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The inner-workings of Kimon's Angel


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Here it is! MY Poetry!

"Manifesto of my Love," by Kimon

To be whole…
Something I thought was beyond me.
Never did I fathom the depths of love that you would show me.
When all seemed lost, and I sat alone in the maelstrom of my mind…
Pondering my darkest of thoughts,
I was so close to the edge, so alone…
Then along came you, my love… my beautiful Angel.
You understood me and my every thought…
Showed me so much of myself that I had never before seen.
You took your gentle grasp of my heart and soul…
Revealed yourself to me on such a level that I never could have imagined.
You showed me that true love is blind,
That nothing is beyond this wonderful power that is love.
You imbued me with so many wonderful feelings,
Reformed the tattered pieces of my heart within the forge of your soul.
How you pulled me from the deep darkness that was my condition,
With such ease that I may never know.
You compliment me perfectly.
You have helped me in so many ways, more than you may ever know.
With an unseen smile, you cleansed my spirit…
With an unseen hand, you hold me dear.
Even so far away I feel you near.
Never before have I seen so much of someone,
Nor have I seen so many wonderful things within one person.
You possess a beauty to rival that of the cosmos.
Your thoughts are deep and your feelings poetic in nature.
I find it utterly amazing how every part of you compliments every part of me.
With you, Courtney…
My one true love…
I feel that we could trample any path that we choose in this life.
Fate has brought us this far, the rest is up to us…
Eternity in your arms would seem too short.
I am yours now and forever...
By your side until you grow weary of me… or death rips me from your arms…
And even then, I’d carry my love for you with me.