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My Hair THEN and NOW

There are 3 things I want you to do before you read on...

(note: There are 300+ pictures on this site, please be patient it takes just a little while to load)

Well Well Well, here we are. I thought it would be kinda fun to do a hair journal. Just to show you the stages of hair growth and also the stages of life growth. Deciding to cut the hair didn't happen over night. I played with the idea for some months before actually doing it. Now that I have I can say that I'm truly happy and at PeAcE with my decision. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Feel free to email me with your comments. Now...GET YOUR READ ON! Ms. Morse (DreamyPisces)

Let's Start Here, "BEFORE"

Me...So innocent. I have always had a head full of hair. Even when I was first born. Lucky me huh? You can see how much the hair grew from this picture to the next...just 1 year of growth!

Pony Tails!

I want them back...


I wore my hair short mostly throughout highschool. I was also pregnant in these pictures. Can't you see the chubby cheeks? :)
Me at the prom...My hair was so fly that night...

This here is a picture of me kissing Western Branch Hell Hole High School GOODBYE!!! Walked away haven't returned since. Fresh perm in this picture...Fresh Black color as well...

Feb 2002

Okay now I LOVE this style. This is my signature wanna be natural hair style. I would wash my hair, add my favorite setting lotion and gel...scrunch for ever and a year...let it air dry and voila! Curly hair. Only thing is that it was never full enough and it never lasted. Had to wash this get up ever single day. Which sucked really bad and also dried out my hair so bad.

Same Style

Okay, I was in a my cousins wedding last year. The pic is a little blurry. AHHH I hated my hair that day. it was just lifeless. I couldn't do a thing with it. I tried to make it look full and all it did was just flop. It's hard to tell from the picture though.

This was in October 2002 at my son's 4th birthday party, I had just did my last perm. This style was pretty cute, just a regular bob I could flip up the back but I was still doing the curly do when I didn't feel like wearing it straight.

Another pic at the party with my niece keisha (on left) my sister Shauna (middle) and of course the silky straight ME!

I don't care for this pic too much because I look high lol. But you can see how straight my hair is...check out that widows peak. You know if you have a widow's peak that stands for good luck. Oh yeah, meet my son Christian...HEy BOO boo :)

Transitioning Stage

These were my first set of braids. I went this route because my hair was so thick at the root I couldn't do a thing with it. My cute bob hair style now looked like a brown football helmet so braids was my only resort. I could have tried some sort of roller set style during this time but I knew it wouldn't last. One day in the gym and my hair would be over. Okay this is a lot of weave. It was cute but it jacked my hair up something terrible. Okay imagine yourself removing the braids. Your in such a hurry to wash it out that you don't comb through your hair. Okay So I wash it and condition it. Look in the mirror **SCREAM** ~AHHHH!!!~ I had little dread locks all over my head. It was a little lock at the root where each braid had been. It was a build up of the oils I had used, dirt and of course the hair that had shedded out while I had the braids. Okay I worked on my hair all night. I almost cut it all off that night. I was in tears. I kept those braids for 6 weeks. ($250.00 are they crazy to charge so much...better yet am I crazy to have spent that much..umm yeah pretty much)

I loved these braids...I got them done the next day after I took out my patra braids. They were so light weight but again they cost me a arm and boob to get them. They kinda looked like dreads. Good old kinky twist braids. I highly recommend these to someone who is growing their hair out. They are light weight. Even after 3 weeks they still looked great. They keep for a very long time. One lady in the salon had hers in for 3 months (that's a long time though) but the point is that they still looked good. I say get these during trasitioning. Plus they are really cute. I kept these for 4 weeks. Actually I took them out yesterday. I was going to try to hold on for another 3 weeks to let my hair get longer but I just couldn't do it. Hope you enjoyed my perm and transitoning photos.

ChOp It!

~~Hair Diary~~
03.06.2003 Okay so I have been wearing braids for the past 2+ months. Haven't had a relaxer since October. At first I was totally against doing "The Big Chop" BUT I think the time has come for me to consider it. Frankly I'm just tired of wearing braids in my hair. They are easy to keep up but i'm just sick of them hanging on my neck. I'm ready for the REAL! I was trying to wait until my birthday to do the cut but I was thinking, "what if it's cut wayyy to short and I'll be walkin around looking crazy?" at least i'll have a couple of weeks for my hair to grow in some before its time to PaRtY!! :) I'm taking my braids out right now, well I took a break to type of course. I'm scared as hell to cut the hair but at the same time I feel relief. Hard to explain. Well I'm going to finish taking these things out. It's now 8:13am let's see how long this will take. (ps I finished at 3pm on the dot..Whew!)

03.06.2003 Oh my Gosh!! I did it, I really did it. I got my hair cut and it's really short and I REALLY like it. I went to walmart to get my hair products and I couldn't stop smiling. I feel so great and so free right now. Words can't describe. Oh My folks are going to trip when they see this because they had no idea I was going to do this today. I told my mom I was going to wait till my birthday (march 20th) but I couldn't wait another minute. I had a dream about last night...thats what prompted me to take the braids out. Well here I am...sharon. Can't hide behind my hair anymore...this is all ME!! I feel so liberated and free right now. I can almost take flight i'm so happy. Enjoy the pics

03.07.2003 It's 5am and I can't sleep. I woke up to take my son to the bathroom and I looked in mirror...oh yeah I did cut my hair last night (duh). it was like a shock or something. Like it was all a dream. so then I have this revelation right. I start getting into deep thought about what I have done and what it represents to me. A new beginning. I got a relaxer when I was around 13 years old. I remember it burned so bad. Why did it hurt? You know, that's when I figured out that I was "cute." I wanted to do the whole hair and makeup thing...let the pony tails go and start trying to become a young woman. Well, that's when all of life's confusion started. Boys, friends, fights, sex, alcohol and marijuana (later on). That one day I looked in the mirror and thought I was cute is when it started. I would style my hair depending on my moods. Even last year, if I was in a crappy mood my hair would look crappy. If I was feeling fabulous my hair would look the same. So my hair is a part of me. Cutting my hair is like letting it all go. Letting all of the stress and pain go, letting all those years go. Starting fresh like I'm 12 years old again. I actually feel different inside now that I have let go of my permed strands. I'm not going to get all analytical but perms are a form of conditioning. never thought I would be saying this but it's true. Straight is considered as beautiful. I'm not saying everyone should go natural but natural is good. Natural is fine. People are scared of it. Society is scared of it. My natural hair does take me back to my roots. I have a feeling of nostalgia right now. I have a feeling of being free. I have a feeling of peace inside. I feel different, more so than I ever have in my life. I read some where that a woman said "once I went natural I stopped attracting fake people(men)" and I believe this. I know so many jerks will shun me because of my natural state. I was joking in the salon saying that I wasn't going to get any play for a while now that I cut my hair. and you know what? THAT's COOL! :) I believe the faked dudes will stay away. So this is actually a good thing. Less stress. This is just me....Sharon. Nothing to hide behind...take notice to my face and my mind. Look into my eyes and see who I really am. See the love in my heart and soul. The shield is gone and now it's just ME :) Take it or leave new motto. This is a new beginning for me. A new journey for me. I'm ready and I'm not scared like I have been. Bring it!! Sharon..DreamyPisces

03.14.2003 Lovin the hair. Only thing is that my twists don't last longer than a day. I have to redo them every single day. Which is kinda time consuming. But I always love the outcome. I have been very lazy with posting my pics. but luckily I have some ready to post. I have gotten mostly good remarks about my hair and of course I have to explain why I cut it over an over again. Maybe I'll just print out my explination and keep it in my purse at all times so folks can read it instead of me having to tell them why. For some reason, when I tell them "I just cut it because I wanted to." that's not good enough lol. Why is it such a big deal to everyone. Well anyways here are the pics. Sharon

These pics aren't the best. My twists suck lol...well I tried

Oh yeah, this is my hair picked out. I like it this way full so fluffy. I can't wait till I get some length on this so I rock different styles.

3.25.2003 Okay I'm still loving the hair. I have to get a pic up here of my hair in an afro, it's really growing out and I'm so excited. OHHH JOY! I just recently had a birthday on March the 20th...Go Pisces! I did the party thing all week. I really enjoyed myself. I wore my hair in twists most of the times I went out. I use dove shampoo and conditioner (which i love, smells great) and if I want to deep condition I'll use hair mayonaise. On freshly shampoo'd hair I'll use Infusium Leave in Treatment, V05 Sheer Hairdressing(anit-frizz and shine cream) and Physique Curl Creating Gel. I'm tired of twisting the hair gosh it takes forever. So I'll rock my fro or just do the wash and shake it add the hair product and let it curl up. But either way I wear it, it's the bomb! :) Enjoy the pics

This was on my birthday. Looks like a lot of makeup but I was looking fly that night, darn wish I had a full body shot of the dress. I was going to the club that night with my friends for my birthday.

