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Patrick's Visions And Dreams

I found myself being carried by a massive male angel and with me a person i use to know, this person however when i knew him was very much atheist and i recall his many jokes and laughs about God and the existence of God. I use to tell him he was wrong. We had times would debate the issue and one time on a trip, for hours we argued about the truth of the Bible and scripture. He would say it's all fantasy and made up. That there were too many contraditictions within it. I felt however, it was simply because is a man and trying to interpret it without truly understanding it. Anyway...another large, male angel which carried him as well. Their wings were what i would judge as being about 20 feet long and their bodies about 8 feet tall. I could feel the wind like a hurricain wind move over me as fast as they flew with us upwards. At the time i had never heard about the angels who come at death and take the spirit to heaven...for those that go there. Anyway...this is what i've read by some Christian books. The dream continued with us being taken to heaven where we both were let down and we knelt down before a great bright light. I looked to my left and i saw this guy i knew next to me and he was kneeling too. In the dream i thought, how strange that is...why is he kneeling, he doesn't believe in God. Later i will go into this.
I then saw the image of Christ coming out from this light and he was seeming to float. I looked at him and he seemed to have no expression on his face. His arms were down and he wore a single white robe. The Angels were around but i didn't notice them. But they were above us watching. Christ came up to me first and he looked down to me as i sobbed just because i was kneeling before him. In my dream i was sobbing. He said to me quietly, "Do you love the Holy Father?" I said, "YES! I do Lord." He then gave me a gentle look and he moved over to the other guy and asked him, "Do you love the Holy Father?" This guy responded,"No, I don't."
They say that when a person dies, their spirit reflects the same beliefs as when they were alive.
Anyway...Christ said again, "I will give you another chance, Do you love my Holy Father?" He said again, "No, i don't"
Christ didn't do anything...not yet...he simply moved backwards floating back into the light. The two angels came and picked us both up. But at this time, i was thinking in my dream, why did he ask him twice if he loved the Holy Father. I wasn't sure until later when i thought about this further. Christ always gives more than one chance to love the Holy Father and to believe in him as well. In my dream he did this. During my dream i couldn't understand it.
I then felt the angel pick me up again and then this guy too and now we were flying downward very fast, as fast as before and i now sobbed worse because i for sure thought i was not forgiven and i was going to hell. I was taken to hell with this person and we were left like on a center piece of rock of which was surrounded by what seemed to be fire or lava or something like this. But separated from things. I watched as i saw faces of people i knew and they were screaming out and crying and yet i can't to this day remember whose faces they were...even though in my dream i KNEW their faces well. I watched and was wondering why Christ sent me here. What felt like days in my dream quickly passed but the feeling was just as if it was like three or so days had passed and we had been here this long. I then saw these black shadow like beings come out of the fire and they had red eyes and long claws but all still just black. Blacker than black. They were quick and they flew through this underground maze of caves and fire and screaming souls. I saw them coming at us and there were about six of them. I covered my face just as they all at once came at us to grab us but just before i could feel anything of them...i felt nothing of them and instead i felt hands suddenly take me out of this area of my dream. I was so relieved but then i heard the guy that had been with me. The one who had mocked God and laughed about God's existence and his jokes and mockery and things of this nature with HIS spirit now being attacked. These shadows they attacked him biting into his soul, ripping at his soul as if it was a physical body...yet it was just his soul.
He screamed out and flailed with his hands and arms trying to fight these shadows off but they held his arms and legs and kept biting and ripping at him. I cried deeply as i was lifted and i looked up to the Angel carrying me and i asked..."can't we help him, give him another chance?" The angel in my dream answered me and he said, "No, it's too late for that he has been given his chances, he's now made his choice." After i heard those words, i then felt that yeah, that's true, he did chose that for himself, he chose not the protection of the Angels in the spirit world but he chose to go it alone. The one thing he didn't realize was that his spirit is not strong enough to fight off demons without the help of Angels of this is what it took to cast them out of heaven.
People don't realize this but that's because they are in the physical body and yet do not understand the spirit world. The world that i have also seen in out of body and in the spirit while alive as well and having encountered as well such demons. And i feel this is why Scripture speaks of such things...because Christ was not a liar. Anyway...the angel now both carried me up again back to the place where i was, i was let down and knelt down and before the light. Christ came out again but this time he was smiling to me and he had his arms open and he floated up to me and he said to me, "It is through my blood that your sins are forgiven and through me that my Holy Father accepts you into his kingdom, you are to be apart of the army of God." He placed his hands on my head and from his hands flowed blood over my head. I looked down to my body and felt blood pouring over me but as this happened, just as quickly as i saw his blood washing over me, it turned my clothing white and i saw a bright light shoot out of my heart. I honestly didn't know about such things but later also read in some books that also Christ washes those whom are saved with his blood.
I think back from this dream to that minister i prayed with.
The dream didn't end here. I then looked up to Christ and he was still smiling with his arms now open as he moved back and back into the light. The angels came and picked me up and now i'm in all white. I felt myself being put on a big white horse and it seemed to have wings but i am not sure. I didn't know in my dream really what was going on. They left me and quickly flew away. I looked behind me and as far as i could see, i saw people in white, sitting on white horses and light shined out of their hearts. By the time i turned around, I saw Christ in front of me on a huge white horse, a much bigger horse and he rared up on it and he had a sword but i couldn't remember where, i just remember seeing a sword. He shouted, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the word of God" As then he turned and flew through clouds and we without needing to steer these horses flew behind him, so vivid was this that i could feel it's coat, i could feel the warmth of the horse under my thighs, i could feel the wind through my hair. I then saw the clouds open and i thought oh, we must be flying up to see the Holy Father or a greater heaven. But instead when the clouds opened, i saw earth and at that moment, i thought to, this is the battle of Armageddon. End of Dream.

