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My Thoughts For Now

April 30, 2003

It's been forever since I've updated my adoring audience (okay, me and like, two friends) about my life.

January - Play practice started - fell in love with John M. and rekindled my love with the stage.

February - Fell out of "love" with John and fell for Neal. Learned to dance a lil.

March - Play ended. Started working on school, Spring Break, went to Alabama. Fell for Colby, forgot about Neal.

April - Forgot about Colby, fell for Colt. Lots of schoolwork.

There we go!

December 17, 2002

I had exams today...I made an 83 in World first C. I was so glad when I saw Clark after fifth period review session. He made me feel a lot better about my grade. He's the only person who tells me what I need to hear. He makes perfect sense and that's rare, because few people actually have intelligent thoughts nowadays!

I kicked the crud out of Brian's leg today. He always acts like nothing hurts. But dear lord do I kick hard sometimes...even though I was wearing my Birkenstocks...

Do you know how incredibly self-absorbed people are who expect everyone to read about their own little personal life and who use their online journals to make other people upset? This may seem a bit hypocritical, but you have to take into consideration that I know my life isn't worth reading about! I don't really expect anyone to ever care about what I write, ha!