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Entry #5: Moochers

8-27-03 10:21p.m.

So, my bro has his friends over to our house CONSTANTLY. Sure, they're cool an' all, but I can't even walk out of my own room without running into one of them. It's as if they have no other world outside this house besides school and work, once they are done with those, it's off to my house they go. They come, eat us out of food an' drink us out of drink, leave a mess in the kitchen for me to clean 'cuz the kitchen is my chore, play our video games (which I'd like to play, but it's kinda hard for me to when they are hogging the system!) and then bug the crud outta me, only for those moochers to leave and do it all over again the next day! I swear, if they don't find someplace else to hang out soon, I am gonna go crazy....which is something I doubt any of you wouldn't mind seeing. But for now, I still have a hold on my sanity....but just barely.

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