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Bring Brittany back (OR get Derek the hell out)

Alright Brittany, If your reading this, yet again your on my web site, Which I can't change The F@#*ing color why can't it be black, but I really wanted to E-mail you but I don't want to fill up your mail box so I've been thinking I never officially asked you out so here on my web site, Brittany will you go out with me yes no maybe so?? but also i've really been thinking and its selfish to want you here, I'm happy your with your family. Don't get me wrong I'D LOVE for you to be here being huged by me (Kissed maybe ;-)) but i would never want you to be away from your loved ones, i wish i could pack Gardner in a U Haul and bring it to you so You'd have best of both worlds. Well thats about it I love you for always and for ever.

I want to use a little space just to profess my love to her myself, I was going to keep this a secret but, I have never been in-love before, and this is a completely new expierence for me, I wake up thinking about you, spend my day thinking" ok only 24 hours less until the next time i get to see you, and when that day comes i will treasure every single second I have with you like i was in heavan, Because right now I'm pretty sure That i want to spend the rest of my life with you, To wake up every morning, and know that I must have done something incredibly right to have been blessed with you. every day away from you is like a terrible hell, that lasts an eternity. I guess what I'm trying to say is Brittany I really do love you and i always will, There is no other way to put it, I LOVE you and I don't care who knows well now that i've spilled my heart I'll go so hit me up

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