Okay this is the day after my birthday. I went to a Kappa Cabaret. It was cool no biggie. Flossed the hair and everyone loved it :)

Afro PICS!

I said I was going to post a pic of my hair picked out. It really has grown a lot over the past few weeks. I like my headband fro :) so easy to style.

04.07.2004 Wow it's already April. My hair has grown out a great deal since the big chop. Still love it but now I just don't feel up to doing much with it. Mostly a wash add some gel and do a shake and go..very easy and I like the way it curls up. But I do have some pics of my last twist do. My twists are a lot thicker now cause the hair is trying to grow. I came across some good hair gel as well called Citre Shine. Good stuff. Well life is crazy, no love, no nothing really. *Sigh* Today is just one of those days where I'm feeling like blah. I'll go work out and hopefully that will ease my thoughts. I'm on an emotional rollercoaster. Anyway enjoy the pics...sorry some are blurry.

Took this one this morning just to see how much it has grown.

Well I wore my fro to work again today. Folks are really feelin it. I get all these little nick names from my co-workers. They call me baby fro amoung one of them. Everyone has the urge to touch my hair all the time i don't know why. Did you know Pantene came out with hair products for African American hair? I always loved Pantene for white folks so I'll check out the shampoo tomorrow. Also I envested in some Suave Coconut conditioner which makes my hair feel so soft and of course smell great. The dove is still cool but I think I'm going to try out the Pantene for a while to see if it leaves my hair feeling different. It's grown so much yall. I am SOOOOOOoooooo Happy!! Well I won't keep you waiting much's the pic. Sharon

I am lookin crazy in this pic just got off work and had washed all the make up off...face was so shiney but look at the hair :)
More pics to come check back later :) PeAcE

It's Been a Long Time, I Shouldn't Have Left You!

06.10.2003 Hello all. I have gotten so lazy with my journal but yesterday I did a baby twistout that looked pretty cute so I decided to take some pics. Now I have a serious part down the back...didn't notice it till after I took the pic. I guess it's the way I twisted it. Arms got tired so i started goin in the other direction.

Silly me, I have only had my ends clipped 1 time and I know that's bad (since the big chop back in March). I did it myself. Boy I wish I didn't cause I cut off wayyyy too much. And now my fro is looking crazy, long in some spots and short in others. So I can't work the fro like I want to but it's cool.

Products that are working well are of course the new Pantene Shampoo, Conditioner, and Oil sheen. I found a great product by John Frieda, the Frizz Ease dude. It's his "wind-down" relaxing cream which totally tames the fly aways and the curls do their thing so nicely, he has a new product out called "perfect curls" I believe. Both used together are perfect!!! Those are the products that really make my hair do what I want It to do.

My life is cool right now, just working. I have been trying to find the spiritual being inside of me that needs to come out. Life has been stressful in the past but now I am ready to let that all good and start my journey towards Self Happiness. So far so good, I feel great once I have let all my issues go (ie. people that are bad for me and bad habits). That's about it. I will try to update more. If your natural..keep doin your thang! If your thinking about it...girl chop that stuff off and stop thinking about it :) PEACE Sharon

06.10.2003 I'm back. I decided to try to work with my twists instead of just washing them out like I always do the next day. So what I did was just rinse them with water in the shower and did the shake shake! the curls stayed in actually I was surprised. I shook my head till all the water was out basically when I got out the shower I sprayed the hair with oil sheen. Sat under the dryer for a few moments. here are the wet twist pics. I'll take an after once I'm ready for work to show the difference. It maybe a little frizzy but who cares. Peep it. Peace

06.11.2003 Well it didn't turn out quite like I hoped it would. Like I said, I rinsed my twists. Then I added some sheen and I sat under the dryer. Maybe I should have let them air dry instead. Because when it was almost dry I looked in the mirror and it was soooooo Frizzy. So I ended up doing this little finger fluff thing and ran my fingers through them to kinda turn them into a little fro but yet keep some of the curls in. I will experiment with that again a little later. today I will be back to the shake and go. I'll take a pic of that later on.

06.11.2003 Here is my shake and go. It's a little wet so my scalp is still showing. No matter what I do my scalp shows I guess my hair is just thin in some places. I wanted to talk about my textures a bit...take a look

Just a little outside shot for fun front looks frizzy hmm. I just applied John Freida's Relaxing cream with nothing else today.

Close up on the back curls. This hair back here is so soft and curls so nicely. I have different textures all through my hair. Love the back part.

Top of the head...It's a little courser and harder to work with especially when I twist it. This hair is always shorter than the rest. I'm like a baby...I guess that part has fallen out when I sleep or something. I tend to worry about the top of my head. Worried it's damaged with bad split ends. I need to go to a stylist and stop whining about it.

Side texture little bit of both thick and silky curls.

Sorry for looking so evil lol :) well thats it for the updates. I'll try to update again next month some time. Peace out!!


06.11 Well I had one of my crazy urges again...not that you know what they are. But from time to time I will get the urge to do some body art. So today I decided to get my third Tattoo. I have a flower in the center of my chest and a butterfly on my ankle. In the past I have dabbled in peircing, had nose and eyebrow done. Anyways just wanted to show off my newest add to the collection. MY NEWWWW TATTOOO ****ahhhhhhh* (says the crowd)

Now you may be wondering what the hell is written around it. Well it says none other than "Dreamy Pisces". And yeah it did hurt. I don't remember the other hurting this bad. I'm rethinking the huge one going across my shoulder blades now...I just don't know.

06.17.2003 I decided to do a blow out yesterday. Was a little apprehensive about it b/c of the terrible cut I did about a month ago. My hair is totally uneven in some places. But I worked with it...picked and patted it down in some spots so it looked like a perfect black circle fro. I got alot of compliments on it yesterday at work. Everyone was calling me Angela Davis. I'm gonna try to wear it this way more so I won't have to wash it so much. Guess I need to invest in scarfs for my head bands. Oh before I go, I'm trying a braid out today. My hair is short but I managed to braid it...I will take them out later to see how my fro will look with the crinkles in it.

06.17.2003 Well today I tried to do a little braid out with my short hair. I was walking around looking like Ceely from the color purple for a minute with those little plats all over my head. All I did was braid it (the best way I could) and let them stay in for some hours. To my surprise when I took them out my hair had curls all over...Like I had had them up on sponge rollers or something. I was looking like a grandma. So I took my fingers and broke them up and added a little spikey head band and volia! I thought it came out cute. I looked kinda like a little girl with my hair like this. But I think I will stick with this style for a while...Sharon

Just a little back shot of the fro

06.18.2003 Okay don't laugh. These are pics for my little braid out. I forgot to take pics yesterday so I took some this morning. (Ceely action)

07.20.2003 Took some new pics just wanted to post. Not doing much with the hair lately. Just this up do and fros.

08.13.2003 Sheesh now lookin at the pics I could have used a little lip balm haha. Anywho, I'm not doing anything too much different from before. Using the same products. For the blow out I washed with suave shampoo and conditioner in 1. Then conditioned it again with vo5. Added a little Kemi Oil before I started blowing it out. Lately when I comb my hair or even run my fingers through it I see hair shedding. I know my hair is supposed to shed but believe it or not this is the first time I have seen it shed like that. So now I'm getting worried. Worried about damage. I still haven't had my ends clipped since I did it months ago. Wow it's been 5 months since I did the big chop. So in 5 more months the fro will be out of control. Can't wait!...Sharon

So next I tried to straighten my hair. Just to make it bigger. Not to curl it or anything b/c I don't think it's long enough for a curling iron. I don't want to end up looking like a grandma. It's always just interesting to see how it looks all wild and crazy. I don't think I would leave the house like this. I just a golden hot iron setting between 15-18 and just ran the comb through my hair. Not leaving it on the hair for long periods of time. I have split ends every where they really show up when the hair is straighter. Will have more pics soon....Sharon

08.18.2003 Sorry some of these are blurred. I used my regular scarf homemade head band but instead of tucking it under I let the strings hang to give that old school 1960's flava.

I have a little part down the front. This actually looked cute about 6 hours ago. Whew it's been a long night at work. Woo wee I have 1 grey hair just waving to everyone. It has a mind of it's own. I did color my hair a month and some change ago...the greys are popping back up I see.

Here in this pic below just shows a upclose shot of my texture...curls...kinks...whatever you want to call them. I love you little kinks *muah*. I'm in love with my hair. Is that a bad thing? More to come later on. Peace & A BYE BYE! Ps...sorry for any miss spelled words on this page. I don't do spell check half the time.

