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Adventures Of A Single Mom

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Entry 23, July

This weekend was a movie weekend. Saw Final Fantasy. Awesome anima. You forget you are watching a cartoon. The story line was good also, but a little deep I think for kids.

Also saw Scary Movie 2. What a laugh riot that was. The kitty scene proves again that a million cats can't be wrong. LOL. The parrot steals the show. I have to go see it again to catch what i missed the first time. Also saw The Platters at Cooper River Park om Friday. It was a nice time. They had an old car show there were some great cars there. Very Creative.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend too. Catch ya later
Entry 20, July

Let's see. Kahuna's was a bust. They close at 1AM. jersey Bars Close at 3AM. We got there late and didn't even bother going in. What a wasted Friday night. Which is a big deal to us single mom's what with babysiters to arrange and all.

The rest of the week has been pretty quiet. Saw the movie Cats & Dogs. Wasn't to bad. I got a laugh from it and the effects were pretty good.

The plant near where I work had an explosion which involved sulfuric acid. for more on that check out The story is all there. Pretty nasty stuff. (The company's name is Motiva)

Got my bike out of layaway. So me and Jim should be cruzing around town this weekend.
No big plans this weekend. Next weekend is the 4h fair. We'll be going to that. Well got to go. Thanks for stopping by.

Entry 13July 01 Last week we saw The Loop at the Pennant. The were pretty good. Some crazy drunk kept following us around though telling us home much money he was going to make because he designed this Mall in Vermount. ( hint: all woman are not about money). We heard the story everytime we saw him. Melissa concluded that he had the memory of a goldfish.
I did meet a nice guy named Mat. Gave him the digits and he actually called. However I was at the family luau and missed it and have yet to call him back. I am terrible with calling people. I really am busy doing nothing most of the time. House work, grocery shopping, making my site (lol) etc...

The Luau was great, nice to see the family again I hope to put up some pics sometime next week. Well off I go for more adventures. Catch ya later.

Entry 4, July 01. Well it has certainly been awhile. Lets see what I have been up to. Basically Laundry & the lawn. But I did manage to squeeze in a trip to beautiful Wildwood NJ. Where the adventures were many with 2 single mom's and their kids. There was the nice guys from Long Island, NY that we meet and did a little partying with. The new rage I am warning you now is these little clown bikes called runts. They are all over the shore & every kid just has to have one! Move over scooters. There was the incident on the beach involving a three year old with no potty. It proved that a million cats can't be wrong! Our apolgies to the lifegaurds at Wildwood who may have stepped into that one. :) I will be posting pictures from the trip shortly. I also managed to take time out to spend 4th of July at Cooper River Park with 102.9 & America (the band, yes Horse with no name guys)and about 30,000 + people. It was a good time. I should be getting some pics back from this event also. This weekend will include a Hawain Party at my Cuz's house and Celebrating my sis's b-day. Look out world here we come. Oh & by the way beware you could end up on my website some day. LOL

Entry 15, June 01
After last weeks adventures which included 4 new tires on my car and a full week of soccer practice horse back riding lessons and school ending, this weeks adventures, are far worse. Well Monday my battery died in my car. Which I now have one more thing I guess and my three things will be over. On a sadder more personal note My Friend and co-worker, Frank Lewis was killed in a tractor trailer accident 11:30 last night. It was such a shock when I found out this morning. I know I said I wouldn't put names in my site, but this is an exception to the rule. He was a great guy and he was always happy.
It just proves my saying that life is short so enjoy it. Do what makes you happy cause you never know when the rides gonna end. ( Do what you want as long as you don not harm anyone else that is.) Keep smiling Frank!
Entry: 08, June 01.
Tonights adventures have my sister and I attempting to go out and socialize. This is difficult as we are 30ish & single.
It takes us both forever to get ready to go out as we both are hesitent to do so. Finally ready the night begins.
After stopping at Wawa breifly to acquire a much needed pack of.... gum. We journey to our old home town in search of god knows what. We found that you can't go back.
So we move on to the next towm. Apparently an old bar has been turned into a pretty happening spot. We make the attempt to go in only to find that my sister has forgotten her ID. No worries shes 27 this should be a breeze.
Wrong answer. They must card everyone. This put us in a mood and we head back to her house. We are now on a mission. We WILL go out this evening!
After obtaining the much needed ID. It's off we go again. This time a known club. We pull in the drive, park and get cold feet.
We ususally go with a crowd. It's more fun we think. We're here so it's in we go we'll have a drink and go if it's terrible.
Two drinks later and one set from the incredible band, Last Man Standing we are having the time of our life.
What's this ? A farmiler face in the crowd? It's the guy who live across the street from us when we were growing up. Wonder of wonders, he's been living up the street from my new house for sometime now and I never new it. ( This is really true!)
We hang out do some catching up, play some pool. Awkward silence comes. We decide to go listen to the bands next set for a while.
Oh my who's that that is singing Tool's Sober for them? A guy from the crowd. Why it's another old freind from like 10 years ago! This night is great. We run into some of our old crowd. Finaly we have a night out with people we know are our age. Not 25 or under. This is great! ( Not that you little under 25 hotties are a bad thing). We stay to close the club and vow to go out again. All is right with the world when we stumble back to reality at 4 AM. Her to her house and her 3 year old daughter and me picking up my 8 year old son and carrying him home and to bed in 3 1/2" stack heels! Now that's entertainment folks!
Keep coming back for more up dates on life as a single mom in the year 2001..

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