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Should I Stay or Go?


I have been victimized.
It was in a fight that was not a fair fight.
I did not ask for the fight. I lost.

There is no shame in losing such fights, only in winning.
I have reached the stage of survivor and am no
longer a slave of victim status.
I look back with sadness rather than hate.

I look forward with hope rather than despair.
I may never forget, but I need not constantly remember.
I was a victim.
I am a survivor.

These pages in this section
are not here to tell anyone
what to do. They are here for
for information.

I am not a specialist in this
field. I am a survivor. I can
share with you what I have been
through, In hopes of helping others.


The music playing is "Believe" by Cher. If you would like to stop it you can by clicking on the stop button.

