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Doug's Homepage

This is my attraction profile based on a series of questions answered on The results were very insightful, so much so, I thought I would include it in this homepage. My purpose is to allow you to read about my personality, without the pressure of having to ask me directly, or waste the time you would normally spend on someone just to discover they are not your type. If you like what you read, and are interested in getting to know me, feel free to email me. WHO YOU ARE You're a pillar of strength You're a pillar of strength and stability for the people in your life. You're responsible, loyal, and hardworking. In a crisis, you're definitely a man who can "come to the rescue." In fact, you're known for your common sense advice and business savvy. Your life is very ordered and busy, since you're always juggling your career, family and friends, and community involvement. But you have room in your life for someone special. You're not someone who "wears his heart on his sleeve" so those close to you don't always know how you feel. However, they always know they can count on you to do what you say and say what you mean. How unique is your type? Your personality profile is similar to a number of men your age. Looking at over 10,000 men who have taken the test, about 29% (or about 1 in 3 men) have very similar beliefs, values, and habits. Of course, the way these qualities are expressed in you is what makes you so unique. What's dating all about to you? Finding a loving relationship is a mission for you. You have clear goals and even a timeline in mind. Falling in love is an especially magical experience. You're suddenly free from the rules and thinking that guide your life. You usually keep your feelings and life under control. But remember, the bigger the dam, the bigger the flood when it breaks! You face two major challenges in finding the love of your life. First, because your mind is so busy making sure you say and do the right things on dates, it's hard for your deeper and caring self to come through. It feels risky to share this part of yourself but most women need this emotional connection. Second, although having a vision of what you want can be helpful, the risk is that your high standards and rush to find the perfect woman can get in the way of loving a real-life imperfect woman. Quirks women notice Like all men, you have your strengths as well as your quirks and shortcomings. Ultimately, you want to find someone who will love and accept you "warts and all." Though you have lots of friends, it's important to have at least one person who understands. You're such a straightforward and honest man that at times what you say comes across a little harsh and insensitive. You're more cautious about getting into a commitment or saying "I love you" than most other men. Some days when you're in a bad mood and can't hide it, co-workers or friends take it personally and think you're upset at them. Do women like your type? Notice that 95% of women are generally attracted to your personality type. 82% say they are VERY attracted. With the millions of people on, that translates into lots of potential matches. WHO YOU'RE LOOKING FOR She'll be an enigma You're looking for a woman who can be a pillar of strength and stability in your life. She's responsible, hardworking and successful in her career. You can definitely count on her to do what she says and say what she means. She'll talk openly with you about who she is and what's important to her in life. You'll be impressed by how she can see the "big picture" and have a vision of what she wants to accomplish, while still having a practical and down-to-earth style. Although she can be charming and outgoing at times, you'll also find she has a shy and quiet side. It'll probably take time to get past her reserved demeanor and get to know her emotionally. Overall, it's important for you to be with someone who is almost always cheerful and has an optimistic outlook on life. The ideal person you're seeking shares a number of positive qualities with you, including: She doesn't get overly emotional during disagreements and would rather talk things out calmly and rationally. She's organized so she plans ahead for dates and is always on time. Women with the exact type of personality you prefer are rare gems. Looking at over 10,000 women who have taken this test, only 6% (or 1 in 17 women) have the exact combination of similarities and contrasts in personality you find extremely appealing. However, there's a larger group, 22% (or 1 in 5 women), who have most, but not all, of the qualities and habits you like. These subgroups are charted below. About two-thirds (67%) of the women have at least some of the traits you find attractive. But you'd have a negative reaction to 33% (or 1 in 3 women), who have some or many of the characteristics you clearly dislike. Opposites sometimes attract You want to share your life with someone who has the same values, goals, and style you have. Research has shown that couples who have more in common tend to stay together longer. Still, sometimes differences can help create a "spark" and excitement about each other. Part of you wants to be more like her, or at least have her unique style in your life. She could be good for you in many ways: Her happy and optimistic nature will brighten up your mood and outlook on life. Quirks you can tolerate The truth is that everyone is potentially "high maintenance." We all have our quirks and shortcomings. The key to long-term harmony is finding a woman who can tolerate (or maybe even enjoy) your "quirks," or the little personal oddities that make you unique. You seem okay with several common quirks that might come along with your "ideal" woman: When she says something that comes across a little harsh or insensitive, you typically can overlook it because you know she didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You can understand her career drive and crises at work, even though she sometimes drags these hassles home. There will be days when you think she's simply "too happy" all the time. Doesn't anything get her down? Is she human? Downside of your "ideal" In addition to her quirks, your "ideal" personality type may have other qualities that are more frustrating or challenging to deal with. Under stress, her quirks can become serious "flaws." But remember, these quirks are the "flip side of the coin," or the extreme end of qualities you otherwise find appealing. So, be prepared if: Because she has a very positive take on life, she's probably not the best shoulder to cry on. At times her cheerfulness may seem fake or shallow and make it hard to connect with her. Deal breakers You seem ready to adapt to the good and frustrating qualities of the women you're looking for, but there are types of women you clearly do NOT like. Women's habits and attitudes you'd have a hard time putting up with include: Women that enjoy spending their time with large groups of friends and enjoy being the center of attention. Idealistic or artistic women who get lost in their own world as they pursue their dreams. Women who become bossy or stubborn. Trade-offs you'll face Tries to balance spending time with a few close friends and going out with a big group of friends. Given the demands of family, friends, and activities, it's hard to find time alone together. Tries to balance a creative and imaginative side, with "real world" pragmatics about what you can and cannot do. Promising ideas are often dropped if they don't succeed right away. Can step back and look objectively at a problem, which can be helpful to you in any crisis. Almost impossible to turn off analysis and thinking about what's happening. Takes time to look at a problem and keep options open, rather than rush in. Often postpones making decisions until the situation decides for you. SEX Making love and lots of it As you probably know, you have a higher sex drive than most! Behind your serious and professional exterior you have a very sensual side. You know how to make even the "basics" especially erotic. Among men your age, your particular combination of sexual drive and interests is similar to about 1 in 7 men (14%). Is she sexually compatible? You're looking for someone who enjoys sex as much as you do and will introduce more variety and fun to your sex life. What's ahead for you sexually? In many ways, you're saving your most intimate sexual desires for the right woman. With him, you'll be able to open the floodgates and let your sexy ideas and sensual feelings flow. Letting go doesn't come easily to you. You probably feel pushed and pulled from two sides. One side wants to feel sexually free, while the other feels threatened if sex gets too intimate or emotional. Although sex is a "taboo" topic, silence will only make things worse. Talk things over with your partner. A good woman won't mind pacing things, especially if it makes you more comfortable and daring in bed. Well, I see you're still with me, now that you know a little about me, tell me something about you.
