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Rating: PG-16

Cassie Winchester Part Three

“Dean what is it?”
“Dad is in the hospital but I not going to Kansas,” he said starting the car.
“You should go, plus I have a couple months to go still,” she said matter of factly.
“I have a job I can’t just leave now; No I’m not going,” he insisted.
Cassie didn’t try to convince him, he was right their family had been through a lot his father would be alright; she hoped. But wouldn’t John drop everything if Dean were in the hospital? As far as she knew that wasn’t how it worked, things had to be really bad before Daddy Winchester came running in to help his boys even then it was rare.
Why did Missouri phone?
“I’m not sure I think they are a lot closer than we ever knew; I get the feeling she helps him on cases sometimes,” he said.

When Dean told Sam he wasn’t going Sam understood but decided he should at least go over the weekend. He decided to take Missy with him which Dean felt was a great idea since Sam would be driving almost the entire three days. Cassie wasn’t sure if Dean not going was the best path if it was closer to her delivery she could understand; she thought he was just asserting his independence.

Missouri was surprised when Dean showed up at the hospital the next day but she thought he acted odd; she soon realized it wasn’t really him but since John was sick she didn’t let on but pretended to be happy as he was that Dean came. Dean sat with him several hours as they chatted quietly. John had pneumonia and was on heavy antibiotics in hopes of knocking it out of his system; he had been exposed to extreme temperatures for several days while on a hunt; the doctors weren’t sure if he was going to make it.

When Sam showed up at the hospital he had to explain to Missy what was going on with Dean before he spoke to Missouri about it. Missy and Cassie had talked about the apparition many times before so she wasn’t as surprised as she might have been if it were out of the blue though she had yet to see it. “Missouri this has been going on for a couple of years,” Sam said. Then he told her about Cassie. “You were right about them bringing premonitions of death but they can be protectors; I’ve just never seen it.”
“So do you think it could be Dean’s gift?”
“In your family any thing is possible, honey; I wonder what surprise that little one will bring,” she said looking at Sam.
Dean was glad to hear the news that his double had showed up but deep inside he wished he were really there.

Cassie put her arms around Dean as they stood in the kitchen; it wasn’t an easy feat at seven months. Dean turned to face her.
“I don’t regret not leaving you.”
“But I know it was a hard choice we just have to pray for your Dad okay.”
Dean rarely prayed especially on his knees but since he had been with Cassie he had found himself begging for favors from the powers at large, the being most call God, often. He smiled at her before he pulled her into his arms to press his lips against hers; she eagerly responded to him by sucking his upper lip before he dipped his tongue into her mouth for her to taste him as he ran his hands over her back. After their kiss Cassie lead him to the bedroom. Her pregnancy had only made them more intimate something the midwife believed was healthy for the baby.

After making love Cassie tended to be chatty while Dean would have preferred to go to sleep.
“Do you remember our first time?” she asked as she looked expectantly at him beside her.
He nodded knowing she wanted to reminisce.
After the third date they had gone back to her dorm room and started kissing on the bed. Cassie laughed as he began to unbutton her shirt.
“A little sure of ourselves aren’t we?” she said.
“Oh very sure,” he replied as he laughed with her.
They were making love before Cassie remembered her room mate was in town that weekend.
“Shoot, Sara is going to be back any minute,” she said at a really awkward moment.
Dean got up and covered them with the blankets.
“Is that better, I’m sure she will never notice us for the blankets,” he said kissing her neck.
Cassie laughed again, “You’re right I shouldn’t be worried.”
A few minutes later the door opened, and they were very still as they tried to be invisible. Luckily Sara undressed in the dark and got in her bed, or maybe she didn’t care. Her being in the room excited them as they quietly made love two more times.
{End Flashback}

“How could I forget that,” he said as he kissed her head.
“There was something exciting about the possibility of being caught.”
“Yea, but I felt better when I knew she wasn’t going to come in on us,” he said.
“I know it did get stressful; but it was more fun than your hotel room,” she said.
He laughed that place had been a dive but he was rarely there so he hadn’t minded so much until Cassie came into his life. Dean was quiet.

“So I had you as a first; but what about you?”
“It’ wasn’t warm or fuzzy and it certainly wasn’t love,” he said angrily as he had a flash of memory. The horrible things some caregivers did to children made him want to puke; he shook his head. He father didn’t even know what had happened to him or what he had been forced to do to protect Sam. He hoped Sam had no memory of the incident; if he did he had never mentioned it to him. He would die before he allowed anything to happen to his child.
Cassie bit her lip.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
He ran his finger down her face with tears in his eyes.
“It wasn’t your fault, baby, but I really don’t want to discuss it right now, okay,” he said as he impatiently wiped at his tears. Cassie stopped him.
“Its okay tears aren’t your enemy, just people with evil intentions,” she insisted as she held his hand. He kissed her again as he caressed her stomach. She told him the bigger the baby got the less it would move around because there just wasn’t the room.

Missouri, Sam and Missy waited in the waiting room after they heard the news about John’s condition. “We really have to get back for school; but it was good to see you again,” Sam said as he hugged Missouri.
“Tell your brother I will talk to John for him when he is better; but to take care of that baby of his,” she said.
Sam nodded as he went in to say goodbye to his father while Missy stayed outside to talk go Missouri.
“So how do you feel about what Sam does?”
“I just accept him for who he is,” she said with a smile to the woman Sam had great respect for.
“That’s all you can do with this family, these poor boys got a strange lot for their life. I’m glad Dean finally found someone who is at least trying to understand him, he can be a handful I’m sure.” Missouri grinned.

