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NEWS REPORT  26/11/2013



Engine driver Julie Bishop.

NEWS FLASH: Australia has a 'new'  government which was 'democratically' chosen by Rupert Murdoch, a pro-Zionist American citizen, funded by the usurers, money lenders and blood sucking vampire squids in Israeli occupied Wall Street. A similar situation exists in the UK, and to a lesser extent in the USA.

NEWS FLASH: As a gesture of goodwill for the festive season planes of the Zionazi Air Force flew over Gaza, dropped some bombs, and murdered a three-year-old Palestinian girl, Hala Abu Sabikha.


Israeli Zionist group Shurat HaDin attack the Australian right to free speech 30/10/13

Watch this space: Apartheid here we come!


NEWS FLASH Official: Because of the Israel Lobby America is now  bankrupt. This was caused by the USA fighting an endless war for the the Zionist State of Israel. This involved pseudo Christians (goyim) killing Muslims on behalf of the Zionists.


The US payed trillions of dollars to Israel for the Ethnic cleansing of Palestine, plus military aid. The US paid trillions to Hosni Mubarak and held 80 million Egyptians to ransom to protect Israel. Democratic elections were held in Egypt, but the result horrified Benjamin 'Red Line' Netanyahu so President Morsi was toppled in a military coup lead by General al Sisi who murdered 1000 Egyptians and injured thousands.


The mystery was soon solved when it turned out that the 'Egyptian'  who murdered his own people. General Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, was in fact a Jew. (His mother, Malikah Titani, is a Moroccan Jew from from Asefi. So Egypt, like Palestine, is now an Israeli occupied territory

NEW FROM THE HOME FRONT: Nicola Ropschitz thinks Kevin Rudd is a nice man, Michael Danby has told Maxine McKew to put a sock in it, Anna Burke has severe verbal diarrhea, Tanya Plibersek has received the Pauline Hanson treatment, she has been told by Julie Bishop, Chief of The Goy Thought Police to apologise for telling the truth about Israel's criminal acts in the illegally occupied parts of Palestine. LIFE WASN'T MEANT TO BE EASY!
The Jerusalem Post 10/18/2010. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages, declared that Gentiles exist solely to serve the Jews as slaves. According to the rabbi: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”


Democracy in Australia is now dead as a dodo. God help anyone who dares to exercise what used to be their democratic right to free speech. They will incur the wrath of the Orwellian Kosher Nostra Thought Police in Israeli occupied Melbourne. In Australia, Egypt and Greece you will put you in jail for telling the truth. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Voltaire

The late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef got it right when he said.“Goyim were born – only to serve the People of Israel.”

Photos L to R above. Tony Abbott, infamous for his 'slush fund' to silence One Nation, Julie Bishop who has threatened to silence NSW professors for telling the truth about the World's largest Concentration Camp in Gazawitz. 

Photo R. Obersturmbannfuhrer Mark Leibler, who, by nefarious means, obtained and proceeded to publish the membership list of an Australian Political Party many of whom had fought for democracy and free speech, Leibler, self-appointed chief of the Kosher Nostra Thought Police, will ensure that Rabbi Yosef's wishes are carried out- he has the medals to prove it. Leibler is the recipient of an Order of Australia, well the Goy that made that decision would have delighted Rabbi Yosef. Order of Australia, what an insult?

The attacks on democracy and free speech by the Zionist Mafia are far too numerous to mention here, but the banning of highly respected British historian David Irving must say it all. That event showed the government to be a bunch of little Goyim puppets and Australia becoming a country sinking in a sea of toxic Zionist turds.  

Board of Deputies sounds like a government to me, ADL, B'nai B'rith, UN, IMF, World Bank and anti-discrimination wallahs should all be given the Order of the Boot.

Loyal Goyim robots of the Zionist controlled Liberal/Labor coalition troupe appeaing in "Dancing with the Stars" (of David) Choreographer B. Netanyahu







Julia Gillsrd







Stevem Ciobo

Karen Andrews

Rupert Murdoch

30 pieces

of silver

Benjamin Netanyhau telling Barack Obama what action to take in relation to Iran was a sight to behold!