First i'd say it was the angels, i didn't know anything about the Christian belief that angels are suppose to carry the spirit or soul upon death. Second, I'd say what i also noticed was that when kneeling, this other person who i knew to be atheist, why was i asking myself why is he kneeling. I felt surely if i dreamt this dream of my own mind that he would definately not be kneeling. Yet, in this dream he was. Later i stumbled upon some scripture of which states that all shall bow before the Lord. ALL...including satan himself at the end of all things. Then i wondered why in my dream was Christ asking him twice. I later realized this was due to the mercy of Christ and his willingness to give people a chance to make their decision to accept him as well as believe and love the Holy Father. Next, and this is the ironic part...i never knew that there are three baptisms. There is one of water, one of the blood of Christ and one of the baptism of fire. This is God's way to purify the Earth at the end before Heaven is upon Earth. Before this can take place, The Father or Christ, i'm not sure which...will engulf the world in a purification of fire. This must be done before the kingdom of heaven can be upon Earth. Since time makes no difference in the spirit realm, it will not matter how long it takes for things to grow back. This is what i gather. To the spirit, it will seem like only moments in time. When it could in reality take many years for this to happen. I've wondered about this and why some ministers have said this when there are suppose to be survivors after Armageddon. I wondered if this Earth is to be purified by fire, what of these survivors? I think they will be transformed by God himself or Christ and taken up to him. But i'm not the expert on this. Another thing about this dream was that before my dream, i didn't know that the army of God rides white horses. What i thought was that only Christ rode the horse and the rest were spirits who followed him. I later read in Revelations that this is wrong, the Army of God ARE on white horses. Also the time i spent in was strange because i felt as if i had been left there to see things for a reason. Then there was the flying down to Earth. During the dream, i was thinking, ok...we're going up to a greater heaven but this changed and instead, we went down through the clouds to Earth. Next dream...
9/11 and REVELATIONS 12
I dreamt i was in NY city. I was across from the city and it was night time, i was standing on a pier looking at the shadow image of NY. I saw people on the pier and they were laughing and drunk and a guy was walking with a prostitute and she was laughing. They stumbled into bags of trash. ( symbolic to God of the people who sleep with whomever they desire, as well the people who could care less about things and ignore warnings. As they only laughed when i tried to tell them those were angel trumpets. Then again, that's why we have so many sexual deseases these days including aids that is killing people like flies)
I saw many people doing this and then i looked across the bay and i heard what sounded to me like sirens going off. I shouted to the people on the pier that were drunk and laughing...saying to them, "Don't you hear the angel's trumpets!?" They said, "Those aren't angel trumpets, those are sirens going off."
I said, "NO, they are angel trumpets, can't you hear them!" ( In scripture, which i didn't know about there is before Rev. 12 angel trumpets of which i found out due to this dream.) I then looked at the sillouette of NY city and saw a shadow of a dragon falling into the city. Just it's shadow but it came down with stars and it hit hard into the city. Smoke rose up from the buildings in huge clouds. I then saw a shadow of a woman dancing out from the ruins, she was a harlot and she rose up and stood on the full moon. The moon under her feet. (This matches Rev.12 as well as the dragon falling which i didn't know about either of these until after this dream) I then looked to my right and there was a wide bridge and then to my left and a narrow bridge. I saw only a few people on the narrow bridge and they were waiving to me and yelling, "Come on! There's not much time, hurry!" I then looked to the wide bridge and saw crowds of people. I looked up to the sky and the moon had turned into the face of the devil and he said, "Now you are all mine." I then ran to the narrow bridge and my dream ended.

I dreamt of looking up to the sky and i saw the face of Christ. He was facing the image of a dragon in the sky. I saw his face and his head turned to look at me. His face got bigger and bigger in the sky and end of dream. End of Dream.
I dreamt of seeing the virgin mary flying over a bay and there were angels behind her, she came out from the clouds and her spirit flew across the bay and the angels followed her. End of Dream.
I saw the earth as if i was in space but lower, almost like i was standing on a mountain peak. I looked to the sky over the horizon but could see the Earth's curvature. Almost seeing the whole Earth. I saw the image of Christ with his arms open and he was flowing down to Earth. His image got bigger and bigger and bigger until his arms were around the entire Earth. End of Dream.
All i remember of this dream is that i was in a battle field and i saw portable guns as well as tanks moving across terrain. Jets flying over and then some strange things in the sky. I wondered what the war was against as it seemed as if all military units were shooting upwards. I looked up and saw only jets flying and they were chasing something but i couldn't make it out. I saw explosions going off and then i was in the middle of it all. I was moving through the battlefield and these huge guns were firing but they were firing right through me. I was looking down at my body and could see that the bullets were hitting me but these huge guns were doing nothing. Instinctively i would drop but look down at my body and see that nothing had done any harm to me! It was strange. I dreamt that this battle was huge and there were cities surrounding the area as well. I couldn't make out though what cities. I could mostly only see all of these military vehicles all around.