Sam told Dean about the incident at the hospital he was amazed how the doppelganger was flesh and blood real but he saw it when it disappeared. Dean just looked at him. He had no idea what was happening.
“You okay?” Sam asked.
“I’m fine but this whole thing is creeping me out; Sam what if something is wrong with the baby?”
“Don’t think that way Cassie is healthy; if your baby has special abilities like me it’s not a bad thing,” Sam said with a grin.
Dean shook his head as a slow smile appeared on his face. Maybe Sam was right being different wasn’t a bad thing he just hoped Cassie didn’t mind, of course, she already knew they were a special family.

He waited a few days before bringing up the subject with Cassie.
“Baby, I’m not worried,” she said frowning at his concerned look.
“Maybe you should be.”
“Why? There wasn’t some curse put on me, nothing about this pregnancy has been supernatural except for the fact that someone seems to be watching over this child, in my eyes that’s a good thing.”
When she put it that way he really worried. What if Meg had something to do with all of this? What if it’s some kind of Rosemary’s baby? He looked at Cassie and was horrified at his thoughts. Why couldn’t he just relax and enjoy all of this? Maybe I just don’t feel like I deserve anything good in my life.

He had been looking at her without seeing her, now he realized it.
“You’re right I’m just being overly protective,” he said as he got up to shut the bedroom door.

Cassie showed up at the auto shop just as one of the college students was leaving. She was dressed in a royal blue linen sundress with high heeled slides. Dean’s eyes lit up when he saw her.
“So how married are you?” Katie, the customer, asked Dean as she flirted.
“Speaking of my wife,” he said as Cassie walked in.
Katie was surprised when she turned around.
“Hi Katie,” Cassie said.
“Cassie is your wife?” she asked in astonishment.
“You know each other?” Dean asked.
“I always admire Cassie’s wedding ring when I’m in the library, but I didn’t know who she was married to.”
Katie left after a few moments then Dean came around the counter.
“On the way to the shower?”
“Yea, Missy is waiting in the car I should go; just stop to see if you were going to make it,” she said as she turned to leave.
He said he didn’t know if he would make the shower but he stopped her before she could leave.
“Don’t I get a kiss?”
He was so close to her she could feel his breath on her lips, how could she say no.
“I suppose,” she tried to say with a smile as he kissed her without waiting for an answer.
Missy came in the door knowing it had been a bad idea to let Cassie come in alone. She cleared her throat when she saw them kissing.
“We’re going to be late,” she said as she tried to be stern but smiled instead.

The shower had been going on for more than an hour when Dean and Sam walked in wearing slacks and buttoned down shirts. They looked hot and all the college girls turned to admire them. Cassie burst into tears, her hormones were making her crazy, Dean excused his way through the throng of ladies to get to her side.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he said concerned as everyone looked on.
Missy told everyone this was a good time for a break as she took control so Cassie and Dean could have a moment.
“I miss my mom; I wish she could be here. She would love you too,” she said with tears welling up in her eyes again.
Dean took her hand as led her to a seat on the patio.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“I’m not embarrassed I just thought you might want some fresh air,” he said with his arms around her he ran his hands over her hair as he looked in her eyes.
“It’s certainly okay to miss your Mom; you have that right at any time,” he added.
He dabbed her eyes with the tissue Missy had given him on the way out the door.
“We should go back inside."

She thanked him with a kiss before they went in.

Dean helped her open the gifts and enjoyed himself more than he ever thought he would. Sam laughed as his older brother kept asking what things were. Missy held Sam’s hand as they watched content to just be together. She didn’t think their family was so different than anyone else’s, everyone had issues but theirs just ran more toward the paranormal.

Dean started to keep a closer eye on her when she was getting near her due date; though she was careful on the stairs and was eating healthier than ever. Of course his observations were getting on her nerves making her angry easier.

“Dean, stop it, okay you make me nervous when you watch me all the time,” she said at breakfast one morning.
He got up to rinse out his juice glass without replying to what he viewed as an attack.
He didn’t want to feel this way but he felt like crying; Sam would say he was having sympathy reactions to the pregnancy. Since he didn’t want Cassie to see him that way he just left the house, but she followed him to the car. He sat for a moment as she motioned for him to open the window.
“Since when do you just walk out in the middle of a conversation?”
“We weren’t conversing you were telling me what I could and couldn’t do; since when are you my boss?” he asked.
She sighed.
“You’re right, but your concern makes me anxious; do you know how long nine months feels? Like forever but I want us to enjoy this time not worry about it or rush it to be over,” she said as she opened the car door and he got out.
He kissed her there in front of the car in full view of the neighbors.
“I can’t not worry about you, but I do want to enjoy this time because our child is going to be a very important part of our lives," he said as he held her to his chest.

Dean made a call to his father late one night when Cassie was asleep as he sat in front of the television.
“Dad, I know it’s late but if you’re there we need to talk.”
John didn’t pick up so he left a message that told him he wanted to talk to him tonight if at all possible. Dean waited almost an hour before he went to bed. It was three in the morning before his phone rang. He grabbed the phone and went in the bathroom.
John told him he was sorry for calling so late but he hadn’t been able to get the phone earlier.
“That’s okay, but you have to tell me why you thought this baby should never be born; I need to know.”
John didn’t say anything right away, then he said something Dean will never forget.
“You’re Mom was a Witch; she had some influential enemies in her world, she was trying to get out when Sam was born but they wouldn’t have it.”
Dean was shocked; he just hung up the phone. Then he saw Cassie standing at the door, she looked sexy in her short nightie; but all he could think about was their child would be a target for the rest of their lives. How was he going to tell Cassie? What were they going to do?


Coming Soon Cassie Winchester Part Four

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