Mike Kelly

Paul Howes

Guy Barnett

Anthony Byrne





? ?

30 pieces

of silver



There they are - a conga line of  'Goyim' suck-holes in the Zionist controlled Liberal/Labor  Australian government  and media. The backbench sucks up to the prime minister he sucks up to Barack Obama and he in turn sucks up to Benjamin "Red Line' Netanyahu. I thought it was an arse licking effort in that Australia needed a prime minister who was willing to stand up for Australia's best interests.

With apologies to Mark Latham one of the few Australians who spoke the truth.


Australian's leading Goyim, Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop have stated that they will clamp down on those taking part in the BDS -boycott of Israel. So expect a visit from Abbott and Bishop's JACKBOOTED ORWELLIAN THOUGHT GESTAPO.


Anyone who is a Higgs Boson particle to the right of Karl Marx is classed as a raving Nazi, this diverts attention from the Zionazi crimes committed in illegally occupied PALESTINE

When is a military coup not a military coup? When it is carried out by General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the UK and USA trained Egyptian general. President Mohammed Morsi was democratically elected but he did a deal with HAMAS who was also democratically elected. However, a democracy can only succeed when it is approved by the Masters of the Universe in Tel Aviv and Zionist occupied Washington

 Despite hundreds of thousands of his Muslim Brotherhood supporters holding a peaceful family protest for nearly five weeks, the Western Zionist controlled gutter media described them as “terrorists and thugs”. Double standards?  Haaretz  20/08/2013  "Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday accused Israel of being responsible for the military takeover in Egypt, saying that he has "evidence" that points to Israel's involvement".

 President Barack Obama was desperate to bomb Syria into the Stone Age when he claimed that President Bashar al-Assad used sarin gas, fortunately, he was stopped in his tracks by President Vladimir Putin. Obama should be reminded that the USA obliterated two Japanese cities with nuclear weapons, incinerated Tokyo, sprayed Vietnam with Agent Orange and Napalm and deformed thousands of Iraqi children with depleted uranium.

 There are demands for President al Assad, who was defending his country against Western backed terrorism to be tried for war crimes. A higher priority should be the trial of George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard for waging an illegal war in Iraq on behalf of Israel

The ZNWO disease has spread to Greece: Nikolaos Michaloliakos the leader and four members of the Golden Dawn party have been formally charged with belonging to a criminal organisation. It is the first time since 1974 that a party leader and MPs have been arrested. It has been alleged that a Golden Dawn ‘supporter’ has been accused of murdering anti-racist musician, Pavlos Fyssas.

Imagine if Tony Abbott and four Liberal MPs were arrested because a Liberal Party ‘supporter’ had committed murder. One has only to look at the jailing of Pauline Hanson and who was behind that??? . . .

BBCTV (01/08/2013) “Italy's highest court has upheld a prison sentence given to former PM Silvio Berlusconi for tax evasion”.  Mr Berlusconi is still sitting in parliament, no threat to the Zionists?

Departing Israeli ambassador Yuval Rotem The Australian (28/09/13) “We are you, and you are us - Israel and Australia share values”. Sorry Mr Rotem, Mossad may have had a kill squad using fake Australian passports to do their dirty work but I have no evidence that ASIO returned the compliment. Had Iran acted in this manner their embassy would have closed down faster than you could say," ethnic cleansing of Palestine?"

LEIBLER’S LIST “Jews name 2000 One Nation Members”. This was one of the tactics used by the Nazis against the Jews.  Daily Telegraph 09/07/1998. Leibler was assisted by Australia's leading 'Goy' Tony 'Slush Fund' Abbott

Benjamin Netanyahu, Former Israeli Prime Minister, on Hannity & Colmes, Fox News 31/07/2002 referring to the proposed attack on Iraq, “It is not an American timetable it is an Israeli timetable.”

Haaretz 16/10/2006 - Naftali Tamir the Israeli ambassador to Australia has been rebuked for reportedly saying, “We don't have yellow skin and slanted eyes. Asia is basically the yellow race. Australia and Israel are not - we are basically the white race".



