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A Sweat Job On Takeoff

One hot day in central China---I can't remember where, we were overloaded with radial engines being returned for overhaul. We were told that our payload far exceeded maximum allowed. That wasn't necessarily unusual, but this time we would be taking off on one of the shortest runways in China.

We taxied to the furthest point possible before turning into takeoff position. The pilot then stood on the brakes, and pulled the wheel back into his lap while pushing the throttles wide open. When both engines reached peak power, he released the brakes and we shot forward.

I was using "body english" as well as prayer as we used up more and more of the runway, and the large mound of earth at the end was coming up fast. At about that instant, I felt some lift and immediately raised the landing gear. It could have been my imagination, but I swear I felt the wheels bump the earth mound when about half way up.

We all said the prayer we recited so often
--"Thank You Lord".