i can't help it. i miss the poets of old, the passionate blood of a new america, the sense of honor, duty, and justice. i miss everything that's being killed by science. i sit here typing in a cold, white-walled room, and miss the bitten, broken pencil rubbing against my callused fingers, the sweat that's created by a mad frenzy of inspiration.

for the time being, [until i become familiar with the workings of the web] i intend to use this place to jot down thoughts, rants, and random bitching and moanings directed at, for the most part, everyone. once i get this site underway i want to start taking pieces from other people and posting them in separate branches of this site. we'll ultimately have either a collection of the greatest philosophy, answering or at least addressing every question of life, love, and death... or a mess of incoherent shit that'll simply boggle the mind... perhaps both.
your host,