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The Forgotten Grief: Articles

Footprints can aid in creating memories which help
in the grieving process
"The Forgotten Grief" was the title of both my dissertation and an article published in 1982 in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. I called these writings by that name, because at the time, parents of stillborns, miscarriages and neonatal deaths were afforded very little help, and most of the work in professional journals was speculation, or raising knowledge of the vast need for in-hospital, family, and Clergy Support. Over the past 25 years, much research and writing has been done and families have formed significant help organizations worldwide. This section of our page will make available certain seminal articles regarding various topics in Stillbirth Bereavement. As we are just getting online, we have one article linked which should be available to most.

On Stillbirth: An Open Letter to the Clergy, in Journal of Pastoral Care, 1982, by Kirkley-Best, E., et al.

Footprints can aid in creating memories which help
in the grieving processThis "Open letter" summarizes the need and process for Clergy members whose congregates experience a perinatal death. Expresses a description of the Grief, and is followed by practical suggestions of the way clergy can involve themselves in the comfort and support of parents. Written by a team of hospital-based professionals who were at the time a part of the Perinatal Mortality Counseling Program at Shands Teaching Hospital, UF, Gainesville, FL. Email: Contact Us/Add a Site

The Forgotten Grief: A Review of the Psychology of Stillbirth

Footprints can aid in creating memories which help in the grieving processThe first overall literature review of research and writings in the field of Perinatal Bereavement which collated and synthesized data from the previous 80 years: reviewed are research articles, theoretical positions, and descriptive observations with recommendations for a then emerging field. Since that time, the field has expanded in all areas, and the amount of literature has increased geometrically. An excellent beginning point for research. eb

Grief At Stillbirth: An Annotated Bibliography 1982; Birth & the Family Journal

Footprints can aid in creating memories which help in the grieving processA collation of 50 or 60 reviewed articles from professional research and theory journals, with a few seminal articles from popular periodicals. Updated reviews will shortly be added on this site.

© 1981, 2004 Elizabeth Kirkley Best PhD

Title taken from "The Forgotten Grief" published in American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1982 and as her dissertation in 1981.

As this site develops, more online help will become available. 7-29-04