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Sunday, 18 April 2004
Procrastination is my new best friend....
Well I'm about mid-exams with a little break here before I write Sports Nutrition on Wen so instead of doing something worthwhile with my time, I've made a website (ta da) which I'm actually quite impressed myself. Okay, I'll admit I can't use the website part, just this journal, but maybe one of these days.

Everyones already heard about, but I just did and it was halarious.

DIANE is ( I only pictured the funny ones...)

DIANE is hot
DIANE is truly an inspiration and a definite role model for someone like me who wants to grow her hair as long as possible
DIANE is a feng shui consultant and teacher of the black hat tibetan tantric school of feng shui
DIANE is soooooooo hot
DIANE is a nudist
DIANE is not willing to work with male clients(hmm?)
DIANE is laughing
DIANE is a professional breastfeeding counselor with over 15 years of experience
DIANE is left at cheers by her fiance when he secretly returns to his former wife
DIANE is topless only wearing light blue jean shorts
DIANE is a story teller
DIANE is overcome with guilt


Nothing huge has gone on lately...went with Sarah today to Hennigers and bought Melissa THE cutest little bonnet for one of the babies. It's pink and reversable and is the cutest thing ever. I might have to steal one of her babies. The one that fits in the bonnet. :-P

As I just get in from Pizza with the roomies, veggie so it was er, healthy -right- but brings me to my main point for the next couple months. Right, so now I'm finishing up exams, and then heading to Cuba, BUT as soon as I get back the very first thing I'm going to be doing is doing the " Body For Life " program. I already took my before picture and it's going to be depressing.

Well one of the roomies wants the internet, so I'm out!

Posted by journal2/dianek at 9:24 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 18 April 2004 11:17 PM EDT
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