09.02.2003 Wow it's September. Can you believe it? The time is just flying by. I can feel the snow and cold air brushing across my face already. I'm kinda ready for winter so I can dress in my turtle necks and sweaters. But anywho, what's up with my hair? Nothing. Still doing the same. I don't like to wash it much anymore. I just braid it before bed take it out and wear it in a fro...I have a bad habit of wanting to blow dry it when I do my fro. It does look a lot fuller and bigger. I want a super duper huge bushy fro. I need about 5 more months and it's gonna be off the hook. here are my pics of my fro from yesterday. The pics never reflect how my hair looks when I see it in the mirror. Using Kuza coconut oil grease and washing in L'Oreal Paris VIVE shampoo and conditioner. And for sheen I'm using Soft and beautiful oil sheen.Good stuff. Well here you go. the pics. I wonder if people really real all this stuff?

Oh yeah I had to show a pic of my new tee-shirt that I love so much. I had this on the other day and I had my hair in a fro and so many idiots asked me if it was me on the front. Silly rabbits. But the shirt is hot. Got it from up against the wall for about 19$. They had other ones as well so go check it out!

10.05.2003 I have taken tons of pics of my hair but didn't have a chance to post them because my computer messed up when hurricane Isabel crashed through my area. Boy am I happy that's over with. I am lucky enough to have my internet explorer up and running from time to time to update my page until we can get our AOL fixed. I really miss my's kinda like my friend :( anyways...The HAIR...this has got to be the easiest style any natural girl can have. The good old puff. I notice that the longer my hair get's the better my puff looks. And of course it's easy and very quick.

This is my favorite style above all. Just wanted to show the hair growth from last month to this month. Can you tell that I got a hair cut? Before my fro had no shape what so ever but my brother-in-law hooked me up a few of weeks ago. That trim made all the difference. I love wearing my fro with my head band. Rarely will I just wear it out without some type of head band.

I got my hair braided that some day into cornrows because I was scheduled to have surgery that following day. I was really worried about what would happen to my hair while I was getting better so I figured this was the easiest way to go. The chick at the salon charged a lot. $30 but I was desperate. No shops were open on Monday...she decided to come in on her day off to do my hair so I'm grateful. That was the first time I have been in a beauty salon since I cut my hair back in march. I will be going back to that girl to get my hair braided again. She does awesome work. But I'm actually gonna get some more kinky twists but use a different kind of hair than I used in the pictures from when I transitioned so they will look different..better actually. That will give my hair time to grow and breath cause I can't lie, I get a little crazy with the blow dryer and I know I shouldn't but my fro looks better when I blow it out. Here are the pics.

I ended up taking those out yesterday cause my head was itching so bad and of course I wanted to see what my hair would look like partially out of the braids. It turned out okay but of course I put it up real quick. Only left it out for the pic. Only a side shot the other pics didn't come out so well.

My Son Christian

He wants to be a Power Ranger when he grows up...

10.27.2003 Sorry I have been slackin with the photos. I have had computer trouble. But anyways, I need HELP!!! I have a irritating case of body acne. It is on my upper arms and across my shoulders on my back. I don't know what to do to make it go away. I use Netrogena Acne Body doesn't really work, I use astringent for black heads. I don't add any oil to my skin from fear of clogging my pores. If anyone battles with this condition can you please email me and give me some tips on how to deal with this. I wish I could just have laser added to the areas to make them go away but I don't have that type of money. So if you can help me email me. Thanks

11.04.2003 Been slackin with my styles lately. Here is a braid out that came out SO good. Now that my hair is growing it's lookin so much better in the braidout. It takes me 2 hours to braid my hair before bed. That SUCKS!

11.06.2003 Hey yall. I got my hair did!! I love it. More twists braids but with a different type of hair. Instead of using the Kinky hair we used Isyss Collection. It's a softer silkier hair. I am loving these braids. My cam died before I could take a back shot. So I'll do that tomorrow.

11.23.2003 Hello again. Yes Sharon is slacking big time with the pics. But since I am sporting the braids I figured what was the point of doing a lot of pics. Seen one set of kinky twists braids you've seen them all. But I do think I will photograph them again just to show the difference in how they were when I first got them to now. They are frizzy and people actually think it's my hair. I am ready to have them removed because I miss playing with my hair. I did take out one braid at the nape of my neck so that I could just twirl my real hair in my fingers. It kinda comforts me or something. Guess I have the "hand in fro" syndrome like so many have out there. I have been working on some little art stuff for my web pages. Happy to be Nappy stuff. Tell me what you think. The point was for it to look as clean and neat as possible...but yet cute as well with lots of bright colors. Enjoy. Will post new pics soon...sharon

12.02.2003 I have had my braids in for almost a month now. My new growth is coming along nicely. I couldn't get a good picture of it though. I don't really know what I'm going to do with my hair after the braids. I may get them done again...who knows

12.16.2003 My apologies...Everyone has been asking me about the "Iyss Collection" hair used for my kinky twists. And I have been saying that I would find out about it. I'm a piece of crap because I still haven't called the girl that did my hair yet to ask her about the hair. I promise I will soon. I have been so bogged down with the holiday work and just life in general that it slips my mind. I will post the info asap.
I have recently removed the braids (last week) but I did take a picture right before I removed them. I had bitter sweet feelings because I loved them but I love my hair as well. I missed my own hair. Here are the braid pics before I removed them.

I removed my braids last week but this was taken last night before bed...check out my hang time :)

And here are my braids (plats) for my braid out...

And lastly this is my braidout I wore today. Sorry no forwards cam died before I could take one.

Coil pics coming soon!!!

12.16.2003 I'm soon. Well here are the pics of my coils. I think they look pretty but at the same time kinda weird. I will be breaking them apart in the morning when I wake up. I'll be sure to take pics of the finished product. I washed with Suave Holiday Shampoo and Conditioner. I think it's the "Holly Berry" blend. Smells good. I used "Smooth'n Shine Polishing Curl Activator Gel (for extra dry hair with aloe vera)" to twist the hair. And just sprayed it with oil sheen when I was done.

These kinda remind me of Rick James for some reason :o\

12.17.2003 Finished product! I love it of course.

Thanks go out to Miss "Radiantsmiler" for doing research on that hair that I used for kinky twists. Guess what yall. I spelled it wrong :o\ Well like I said I never purchased the hair my stylist did so I just assume the spelling. Any who there is an online website about the hair. so feel free to take a peek. Sorry ladies and gents your gonna have to copy and past the link into your browser because I don't know how to add links to my text just yet. Sorry for the inconvience. Take care And thanks again miss lady for finding that info.

12.21.2003 I kept those coils for 4 days. I loved them and got tons of compliments they looked better the frizzier they got. Darn I should have taken a pic before I washed them out. OH well. I am attempting for the 2nd time a 2Strand Twist style. These pics are taken shortly after twisting the wet hair. *FINGERS CROSSED* I pray they look good tomorrow when they dry. We shall see.

Wonderful PRODUCT!!!! Used for twist and coil styles!

12.22.2003 Um I don't know how I feel about these... But here are the twists.

01.04.2003 Happy New Year!!!! Yeah so it's another year. I'm pretty happy about it. Because it's a new beginning for me as well as everyone else. The churches and gyms are packed. Everyone wants to work out and get their praise on. Which is great...Yall just stick with it now ya hear! I just wanted to do a quick snap shot of my January fro. Pretty big huh? It's almost been a year people I'm happy. I cut it tonight my ends were so rough and scraggly. But they are gone now. I should be getting a kinky twist redo soon. Other than that i'm not doing anything new with the hair. It's just kinda there. I'm close to my 1 year anniversary of the BIG CHOP! I think I might go out and celebrate.

01.06.2004 THE PUFF!

01.08.2004 Yeah I'm updating once again. And yes I'm sure you may be thinking that I have a lot of time on my hands. But really...this is a hair I'm supposed to keep it update right? Of course I am. Well, last night I decided to try something a little different with my puff. I was browsing the nappy website and came across a few simple pick me up's to the puffs. Nothing too big just something to add a little flavor to it. I actually like the sides but dislike the front. My part isn't straight. But not too bad for a start and my scarf is showing...But I'll fix that before I head on out to work.

I'm going to try not to talk a hole in your head here because after all this is supposed to be about hair and I often wonder like I stated last people really read this stuff? I hope that my little "journal" action isn't that boring that you just skim over it and look at the pics. But if you do that's cool with me too :) I do that sometimes myself.

