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Tuesday, 17 June 2003

I just realized that when someone calls you selfish, their really the ones being selfish. I skipped my brother's graduation because I was, according to him "Too busy feeling sorry for my selfish ass." Does he know what's been going on with me lately? No, so he should mind his own fucking buisness.

Posted by journal2/derek0 at 1:03 PM EDT
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Monday, 16 June 2003

Why Is Everthing So Confusing?
Women are so hard to understand... I was at my local coffee house today, and I saw a girl I had gone out with in high school when I tried to convice myself I was straight. I bought two cups of coffee, because I really needed caffeine. I offered her one of my cups and she stood up and slapped me. I dropped BOTH cups of coffee which ruined my brand new pair of pants.
I drove home to change because I wasn't going like this to my job interview. Of course I ended up late after changing and driving to Petsmart. I got the typical 'We'll call you,' from them.
On a better note, I aced my biology and German finals, still waiting for the rest though.

Posted by journal2/derek0 at 9:37 PM EDT
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Sunday, 15 June 2003

Pain Makes You Strong
I believe that pain makes you strong. But, if it takes this much pain to be strong, then I don't want strength.
As you can probably tell, I'm pretty damn depressed today. Usually I only get this depressed in the winter because I have seasonal depression. In my case, I'm depressed more often in the winter. My shrink says it has something to do with the amount of sunlight I take in. So, I have a sunlamp in my bedroom, but it does jack shit. Actually, since my computer's in my bedroom, I have it on now...AND IT'S NOT HELPING.
I guess my depression today comes from alot of things added up. The stress of finals, my boyfriend breaking up with me, and the K-Mart I work at being closed which leaves me unemployed.
It's almost midnight and I'm either going to:
(A) Get drunk and pass out
(B) Watch a porno, jack off then go to bed or
(C) Play video games all night

Posted by journal2/derek0 at 11:36 PM EDT
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