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June Updates!!!!

Wow!!! As I write this I am realizing that it has been a while since I have posted an update.

Things have been crazy here. Noah has had his blood work done and his Thyroid 4 came back positive.

We will know more on July 5th when we bring him to the Doctor's.

As of date Noah is about 85% Potty Trained ...Whohoo...Maybe by the time his Grandma and Grandpa come see him he will be fully trained. We have gotten rid of all Diapers. We kept the pullups and he basically wears them to bed or when we know we are going out for a while. Today he was out all day with Jamie and Tracy and he used 1 Pullup ...That's it just the 1 !!!!So he will get stickers for his album tommorow.

We have however taken almost everything from Noah. He has a bed, 2 cabinets to cover his windows and a dresser in his room. He decided that he wanted to clean out his own closet so ... everything went. No T.V...V.C.R. or Stereo . He now goes to bed Cold Turkey and No Drink.

He watches the T.V. out in the Living Room though.He needs to learn about the outside world. We watch Nick jr.,PBS, and other educational channels . In our house it's Court T.V.and SciFi at night and during the day if Noah is not at the doctor's,school,working on a project or out.Then his Educational T.V. is on . We have been taping NOGGIN for him. He seems to enjoy this channel as well. My only complaint is " Why take Bob off ????"

Noah is off from school right now but will return on Tuesday the 18th. The teacher he is supposed to have for Summer Session has been through training and should be good for Noah.

In some of Noah's goals he met 3 out of 4 in 3 of them. He still has Socialization issues with children his own age and he pretty much wants to do what he wants. So slowly we are working with him on respect and listening skills. We hope that this will help him in Socializing with peers his own age.

I had some issues with his Previous Teacher. When I had informed her that Noah was not on the Ritalin that was prescribed to him back in January she wrote me a letter 2 DAYS before school was over stating that he would have outbreaks in class 2-5 times per day . I raised the issue with her. While raising the issue I had asked her why she hadn't called me for a Parent/Teacher Conference and she was silent. I then asked her if she had documented any of these "outbreaks" and her explanation was that she had too many kids to make documentation on just the one. She had 10 children in her class. Along with 1 Aide.

I had gone into the school the day before the last day and picked Noah up. They said he was sick. While there I spoke to the Coordinator of the program. In which we spoke of Documentation and she said everything should be documented.I also asked her if Noah was being taught as a "Autistic" child ...who lives in "their own world".Or if he was being taught as a child with "Asperger's"..."who lives in our world but in thier own way"So had advised me that he was in programs to help him Developmentally as well as Socially.Along with other programs...Occupational Therapy and Speech.

I had also raised the issue Of DCFS being called to my house because of bruises on Noah's arms. Which were due to Blood test and no one could ask me about them. So now EVERYTHING gets documented. I even informed the Coordinator that I wanted every scratch,cut,bruise or bump explained. If Noah doesn't come home with a Accident report I will be at that school in minutes! (There are plenty of other people DCFS can bother with rather than me....)(So if any of my Fellow List mates read this please Document everything)

So Noah goes in for an EEG on Monday. They want us to keep him up as long as we can and then get him up early enough so they can sedate him when we get there.

OMG!!! The amount of time I had to wait to get an MRI scheduled! Over a month!!! A month!!!! I guess THEY lost his prescription. So I had to go get another one.Grace was great and she called immediately and I think she actually felt for me. I was getting a little peeved and seeing as I am so close to where the procedure is to be done I went and spoke to her personally.

Noah's Fragile X test came back . It says it is normal but that there may be lying conditions that other test should be done for. I will keep you posted on this.

We are at this point accepting his Diagnosis. We have had 4 professionals tell us the same thing so I guess that 4 people can't be wrong. It is just good for us that we have him in the right programs now. Hopefully as he gets older things may change.Other than that we take things "One Day at a Time". And boy are some days longer than others.

Because of the day and age we live in People think all kinds of things. When we take Noah out he may be fine sometimes when at other times he could have a violent out break. Because of this we had printed up Cards just in case someone thinks that we are doing something to Noah. Some people think that he is a normal child and that he needs attention. Well he is with me 14 hours of the day and I couldn't see how much more attention he could need. By golly he joins me in that Bathroom!!!!

Our Card for Noah.

I will keep everyone posted. Look for pictures....

Thanks for reading and please leave feedback .

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