This morning I have to head on down to the financial aide office to get my sh*t straight. Talk about a long line I'm sure. Me being the procrastinator that I am...I'm sitting here updating my hair journal instead of taking a shower and heading on out there :o| that's the Pisces in me I guess. Or maybe I am just a lazy person that puts stuff off till the last minute.

The biggest thing that's plaguing me in the new year is my "friends" I'm looking around at the people in my life...some of them anyway and I'm asking myself "Are they really my friends?" I look at our past and look at where we are today and see that they haven't really brought anything to the table in our "friendship". I have done more, some have hurt me in the past. I'm not really talking about girls because I don't get that close to females...Only the ones I have known for years and years (childhood friends).

But there are some males in my life that profess to be my "friend" but have done some very very stupid things. So I'm wondering "Why are you even here? What's the point...your just taking up space!" There is one in particular. Why do I still converse with this person. When he calls I answer the phone instead of letting it ring. When he emails I respond. But sometimes I call him, he doesn't answer. Even when he asks me to call! Everyone that has a cell usually keeps it attached to their hip or some where close to them every day. He'll say "oh I was out...didn't hear it ring...was in the shower." I'm no fool b/c I do the same to unwanted cell phone calls that I receive.

BUT then he'll call or email me...or text me "hey what's good for tonight, what are you doin...let's go out!" And usually I will turn him down but that's only because it's late and also the fact that I have a child. I can't exactly just leave the house when I feel like it. When I go out I have to plan it in advance so I can have a sitter. So then he sounds disappointed.

Well I have come to the conclusion that this is a 1 sided "friendship" when I need him he's not really there for me. When something BIG happens to him I'm right there patting him on his back "poor poor boo boo it's gonna be okay."

So.................. What can I do? I guess make a promise to myself to not answer any text, emails or calls from my cell. Yeah it always works for about a week or two then this little voice in my head says "girl answer that phone!!!" and I do :o\

I by no means am a ugly girl and I have a good heart so why put up with someone that's not real all the time. Just real when it's convenient to them. HMMM that's something to ponder on today.
Well sorry to vent about my personal issues. It was just hanging heavily on my brain this morning. I tell people all the time that they deserve I give them advice. Why can't I take my own?

oh yeah and...

God Bless This Hair Product!

This stuff right here is God sent. You can put it on after you wash your hair and you can also put it on dry hair. Just leaves hair silky with a shine. Smoothes frizzies and also smells good enough to eat. But I don't recommend eating it.

01.13.2004 Hello again. I'm back. Well my situation I spoke about some days ago is now null and void at this present time. Contact has come to a cease. Not even a hello in passing which is perfectly fine with me. I decided to curl my hair yesterday. It wasn't cute at all. I had a huge curled fro on my head...looking CRAZY. SO I tried to put it in a puff that didn't work. I find that the puffs are better when the hair is thicker. My hair was just too soft so my puff looked like a 5 year olds that has been playing outside all day...Pieces of hair popping all out. So today I braided it. It didn't "crinkle" up like It ususally does because it's so straight. But it looks okay. I used some little clips in the front to pull it back some. I like the style I'll try it again when my hair is a bit thicker. It will thicken after I wash again next week. I haven't found any new products that are working wonders. Just using the same old stuff. Here are the pics

01.27.2004 Greetings! Just wanted to post my straight-do. This is my 2nd day wearing it. It's okay not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. But don't get me wrong I'm still a natural girl through and through :) Oh and I wanted to share the purty kids in my fam. My niece Kaela is just tooooo grown. This chick wants to be like me. She is so prissy. She is going to be a mess when she gets older. I think I'm going to start praying for my sister right now cause she's gonna need it. well here they are.

"I"m Happy To Be NAPPY!" Kaela says....

The Rugrats

02.22.04 Welcome back. It's been a while since I updated. I have been busy with procrastinating with my homework, spazzing out with PMS, banging my head against the wall thinking about my future, enjoying a Valentine's day along washing my hair while enduring a headache, oh it snowed AGAIN, um let's see what else has been goin on, I made it up in my mind to relax, relate and release that person from my life that I talked about last month...And I really mean it this time. :) Now what's up with my hair.
Okay I woke up one day and decided I wanted to color my hair "RED". So I go to the store. Buy a box of red color...well it was like a ruby color. Came home and put it in. Waited 30 minutes. Washed it out put the towel on my head for big show in front of the mirror. Took down the towel and do you know that the color only took at my roots!!!! So I have red roots and black ends. :o\

But after a while...Looking at looks kinda cool:) With my twists it gives a nice effect.

I want to apologize for those of you that want the info about the ISIS hair that was used on my kinky twists...I STILL haven't gone to get my hair braided or called my stylist about the hair. I'm a pisces so I guess it's true about being a procrastinator. Sowwie
Here are my twists with the red roots unbroken. They look crappy here but they were kinda wet and you know how that goes.

Alllllllllllllrighty then, here they are unbroken. They look okay. Not complaining, they look better as the days go on.

Welcome to my page. I'm Nerdy Girl. This is day #6 not bad huh? I stil I think I may wash them out (day #7) they have done their duty.

Introducing Princess Victoria

This is my beautiful brand new niece Victoria Kristan Ames. She is my namesake (Sharon Victoria). My aunts middle name was Victoria and my great grandpa's name was it's kinda nice. She's wonderful and precious and I wish good things for her life. I promise to be a wonderful aunt to her we are so blessed to have her. Thank you God for bringing us another Jewel! That's my niece nephew and son and my pop in the picture with her

03.06.2004 HAPPY NAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!!!!!! Yes one year ago today I did the BIG CHOP and I must say that I'm very happy with how far I have come trust me please. I didn't take a picture today...maybe I will tomorrow to mark my one year length. I said I was just going to do my journal for one year...but you know, I think I will still update every now and again. Let me give a quick update.
Hair is cool...just doing a shake and go now because I'm very lazy. I have started back working out again and I feel great except for the fact that I'm sooo sore and I'm walking around like grandma Essie Bell. I'm trying to get right for this party I'm going to be going to in a couple of weeks. I have a fabulous dress and I have to be on point of course. Love life is still not on point but who cares. I'm really just "doin me" right now.
Sometimes it beez like that...but then again it's always like that for me now that I think about it. I'm still doing good with certain things I said I was gonna try to change. So far so good...will power is holding up. Yall...I'm getting a little excited about this tease of warm weather we have had. It's been so beautiful out doors this past week. I wish it would stay but hey, God do your thang. My birthday is this month. I'm getting old. I'll be 24! Ha I would have never thought I'd still be home with my parents at 24. Next year if I keep this journal that long hopefully by my 25th birthday I'll be typing from my apartment. Fingers CROSSED!!!! It's time for me to spread my wings and get up out of here. I need privacy and at times I feel as though the walls are closing in on me. *sigh* Well yall come back now ya hear...thanks for coming out goodnight and God bless you :) sharon

03.13.2004 Evening. Well I finally took pics of the hair. Also I wanted to remind everyone we are a week away from my 24th birthday. GO Shern it's your birfday! Well is the process of perfecting the almighty AFRO. No side shots because it wasn't as even as I thought...guess it's time for another hair cut.

Step #1

Wash AND Condition your hair with your favorite shampoo and will probably look like this with conditioner in it

Step #2

Next I usually comb through my hair with a wide tooth comb to attempt to get the kinks out so it won't be so hard to blow dry...Here you can see the hair is combed looking like I have a asymetrical stack hair do like Salt-n-Pepper back in the early 90's

Step #3

After combing the conditioner through...RINSE! Here is a picture of clean hair wet

Step #4

Give it a little shake to get the excess water out...sorry for the cover face shot... I was not looking cute at

Step #5

Blow it out with a dryer...add some makeup to cover up blemish marks :)

Step #6

Fluff and smile

Step #7

Add some clothes and a little bit of gloss and your good ta go! Have fun with your Afro...I know I do *cheese*

03.18.2004 Okay I'm upset. I got my hair re-braided yesterday. 180.00 and sitting for 6 hours my butt was numb after sitting...serious pins and needles in my cheeks. But anyways here is why I'm upset. Well she braided the hair...Added the rollers and everything seemed all good. She took out the rollers...Turned me around in the chair and I looked in the mirror...:o\ These don't look like the ones i had before. I can't even tell if it's the same type of hair. They feel hard. And they are SHORT! Well shorter.
I was going for a certain look...but these kinky twists look just like everyone elses and that's what I'm upset about. The ones I had in October where perfect. They were long and looked really good. these are like in some kind of layered style. WHAT THE HELL? SO I keep looking in the mirror thinking...maybe it's not as bad as I think it is. But if that's the case why would I be having this feeling in the pit my stomach like I want to scream? Now they aren't horrible but I really wanted them to look like the way they did last time. I'll see how I feel in a few days. Maybe they will grow on me.

