

Joshua drove to the elementary school in a daze. His four year old son, Jonathan, got in the car like a little man. I was worried they would come for my son now I find out that my brother has a child too. Maybe Mom should have let them kill me to save her own life as well as the future of our family. Even though my research has shown the curse has to be broken to end the madness. Hopefully all of us can figure it out before it’s too late.
“Dad, did you hear my question?”
“I’m sorry, Jon Jon, what was it?” Joshua said giving his only son all of his attention as he looked at him in the middle of him rolling his eyes.

Sam frustrated the double until he disappeared in anger. Missouri laughed after he left.
“I guess he was a bit surprised by your gifts, huh?”
“Yea, I’ve never moved anyone before only things,” Sam laughed.
Missouri was just writing down the address when the door bell rang. Sam and Missouri met Dean at the door.
“Hey you,” Missouri said as she smiled at a surprised Dean.
“Hello,” he said politely.
“How’s that sweetie pie of yours?” Missouri asked.
Dean’s smile got bigger.
“Apple of her Daddy’s eye,” he said proudly.
“And Cassie?”
“Beautiful as ever,” he grinned.
“Good, now go take care of getting your father out; so you can go back to being there for those girls of yours,” Missouri said with a smirk so that Dean would see she was teasing him by sounding harsh.
“Yes Mam, We’ll do that,’ Sam and Dean said as they left.
Missouri’s grin faded as they drove off, those poor boys God help them.

The Curse Part Three**Coming Soon**

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