Mark Dreyfus The Zionist member for Issacs & Tel Aviv. On the 01-07-2012 Andrew Bolt declared Mr Dreyfus was winner of:  'SMEAR OF THE WEEK'

On Channel Ten's Bolt Report. Mr Dreyfus referring to Tony Abbott, claimed, "He sees political advantage in people dying". I would have thought that litigation would have been appropriate, however, there is no way that Mr Abbott would upset his 'Masters' in Israeli occupied Melbourne. Dreyfus has replaced the Polish Australian Nicola Ropschitz.

Mr Dreyfus has overridden the appropriate authority and is spending millions of our dollars in adverts in the gutter rags of America citizen Rupert Murdoch. Is this to ingratiate himself with the ‘Dirty Digger’?

Michael Danby the Zionist MP for Melbourne Ports & Tel Aviv. Israel is building a concentration camp at Saharonim to house 16,000 black African illegal immigrants. Al Jazeera TV reported that there are 60,000 black Africans in Israel. Israeli MP Danny Danon asked Michael Danby about sending black African migrants from Israel to Australia as "The arrival of thousands of Muslim infiltrators to Israeli territory is a clear threat to the state's Jewish identity,"

Danby promised to discuss the matter in our parliament. Is this called eugenics? Who does Danby represent!  Danby is at present in America, who paid his fare?

Joshua Frydenberg, Liberal member for Kooyong & Tel Afib. In Rupert Murdoch's pro-Zionist rag, The Australian he claims, “We must remember Munich” by having a minutes silence at the Olympic Games.  I have suggested to the honourable member that they should also have a minutes silence for the Israeli slaughter of thousands in Shatila, Sabra and Jenin refugee camps. Or the Israeli murder by a US made Caterpillar bulldozer of  Rachael Corrie;   an unarmed Jewish peace protester in Gaza. The Zionist controlled Lib/Lab coalition INC.

David Solomon, Queensland Integrity Commissioner. Integrity, in Queensland?  That's and oxymoron. The Australian 17/07/13 Integrity chief David Solomon's absence 'an affront'."THE decision  of Queensland Integrity Commissioner David Solomon to take an overseas holiday instead of appearing at an estimates hearing yesterday has been called an affront to the parliamentary committee system". Solomon, once a senior reporter at Murdoch's Courier-Mail, along with Jones, Leibler and members of the ADL/B'nai B'rith Kosher Nostra launched appalling attacks on One Nation.

David Gonski, a prominent member of the Jewish community and involved with Zionist bankers. He is also on the Board of Ingeus, a company owned by Kevin Rudd's wife Therese. 13/03/12, SMH "More recently, Gonski made national headlines with his report into schools funding which recommended - among many things - an injection of $5 billion to lift standards". A more simple solution would be to teach 1. discipline, 2. the three Rs 3.elocution. Perhaps Australians would learn that yes is pronounced yes, not yeah.  Another case of Jobs for the boys.


                      I SUPPORT JEWS AGAINST ZIONISM

The 2013 NOBALLS PIECE PRIZE:.For the Goyim who ignore the theft of the PIECE of land know as PALESTINE. Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop are the leading forerunners in the race for this prestigious award. The winner will receive this magnificent trophy (photo left) Sculptured in depleted uranium and a voucher fto attend a wedding in the luxurious Benjamin Netanyhau Janin Health Spa; formerly the Nizhny Novgorod World of Leather. The runner up will receive a six-week holiday in the Aviigdor Lieberman Gazawitz Concentration Camp (Meals extra)  Recreation includes Herr Lieberman using phosphorus and cluster bombs on Palestinian women and children. Nominations close 31/12/2013






 Procedure for electing a new Australian Prime Minister.

Candidates visit Israeli occupied Washington to receive their briefings at:

  1. 1. A Neocon Septic Think Tank such as Brookings, Heritage etc.
  2. 2. A briefing by the Zionist banking vampire squids at Goldman Sachs.
  3. 3. A Brain Washing session with Mr Rupert 'Dirty Digger' Murdoch.
  4. As Murdoch, on be half of the Zionist New World Order, decides who the next government will be, there is really no need for an election to be held; this would save millions of dollars.
AsSolly Sold Telstra
Australia Zionised
Deputy Sheriff Bonsai
Israel the Rogue State
Don't Mention The War
The Enemy Within




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