Okay am I just trippin? Here look at the difference...

The new ones

03.22.2004 Okay I'm feeling a bit better about the braids. I haven't worn them down yet i keep them pulled up. The type of hair used was "PUFFY SCREW BULK 20" but I'm not sure if ISIS was used this time. I suck I know. I tried to ask the girl where the hair came from and all that...she wouldn't tell me...she told me to tell whoever wants to know to call her. GRRRRRrrr that made me mad. But any who...I had a BLAST on my birthday this past saturday. Man oh man did I have fun **daydreaming**. I took my "club" pic at the cabaret that I went on on friday. Sat I went to this nice lounge bar called Havana and errybody got tipsy. I had a nice hotel room as well. It turned out very nice.

04.04.04 How funny is this? The braids are gone already lol. I kept them in for exactly 2 weeks. Yall know I didn't like them. I knew I wasn't going to be able to go a month with them in my hair because I was displeased. It kinda felt like I was in a foreign country and now I have returned back home :) I have a few pics here of when I had them in. I love the feel of MY hair. I colored it the same day I got it bye bye red roots.

I wore the braids pulled back the whole time. I liked them back like this...part up in a ball the bottom part hanging...

Here is a pic from the night me and my friends hit up this really nice lounge bar called the Havana downtown. Well as you can see I was having a great time (hehe)

Feels good to be back. This will be my new signature hair do...head band scarves. Nice touch of color. I have just been doing braid outs. It's time for a hair cut because my ends are out of control. I have decided to take a break from wearing my makeup. This will be hard because I have been doing it for years. But I got a horrible breakout around my hair line...and the make up isn't helping. I will continue to put on my eye makeup though cause I can't totally go bare. But today I did slack with my promise because I had a baby shower to go to and i had to put on some foundation :o\

I love this scarf. the zebra print trimmed in pink. Matches my shirt perfectly...see you have to cooooordinate...

I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone that has shown me love and viewed my journal. I have spoken with a lot of nice girls. Stay in touch yall. On another note..a music note, for those of you N.e.r.d. fans, invest in their new album. I looooove it. I'm a N.e.r.d. freak. Hopefully I'll have some pics later on if I decide to try something new with this hair. Peace

04.06.04 A pic of my April afro puff...I'm liking the length of it :)

04.28.2004 Welcome back! Quick update on what's going on with me. Well, first the hair...lately I usually just wear a braid out. Washing it with Suave. I need a trim bad b/c it's been some months since I clipped my ends. My hair is still growing out nicely. It's very full and thick and BLACK just like I like it. I recently had some photo's done at this place called Botanical Gardens in Norfolk VA. That place is sooo lovely. Flowers every where. I'm very pleased with my pictures. They are the best that I have ever taken.

On another note. A HAPPY note. I met someone. Well actually I have known him for a while. He's been trying to talk to me for 3 months and I always dissed him. Basically because I figured he was just like the rest of the dogs out here. Until I gave him a chance for some conversation and what do ya know....We have hit it off so well. We talk all the time. Our dates are out of this world. I haven't felt this good about a guy in a long time. He feels exactly the same way about me. I'm so happy he didn't give up on me. God had a plan for it to be this way. He embodies everything that I'm looking for in a man from his spiritual strength, to being romantic, to having family values, being a gentleman and he's romantic and he's such a hard worker. He puts me first and I need that type of man in my life. The first time we kissed I could tell that he's gonna be around for a while. I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach...butterflies x5. So I'll just put it on God's hands and wait and see what he has in store for us. No rush...though it's hard not to when it all feels so good and so real. Wish me luck!!! Yesterday was the anniversary of my sister Crystal's death. She died 2 years ago from a heart problem. She was 33 years old, very beautiful and I miss her. This year it doesn't hurt so bad. Thank God that time heals all wounds.
Here are the pics...

05.13.2004 Greetings and Salutations my nappy sisters. I decided to do something a little different. The pictures that you are about to view are not of my real hair. They are a figment of your imagination...sike i'm lying. See what had happened was, I was supposed to go to this party some weeks ago. I knew it was going to be a "sweat box" so I was really worried about how my natural would hold up in all that humidity.
So I decided to attempt to do a fake puff. I went to the beauty supply and purchased a black hair track called "Corkscrew" got home...combed the hair out really good so that it would look as puffy and nappy as possible. I wetted and gel'd my hair up into a little baby afro puff on top of my head and wrapped the track around. It took some tweaking to get it to look the way I wanted. I had to tease the hair..Spray and pat. Tease the hair spray and pat again until it looked like an afro puff. it is. This is a great trick for summer time when that hot weather starts coming on. This way your style won't get messed up and you can keep on being cute without worry that your real natural hair might be shrinking
Can you tell the difference????

05.28.2004 PMS coming through!!! WATCH OUT! :o{ I guess I should be happy it is here because if it wasn't I wouldn't be a happy camper. But lawd it has me buggin. Tonight I'm off from work so I decided this was the perfect time to wash my hair because it was sooo dirty. I have done the no shampoo method for the past 2 weeks and man I had a serious build up on my scalp. I washed in Aussi shampoo and conditioned in Pantene. I added a little bit of Kewi Oil and blew it out into a fro. I will braid it tonight for my braid out tomorrow. I'm not in the best of moods so I'll make this brief. Peace and Blessings to all until next time...Sharon

06.03.2004 Prayer REQUEST! Mr. Wonderful that I spoke about up above is MR. CRAZY. Pray for me yall I mean that because he is showing serious signs of being a nut job just like on those lifetime movies that we love. He has threatened me...ughh it's a mess. Just pray for my safety please.

07.02.2004 I decided to update again because it's been a while. For those of you who prayed for me through my issue with the wacko thank you. He's since been fired from our job...we worked together BIG MISTAKE. The whole situation really changed my life in more ways than one. I think it was meant to happen to open my eyes to a lot of things. Well enough of that. Now my hair has grown a lot I was going to curl it today but I opted against it. I'll wait a little while longer before I try that again. Every time I straighten it I'm surprised at my length. One more year and it's gonna be out of control :) These are my first attempt at doing 2 puffs. They have a nice size. I refused to do some itty bitty ones, I wanted to wait till I had enough length to pull them off. I am using a new product on my hair that is working wonders. The brand is called PARNEVU (never heard of it before) It's called "T-Tree Growth Creme". My mother purchased it from RITE-AIDE. It is a thin cream it almost feels like a conditioner or shampoo type texture. But it works wonders. This with a little bit of water will do the trick. It is a great detangler!

Been natural for just about 1 year and 4 months...

07.05.2004 I just had to post a pic of a milestone with natural hair...being able to pull it into a low puff (though slightly small)without hair poking out or having to add clips to hold pieces of hair down.

07.10.2004 Dear Nappy Readers, for those of you that visit often and for those of you that kinda know me I must tell you a few things that have happened to me. I feel that there may be others out there that feel as I have. This entry isn't about hair. Now some entries ago I typed about how God sent me that relationship with Michael. Which was so far from the truth!

I have been very confused majority of my life. You could say that I have lived in a dark room with dark things unable to see the light. I could only see a peep hole with light shining through. Until now. I came across this book called "The Purpose Driven Life" it's a 40 day journey that answers the question "Why on earth am I here?"

For a long time I asked myself that. I didn't know my purpose. I was so caught up with the worlds crap...I was lost. In and out of after the other and still never being happy inside. Doing things to try to mask my pain. But soon as the high effects wore off I was back to my unhappy low self-esteem, low confidence self.

I reached out to others to make myself happy (usually men). I adored their compliments "Your so pretty" but really I didn't feel pretty on the inside. I put so much time into making my outsides look great to only cover up the ugliness I held inside. I was only for "SHOW" only good to be a trophy on someone's arm...only good to lay with. I know now that that's not my purpose for being here.

Now back to this book. I was at my lowest point in life feeling hopeless again. I spoke to my good friend on the phone who is a male he said "Sharon, you have to read this book!" And luckily it was already in my home. My mother had the book. So I began to read. Chapter one spoke to me and let me know that "It all starts with God"-YOU WERE MADE BY GOD AND FOR GOD-AND UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, LIFE WILL NEVER MAKE SENSE!! chapter 2 then spoke to me and let me know that "I AM NOT AN ACCIDENT"-Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God. I never thought of it this way.

The light bulb slowly started to come on. It's not all about me. It's not about the clothes I have, not about my figure, my car, their cars, my friends, money, anything! It's all about God. Those are just temporary things as well as this life only being temporary.

