Things that Asia can do

Asia has been marked by the Phoenix, meaning she can control fire, she has healing capabilities and she can see inside of others. She is partly empathic and has always had the gift of conjuring. She's still finding out what all she can do however. Throughout the years Asia has learned to control her gifts through meditation and hard work. When she gets angry she uses it to fuel her energy and is therefore in more control of them.

As with all magick it has it's drawbacks - channeling that much energy exhausts her and if she does it for a long period of time she will need a day or so to rest and regain strength. The mana stone that Seraph gave her helps her channel this energy, beyond what she can carry safely herself. Her Phoenix pendant also draws upon this energy to help her channel.

Eldritch bolt - A stream of pure white arcane energy, capable of both non damage and damage attacks. Can also cause blindness for a few moments to someone who looks right at it. As well it can immobilize an opponent until it's released.

Mana Quake - Taps into the energy of the living earth to cause earthquakes and upheaval.

Rift - Can create a hole as it were in the fabric of space and move through it to another destination so long as she's been where she wishes to go before and knows the terrain. To attempt to do so without knowing where she was going could very well injure her.

Ball of Light - She can summon a ball of light to dance over the palm of her hand, lighting the way.

Phoenix Blessing/Fireball - A ball of fire that burns hotter than most fire due to the bloodline, can incinerate a target in seconds, leaving only ash behind.

Phoenix Blessing/Shield - A shield of energy used on herself or can be extended to those around her for protection.

Phoenix Blessing/Heal - By pushing her energy into a wounded person she can cure them of almost all illness short of death, though if she is crying it's more powerful due to her bloodline.

Phoenix Blessing/Levitate - She can levitate over surfaces, only a few feet from the ground but she can also slow a descent like this.

Gaia's Blessing/Mindwalk - Makes her capable of going into the mind of a receptive target to discover lost memories or information. It shows as a corridor of doors.

Gaia's Blessing/Delving - This makes her capable of being able to see if someone has a life growing within, and the ability to give that blessing if one is incapable of having children.

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