Welcome to Farmville's New Official Web Site

You have, whether inadvertantly or on purpose, stumbled upon the greatest (and only as far as we know) web site dedicated to all the great things in life that decendants of Aubrey P. Andelin enjoy.

Unfortunately, we are really backlogged on updates. There is a lot in store for the future including some new classes at the Eidisi Academy and a report on Prof. Maximillian Magis' recent research at MIT. We also hope to streamline the Farmville Times Online providing more timely updates on local news. The big news is, of course, the upcoming marriage of Casey Leavitt and Mandy Hull to take place on 11 March. A full report should appear shortly.

Any other suggestions would be welcome, of course. Email Dan Andelin and let him know.

This just in...new philosophy class on Machiavelli at Eidisi!

Most Excellent Links

Grandma's Fascinating Web Page About Women
The Eidisi Academy of Higher Learning
The Farmville Times Online
Quidditch Rulebook and Playing Guide
Conservative Politics and World News
Most Bodacious and Complete Info on Physics
The United States Constitution
A most triumphant video of Benny Andelin trying to crawl