It has taken a horrible situation to make me see the bigger picture. It's not all about me. I have lived a very self absorbed self centered life. I will not do that anymore. Sex doesn't bring me out of wedlock only makes God disappointed. That thought alone makes me sad. I don't want to disappoint God ever again. When it's time for me to go into the gates of heaven I want to be rewarded because of my good down on the earth. I don't want to just get there I want to get their and be rewarded with his mercy and all of his love. He does love me even in the dark days that I felt that no one did. Behind that smile you all see in these pictures was pain. Lots of pain...YEARS of pain. But for once I feel FREE!!!!!

I have hope for the future when I once had none. I will no longer look to a man for answers or love because I know that God loves me. I mean I knew but I still didn't fully accept it. But I have. I know that I am made just the way I am supposed to be made. I had to share this with you all because I know many of us are broken as women. Now if I can find peace and love within myself from the word of God YOU CAN TOO!

It really is a beautiful thing thinking of going to Heaven one day. I'm excited. I'm excited about telling people about what God has done in my life. He has taken away all of that pain and uncertainty away. I urge you ladies that are lost...young and old if you can't understand the bible start with the book that opened my eyes "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. You read only one chapter a day! And within those 3-4 pages you will be changed and healed.

Copy and paste that link to purchase it online. It really did change my life for the better. If anyone wants to speak to me please email me. I want to give others hope for living a better life with God. It can happen. You will see all that pain wash away when you focus on the BIG PICTURE and not just the world we live in. Remember all this is temporary. But eternity lasts forever. Thank you and Love to all!! Sharon

07.16.2004 I am experimenting. I have been wanting to try flexi rods for a while now. I actually used them when I was a little girl. My mom used to braid my hair then put it up on the rods it came out really cute. SO, I'm gonna give it another go round. I promise to post the after pics even if it looks awful lol. I'm hoping that it won't look like GRANDMA afterwards. We shall see. I have rolled this hair was dry and also it was a braid out. I just grabbed hair and put it on the rollers. I didn't take my time cause this is just an experiment. Maybe later I'll actually comb the hair and do it while the hair is totally wet or damp. Check back tomorrow for the after pic! Ps. Everything in the personal life is still A. O. K.! Still praying and trying to stay positive no matter what. See you all soon.

07.29.2004 Now I am a little late with posting these pics. Go ahead and get a good laugh...the rods didn't work at all...I'll try again later and next time rod my wet hair and see if that will work. Rodding dry hair isn't a good idea. I call this "A Puffy Mess" lol.

SAME DAY Well I had to wash it out and I decided to just do a good old fashion puff to the back with a front part...I love my bra strap head band.


I wanted to give special THANKS to everyone on the Long Hair Care Forum that gave me lots of love about my site!!! It moved me to tears(literally)! I'm so happy that I could inspire anyone to go natural or even inspire someone in their personal life. I try to bring this hair journal to life not only with photos and hair info but with my story of LIFE. (((Hugs))) to you all. I pray that you all continue to grow: Spiritually, Mentally, Physically and also I pray that your hair grows to great lengths! I almost didn't know what to do with all of the love I received but I will embrace it and I hope that you all can sense that I'm giving it back right now, even if I don't speak with you personally to thank you. I'll add more pics soon I have been a bit lazy with posting. A lot is still going on, I recently lost my job but you know God is so good and he will work that out for me just like everything else. Peace and Blessings to all! (as you can see I'm an open book, many would turn their nose up and ask me why I am this way. I am this way because I know my struggles not only strengthen me but they also hit home to a lot of other people out there. So that's why I do what I do.) Love you all...Sharon

08.12.2004 Here are pics of my July BlowOUT. I washed it in ...hmm I can't remember. Well I washed it and and conditioned it...I used Citra Shine Conditioner (they sell it at the dollar store!!!!) And used my T-tree hair cream that is in the picture up above.

More pictures, these are taken earlier today (08.12.2004) These are regular twists, after I twisted them I sprayed AFRICAN PRIDE-Braid Sheen Spray on them, which of course made them shrink. I was just experimenting with hair products as always. This twist out wasn't the greatest but I took pics anyway.

Now I never do my twists small and I always take them out the next day but I was looking through my new LUCKY mag and I came across this girls style. It looked cute. She was explaining how she keeps her twists in for up to 3 weeks...I can't imagine doing that but I said I'd try.

I did them very small it took me about 6 hours and some change to do my whole head. and I LOVE the way they turned out. I was afraid of the outcome but I'm happy with my results. It's wonderful being able to do my own hair because it's saves so much $$ coming out of the pocket. I bet a stylist would have charged me $60 for this.
Now I just have to wrap them up and pray they still look cute in the morning. Good night everyone and God bless.

"Christian you better sit still and take this picture!"

This was taken on Sunday at my niece's going away to college cookout. We are so proud of her..I guess I need to add her here as well. She is a natural girl too! I had my hair in a puff with the cutest hair flower. You can't see it because it was black but don't worry you know I'll show you another time.
Here she is

Miss Keisha has kinky twist, she is fully natural under the braids with a nice size afro. She has decided to lock her hair. I think she will be using the extensions as she does the locking process.

08.15.2004 Today at church was absolutly uplifting to the point of tears! The message was from Luke 22:31-34. Where Jesus lets Peter know that he will deny him 3 times saying that he doesn't know Jesus. It's funny because Jesus knows all before we even do something. He knows what sins we will commit later on at night before we even plan to do it. He's all knowing.
The best thing about God is that he forgives. Not saying that you should just go out here doing whatever your heart craves for, BUT he will forgive when we sin. He forgave Peter and he will forgive us as well. That's so wonderful of him and I'm glad that I serve a God who is so loving and forgiving.
When I first got to church today I didn't feel like standing, much less clapping my hands and that was because I was letting the devil take hold of my mind. The devil tells you to stay in bed on Sunday morning so that you won't go to church to give God thanks.
The devil is so slick. I find that he puts things in front of you that you really like, such as a good drink, good smoke, a fine woman or a fine man, the lottery, food, whatever tickles your fancy...he puts your weaknesses right in front of your face hoping you will fall for it.
The devil hurts, he will cause pain. Do you all remember that fine man that he placed in front of you...I know I do, that man that was nice, handsome, smelled good, had a body like WHOA. Yeah I remember him :) ...the devil placed him in front of me because that was one of my weaknesses. The devil isn't your friend because that same fine man is the man that cheated on you, beat you, verbally abused you, gave you an STD, talked about you behind your back, broke your heart or whatever else he did.
In saying all of that my point is that God would never hurt you. God is love and it's our responsibility to resist the devil. He can paint a pretty picture but please my sisters resist. We are all in this fight together. Remember the devil works his magic by starting in your mind...Don't let him have your mind. I'm glad I was refreshed today because you know who was putting a number on my mind, but I'm taking it back!! Be victorious instead of the victim. (((Hugs))) to you all.

Twists Day #4

08.20.2004 Evening. Are you all enjoying the 2004 Olympics? The USA is doing great. Well I decided to try some flat twists. This was my first time. I didn't do too bad. My puff is pitiful though :) But I'm happy with my first try. I kept my mini twists in for a week. I had to wash my hair because my dandruff was big as snow flakes. I did these flat twists with the T-tree I have pictured above.

08.27.2004 Hello everyone. I went on an interview yesterday and I decided to wear my hair up in a puff. I had actually did a braid out but I didn't like the way it came out so I put it up. Plus it was so hot out yesterday that I couldn't stand the hair around my neck. I hope you all are doing good today because I'm doing wonderful. And I did get hired for the job but I didn't take it because the atmosphere wasn't professional enough. I walked in the door and loud rap music was playing over the PA system. I was the most dressed up person. Everyone had on jeans and they were talking loud about things that shouldn't be discussed at work (what they did with there man in bed and so forth). After my interview I opted against the job. I think I can do better than a place like that and being in there with those people I felt like I was in the pit of sin :) So I walked out.

This scripture was very nice.... 1Jn 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--WHATEVER WE ASK--WE KNOW THAT WE HAVE WHAT WE ASKED OF HIM.
It's good knowing that when we are faithful to God and when we go to him when we really need him he is there and he listens and he will answer us as well. I'm happy to know that!!

09.24.2004 Wow it's almost been a month. Time sure has flown. Well life is still going very well for me. The weather is great these days. I can tell fall is right around the corner. Christian is back in school and I'm a soccer mom. I'm still out of work BUT the good thing is that it gives me time to be involved with my son and his life. I'm not in a huge updating mood this evening partially because today I was hit very hard with some sinus issues. My sinus's hurt so bad that it was hard to drive today. Coughing and sneezing over and over. That's no good. I'm hoping that when I get up tomorrow God willing this will be gone. I have plans set up for tomorrow and I don't want my runny nose getting in the way.

