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Mission Statement

Have you ever thought of power in words? Have you ever fathomed how powerful and revolutionary words can truly be? It was around written words that revolutions across history began. Men debated words in Greece, recorded great speeches in Rome, and controlled thought during the Medieval Period. Guttenberg then invented what is now known as the printing press, and a man named Martin Luther took that invention and utilized its inherent force. Europe and Western thought was never the same. Luther challenged Rome's power over religion in Europe, eventually leading to the Enlightenment. Works began to be published as never before. Men and women wrote their opinions, thoughts, and philosophies. We are today products of this written revolution, one finding its roots in access to publication.

Now with the Internet, once again, we are given another opportunity to publish and reach an even greater audience. Guttenberg's printing press allowed works to be written in local vernacular, and the Internet allows works to be instantly accessed by millions across our globe. Many have been slow to realize that what was once a common method of getting information is changing. Written words went to television, and television is losing its prominence to cyberspace. This trend will continue to excite and scare many people. It is on this trend that intends to make its influence known.

Newspapers are commonly read throughout the globe. Many in fact, already have their text published online, allowing people to access that information quickly and effectively. What remains however, is the simple fact news reporting constraints remain. As television has pushed newspapers to move towards a more objective and almost academic pursuit of journalism, there has been an increasing hollowing of news. No longer it seems, is the news engaging. When one reads an article, they get a synopsis of what is going on in a certain situation, facts presented based on a certain reporter or editor's bias. Just as that is the case, there is a desire to present objective reporting on events, further muddling the information being presented. As a counterbalance, many newspapers currently have an "Opinion" section where news might be engaged. That section however is reserved for renowned writers, men and women who already have prominence and maybe write once a week. seeks to take this problem and alleviate it. Asking its readers to submit stories engaging certain events, wants to bring its readership into debates, provoking thought and transmitting information in an ever greater attempt to educate more people. It is a clear fact there will never be objective journalism. Such a pursuit is a fallacy, and we do not feel the object of journalism should be as such. Instead, wants readers and writers to submit information and stories not outlining or giving a synopsis, but bringing the information into a certain bias and opinion. Furthermore, we want another person who does not agree with such an opinion to take a side and submit it. As long as each story is rooted in fact, meaning it does not enact vengeance against each other, a great dialogue could be created for our readers and many other people the world over.

The future will not be a stable, oppressive world of information transmittal. Today a few powerful people own many of the newspapers, controlling what information is being delivered. We are not claiming to be revolutionaries in that we are going to usurp the system, instead we want to move outside this constraining system. Our stories will be perhaps lengthy, though no longer than 1500 words, and will present only one side of the story. We invite anyone to submit his or her ideas and articles to us for a read-over. Your work will not be edited so long as it stays under the maximum amount of words. Not all works will be published, though at first we suspect our demand to be greater than our supply. It is now your floor to open up on. Take on those causes you wanted to. Tell your side to a story which you feel passionately about. Provoke questioning, influence people, and finally just bring about the actual freedom of the press. Watch this domain for our future web site and future stories. We promise that they will be interesting, or in the very least, raise the hairs on the back of your neck enough to provoke a response.

*It should be noted that this is not a message board. We will not accept stories that are overtly offensive, filled with obscenities and/or completely without taste. A level of professionalism must be kept, and those who are offended by these rules might take their rhetorical arguments and debate that on our site, however there will be some way to ensure that quality work is published. *

Who is behind the Editorial Post?
Rules Governing Submission
