Hikaru No Go Translations

Sites I love:

Chinese HKG scans
My HNG Forum: News and Comments
Agent N's mirror scanlation site
Weekly Shonen Jump Text Summaries
Eng. HKG scans: Books 1-17+
Where I get my Chinese manga
Scanlations and text summaries

Hi, this a no-frills page containing selected English translations of acwind.com's scans of Hikaru no Go Jump content. It is uncompletely unauthorized but I thought non-Chinese reading fans of HKG would appreciate translations. When I say no-frills, I really mean no-frills as I would rather put my energy into translating than building a pretty page. Or rather, I'm too lazy to do anything other than basic,basic web building.

Please also keep in mind that 1) Chinese is not my first language(Well, it kinda is but I can only read at a 4th to 5th grade level at most.That's what happens when you disdain your native tongue in youth only to rediscover the benefit of knowing another language later on in life)...2)the acwind chapters using simplified characters give me headaches since I only studied the traditional form and 3) I don't play Go nor profess to understand the game. In other words, I will try my best to provide accurate translations/summaries but will surely fail in some areas--espeically in translating Go terminology and strategy about a game I don't understand from a language I can barely decipher. My translations are plot-orientated and not game-orientatated, if that makes any sense.

That being said, the translations won't be perfect and I won't translate every page--only my favorite parts. Enjoy! If you have any comments, I enjoy email very much. I get a lot of junk mail though, so please title your mail "Hikaru no Go" or I will most likely delete it without opening it if is from someone I don't know. Thanks. Also, I love to chat. My ICQ nickname is Toestix. Just look me up! ^_^

Here's an index of what I have translated so far. SCAN means scanlations and TEXT means summaries you can get this way and IP means in progress.

SCAN Chp 147 pg.15-21 Chp 148 all Chp 165 all Chp 166 all Chp 167 all
SCAN Chp 172 all Chp 173 all Chp 174 all Chp 175 all Chp 176 all
SCAN Chp 177 all Chp 178 all Chp 179 all Chp 180 all Chp 181 all
TEXT Chp 168 Chp 169 Chp 170 Chp 171



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Email: diane_leung@sac.bm.com