The photo's your about to see come from my sister's wedding on the 12th of this month. I'm SOOO happy for her. She dated her husband for
12 years before they tied the knot. YES 12 long years. He was worth the wait I suppose. She's happy so I am happy for her. For the wedding I did some coils. I am looking real phony in this pic with my grandma because I had a spliting head ache. This is my me, my granny and my sister Shauna.

Okay now I took these pics tonight. I have big hair. But I still love it. I'm at my 1.5 year mark since I did the big chop. It doesn't seem like it's growing much these days but I guess looking at the pics from the past I guess it has. Yall take care and come back again real soon. I'll try to update again in the next week or so if I do something new. Love to you and yours. Goodnight and God bless. Ps. I'll try to get back to any questions left in my guest book sometime this week.


Happy Fall to you all! Is anyone else having sinus troubles or is it just me? I just wanted to share a few things with you that I learned at a Women's Conference 2004 given by church Grove Baptist. They say whenever you hear good news it's best to pass it along. I am trying to follow this as well...
Steps for Life Change

1. Acknowledge where you are. If your in a mess acknowledge that, that's the first step to getting yourself on track. Did you know self pity was a sin? Stop wallowing in it.
2. Become consistent in the mind, follow through with actions.
3. Learn to love and believe in your self! Work on what you don't like. If it's weight, money issues, relationship issues, whatever it is, it won't change until you make it change. You already know what you have to do.
4. View your failures as learning experience; stop letting your circumstance control you
5. Don't tolerate no mess (Get away from corrupt people)
6. Develop a support system and training system (a person that can hold you accountable=A spiritual mentor) Learn to trust other women! The devil shows us that we shouldn't!! Love your sister, stop trying to bring her down.
7. Learn the celebrate the success of others (no hating stop the jealousy).
8. Reflect beauty in all that you do (not just physical beauty)

-God Created YOU with unlimited Potential which means the sky is the limit, whatever dream you have in your heart it can be real and come to life (I am trying to practice this as well)

-Toughen up and stay focused, never compromise, as soon as you do you have failed.
Remember GOD desires for us to change, HE wants us to be Renewed!!

Readers Please click on the link named EVERYONE READ! I designed this page this evening with my sisters in mind. So go check it out!! I hope it helps someone out there

11.15.2004 It's been a little over a month since I updated. I figured it was time. This was purly a experiment but you know I actually kinda like it. I braided the front going to the back (cornrows I guess)and I did 2-strand twists in the back. And I turned them into frenchrolls sorta. The twists give it a nice effect. I likes! The last pic is taken without a flash. And I did my braids and twists with Black and Sassy hair cream. The whole line of products can be found at Sally's Beauty supply or any other beauty supply.

The front doesn't look great. I can't braid going straight back at all...
This last pic was taken without the flash.

12.27.2004 Merry Christmas everyone. This Christmas was wonderful. My son got so much, I wasn't expecting him to receive so much. He is a blessed child. I will give a quick update before bed. It's been a while since I spoke. As far as hair, I cut off a lot! Probably about 6 months worth of growth. 1.5 inches maybe 2. But I love the new length. I needed a good hair cut.
I am not doing much to it these days, mostly braidouts and wash and go's. I got a job :) it's a temp position and I'm happy about it.
12.30.2004 Here are some pics of my shake and go. I conditioned with V05 (no shampoo), and I used World of Curls Activator. The activator works very good by the way.

My heart is saddened this evening thinking of all the destruction from the Tsunami. Watching the coverage on TV is almost unbearable at this point. I couldn't imagine sitting in my home and having water rush in...ripping my family away from me. All I have to say is that God is sending a very STRONG message to us all!!!! I do feel like this is really the beginning of the END. God is tired of all of the war, he's tired of the hate, he's tired of all of the disgrace. I have felt so emotional for the past few days and I have spoken with God and felt him with me. I try not to ask why this happened. This is just all part of the plan. I know that all I can do is to stay prayed up and continue to look to God. If you haven't already...please pray for the people that survived, pray for their health. And also please pray for my sister Dorcus that has been in the hospital for a week now. Pray that she will be healed. Thank you. Oh and I hope you all have a happy and safe New Years Eve. 2005 here we come.
1.06.2004 I did these coils last week with World of Curls gel.

In Loving Memory of Such a Wonderful Man that Changed The World! Without You Dr. King Where Would We Be? Thank You!!

1.28.2005 These are just some random pics I took recently..Twist out

The next pics are my flat twists. My hair is a little damp here. I washed with L'oreal shampoo for curls and conditioned with Dove, and I used a leave in conditioner called Parnevu T-tree and did the twists with Parnevu T-tree hair cream. I don't think I'd go out with my hair like this, but it's a nice protective style if I am not going any where special. My parts aren't straight..this is my first attempt. They are big as well. I might try to make them smaller next time. It's a spiral all the way around my head. I thought it looked kinda neat. I just love natural hair, you can do ANYTHING with it :) Don't you agree?!

2.20.2005 Hello everyone. I wanted to update you all with the good news...

I haven't been updating this month much with anything good because I haven't felt all that great. I started to let myself get down for a few moments until I was reminded that I am strong through GOD and only GOD. Reason I say that I haven't felt great was because I started getting down on myself because of being unemployed. I was trying to get a job but no one would hire me for what ever reason but I heard about this new eating place that was about to open up. I had already made it up in mind that I was going back to waitressing because the money is great but only downside is that the food places usually don't give benefits.
But low and behold I saw this new place as I was on my way to the gym and I wondered "HM I wonder what that is over there???" But I kept going on about my business to get my workout on. I got to the gym, put on my head phones, hopped on the treadmill and I heard a commercial "NOW HIRING ALL POSITIONS, COME IN TODAY, OPENING DATE MARCH 15th, LOOKING FOR ENERGETIC FUN PEOPLE, BENEFITS AVAILABLE!" So I was like WHAT? I knew I needed to go down there.
I got home and I just couldn't get it off my mind. I kept thinking "Tomorrow I will get this job!!!" I prayed so hard about it. The night before the interview process I dreamed about it all night long, dreamed about working in a new place meeting new people. I woke up and got ready and I went. I told my Father to pray for me as well because I needed this job and I WANTED this job. Well I got there a little nervous but calm at the same time if that makes any sense. I had a series of 3 interviews. The owner is an African-American man. I thought "Thank God" and he has a wonderful personality and vision for the new place.
We talked for a while about things and he extended his hand and said "WELCOME TO THE TEAM!" I just had to thank him and let him know exactly how happy I was because this has been somewhat of a struggle for me even though I tried to stay positive though my unemployment period. I'm very excited and I am going to do my best in this business. I will tell you how it goes. And I will post more pics later. I just had to share the good news.
God is so wonderful, He really made me wait on this blessing but it's good though. He never let's me down, I will remember this lesson that I learned from this experience...***Never forget where God has brought me from, if he did once he can bring me out of my storm again, He is always faithful to his word and He's not going to leave me hanging, I just have to be patient and speak good and positive until he decides to bless me. As soon as I said "I HAVE THIS JOB" I was blessed!" Speak it, decree it, in the name of Jesus and it will be***
Hope all is well in your worlds. Come back tomorrow for more pics and also I am doing a weight loss challenge. Been working out since Jan 27th, I have lost about 5lbs and not sure how many inches but I know a lot because my clothes are hanging. My start weight was 146lb. My goal is 130lb. Hoping to reach that by April at the latest. Well I gotta get ready for service. TTYL

(There was a picture here but it had to be removed...sorry)

Here are the pics as promised. I tried to do some different things with braids. I probably won't wear my hair with braids in the front anymore. My sister braids way too tight and it hurt a lot and I am afraid of breakage. But it was cute while it lasted. Enjoy the new pics. Products that I'm using this month are the Cantu hair line sold at Walmart, oil and hair cream. The pictures shown are my: Twistout puff with bra-strap headband, blow out with blue scarf,Braids with flat twists going back, Braids with flat twists removed, Braids and puff and butterfly bobby-pin, and lastly Braids with 2 strand twists bobby-pinned up in the back.
(There were 10 pictures here but they had to be removed...sorry :( )

2.27.2005 I decided to put up a comparison shot. I wish I had of been doing this all along. I will start doing them more often to see exactly how long my hair has grown. I feel like I'm at a bit of a stand still with my growth. I did chop off a great deal of my hair during the holidays so that's probably why. I needed a good trim though. I'm coming up on my 2 year mark yall! March 6th. Seems like I have been natural for a lot longer but I haven't. I want my hair to grow longer!! I know I have to be patient.

I look totally gross in both pics (no makeup, need some sleep and it looks like I got punched in the lip, I don't know why lol). Funny how I'm all pale now and the one from last year I'm nice and chocolate around the shoulders. Anyway, looking at this picture I can see that I did cut off a lot. WOW a whole lot. Just thinking if I hadn't of cut off all that hair I wonder how long it would be now? Oh well. I just have to get over it.

02.28.2005 I will do another comparison in 6 months(July 05)and hopefully my hair will have grown. No more big hair cuts for me.

Today I decided to experiment. I love hair styles from the past era's. Like the 40's and 70's mostly. I was going for a sultry look, again this was only an experiment. I will try this again in the summer when I wear my sun dresses. I curled my hair and then pinned it up into 3 French rolls. Here is an example of hair from the 40's era just in case you have no idea of what I'm talking about (think of the hair styles from the color purple).

And here is my experiment. I'm not too thrilled but practice makes perfect.

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Today, 2 years ago I did the BIG CHOP!! I'm so happy with my decision to this day. I didn't realize today was my anniversary until about 30 minutes ago. I will update to show you my recent hair style. Ordinarly my shake&go's don't come out looking like much of anything but I'm very pleased this time around. The key to it working for me is the conditioner.
After doing the no poo method I saturate my hair with Lottabody setting lotion and then I add V05 Nourshing Oasis Conditioner. I scrunch the excess water out of my hair and I wrap it up in a towel. The key is not washing out the conditioner. I have always been afraid to do this but it worked. I need more moisture than just gel alone. That doesn't work at all.
I had tiny twists in for about 4.5 days so that probably helped my hair curl up even better with the shake&go. Enjoy the pics.
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(There was a picture here but it was removed...sorry) I'm a little late with my own webpage birthday shout out for myself. Yes ladies and gentlemen I turned 25 years old on March 20th, Palm Sunday. For once I can truly say that I feel different on my birthday. Usually I don't but this time around I feel a stronger sense of maturity that I haven't felt before. I feel so good about this year and just thinking about where I was on my birthday last year and where I am now, I am truly happy. Truly happy with the wisdom that I have gained over the past year.
I am so happy that God blessed me with another chance, another chance to reach my 25th birthday. For me this year is yet another birth to a part of myself that has never been here, I'm looking forward to all the new things that I will learn in this 25th year of life. My hair is strong and healthy and growing out wonderfully. That is something constant that never changes. I did attempt to color my hair last night for something drastic and new...BUT again the color didn't work. It is a wash out color b/c I am sooo scared of anything harsh like permanent or even semi. My gray hair turned red though at least :o/ Well without further are the most recent snap shots...first from my birthday dinner spent with my family.
Lastly I wanted to speak of my weight loss, I have lost 9-10lbs since Jan 27th. I'm feeling great. I wanted to get down to 130 but I might look too skinny so I may just stay. In order to get to 130 I'd have to lose about 7 more lbs. I don't know though. I'll update probably next month...but I'm doing some braids or twists tonight I may take a pic of them before bed. Thanks for checking out the updates and God bless you all!

4.15.2005 Hey yall. Welcome back. If you have set down and read this entire page, you are a good one. But I do thank you for taking the time out to learn about my hair and myself. I don't have much to say except for life is great. The hair is growing, not doing much to it these days because of lack of time. I work so much, so I usually wear it up in big puffs or pulled back. Not out much because it draws too much attention and people play in my hair too much at work. They act like they haven't ever seen black hair before.
What else, work is going well. I am doing great at my job and making good money. All thanks go to GOD. And lastly, I'm happy. I'm happy with where I am in life and with who I am. I'm so happy that I have came in contact with such positive spirits. Just such wonderful ladies and I enjoy speaking with you all. I hope your life is going smoothly and I hope your hair is growing like weeds. I have a comparison puff shot for you to look at. It's a little bit of a difference in the lenght. Peace and take care until next time.

4.23.2005 All I have to say for today is that working long hours really makes you appreciate home when you get there.
Oh, and I'm trying to track my growth and it looks like the hair has grown just a tad bit since Feb.


Hey yall! It's been a minute since I updated. I have more pics than this one but I only had time to add 1. Well what can I say?? Been working, eating !A LOT! Summer has been treating me okay. It's almost over. But I'm actually looking forward to some cooler weather because the 90's have been hard on us here in VA. 120 degree heat!
My hair is um...DRY. I don't know exactly what's going on with it. I'm so tempted to just get some braids and to call it a day. But my pockets are slim because of bills and school shopping for Christian of course. I decided to take off this semester from college but now I'm kinda having some regrets. I'm up and down. I just pray and ask God to lead my path. All these questions such as "where am I going to get the money from, When will I move out of my parents house, what will my next career move be" pops into my little head but I TRY not to let that consume me. I just have to continue to trust in Gods plan for my life and know that He has it all planned out for me.
I have to admit though, I'm starting to feel antsy with my job. I want something more. I know my interest change with the way the wind blows but honestly I'm starting to feel stagnate GOD WHAT ELSE IS THERE IN STORE FOR ME? Do you do that too? Then I have to always check myself and remember God moves when He gets ready to move, not when Sharon says to move. So here I am. I guess I just have to sit still for a second and wait for him to speak to me. It can be hard waiting sometimes.
I'm sorry if I haven't responded to your emails I have been kinda busy but one day I will sit down and respond to everyone in my box. I love yall, even though I don't know you. (((BIG HUGS))) to all of you reading this. Hopefully I will have some new pics up soon. Take care.


My sisters, this is the time that we have to give. These people that have been effected need our help right now and we have to continue to give on a regular basis. This relief effort is going to be going on for a long time. I myself personally will be donating over and over again and I am also going to set up a donation container at my job. There are so many people that have money to spend on food and liquor, then they can give to this cause. I will also be taking up a collection from the managers, kitchen staff and servers. We have more than enough. We woke up from a nice warm bed this morning, we had breakfast to eat and clothes to put on our backs. These people need our help to have the same. You may think that you don't have any money but the Red Cross will take a minimum of $5 as a donation. Every little bit will help these people. God be with those who are displaced and God be with those who lost their lives and family members. All things happen for a reason and God has his hands all over this. People it's a wake up call. Don't sleep, this could have easily hit my area or yours. Get your souls right before it's too late. God loves us so much but he will bring destruction to an area just to let people know who God is. Please help the people and above all help yourselves by giving your life to God on today. Thank you.
Pr. 14:31-32
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, But whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

<10.11.2005 Hello. I decided to stop being lazy and to take some new pictures because I have fallen off of the job with updating my site. I have been wearing my hair in a bun lately only because I just haven't had the desire to do anything with my hair. I have been focusing on God and really doing some soul searching about my life.

I'll fill you in on the hair first. I washed last night with Pantene and conditioned with Head and Shoulders first (great conditioner to my surprise) and then conditioned with Pantene just to give my hair some extra moisture. I sprayed my hair with Sta-Sof-Fro (why do the people that make these hair products for US spell the words like that??? Have you ever noticed that?) But anyway, I put 6 braids in my hair and wrapped it up for bed.

This morning I didn't know what to do so I said that I would just rock the bun again b/c I didn't have time to do anything else. I got this idea from AFashionSlave. She had the "how to" directions in her album. If you want to know how to do it just let me know. No, that's not all my hair in this bun (I wish...but one day it will).

I decided to straighten my hair to make the bun look more polished. Because with my hair just regular I have pieces popping out all over. It's a really cute style. And so quick and easy.

Now on to personal business. Man oh man. Has God shown me a thing or 2 this past summer and up until now. You know honestly what has happened is just too much to type. But I can say this, He is positioning me in place for my destiny. He is answering all of the questions that I have had. I am understanding why He has made things happen in my life the way that they have. God is so good because He always gives you the answers but like I said 2 entries ago, He gives the answers in His time, not Sharon time. I'm always in such a rush and impatient. But He has shown me some truths that were much needed.

SO, I'll leave now because I have this urge to get off the computer. I hope whoever is reading this is in good spirits. If your not please email me at I have a word for you that may help you.

Oh and my sisters in Christ, CONTINUE to spread the word of God. Don't stop, never stop. Remember that it's your job to tell others about the goodness of the Lord. We can't force others to believe but we are supposed to tell them. I prayed for boldness and He is showing me day after day what boldness is used for.
For those of you who don't know Jesus as your savior, the world that we live in isn't ours, it's temporary. Our destiny is some where else. Our Eternity (meaning forever and ever) is some where else. Think about that.

CoMe BaCk AgAiN sOoN!!

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