JoAn MaRiE.. -- Entries

TaKe a LoOk.
Have a Martini.

Past drinks..

Holler Back! [03 June 2003|8:20 p.m.]
))Mood(( happy
))listening(( What's going on - Field Mobb

Nothin too exciting today.. Here's how it went, I know ur dying to know ;)
First Period -Health.. It was pretty boring, then we saw a freakin rat in the room. Soooo gross.. We must have really bad janitors
Second Period - Gym.. we played star wars, I hit one person!! YAH! Go me. Steven hit Daeshawn in the face with a ball so Daeshawn decided to try and throw me at him. He really needs to stay away from me. He is just so.. sooo.. gay. =)
Third Period - French.. Nothing good..
Fourth Period - Social Studies.. Haha! It's so funny how Mr. Rosser hates me. Today I got a F on my test and he gave it to me while I was telling a story to Brianna, and I just looked at it and shruged my shoulders and put in it my bag and kept on talking to her. Then Mr. Rosser was like, "Joan, getting back that test doesn't teach you to stop talking and stop chewing gum?" and I just sed, "Nope!" and he got pretty mad cuz I didnt get up to spit out my gum. Well, technically, he didnt ask me to. I hate him! Grr..
Fifth Period - English.. Boooorrriinngg... We talked about daydreaming and how it can be good and bad, all that talk just made me want to daydream lol.. I think everyone else had the same idea too
Lunch - I hate assigned seats.. enough said
Homeroom - Nothing good agian.. Jeeze, school is filled with nothing good!
Seventh Period - Science.. We had a test and it was pretty damn easy! Only I didnt have my notes for it so I got minus five on it... Oh well!
Eighth Period - Math.. Mrs. Cole wasted most of the class talking about the cluster C field trip. Then she taught us something new... and get this.. I UNDERSTAND IT!!! WOO YAY!
After School Went to a north baseball game to watch Kevin (my boyfriend, for those of you that DIDNT know) play. We lost :( oh well.

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Hmm.. I dont know about the tom boy thing.. But perfect is the right word ;) hehe

Have you ever..

1. Kissed your cousin: naa.. thats sum gross shyt!
2. Ran away: no
3. Pictured your crush naked: men aren't very attractive when naked
5. Broken someone's heart: hope not
6. Been in love: maybe
7. Cried when someone died: yes
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yah.. lol but I now I have him!
9. Broken a bone: finger lol
11. Lied: im a bad girl
12. Cried in school: yes

Which is better?

13. Coke or Pepsi: coke.. Fuck u pepsi lovers! lol
14. Sprite or 7UP: sprite
15. Girls or Guys: guys
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: umm.. boys my age dont have beards lol
19. Blondes or Brunettes: in da middle.. lik me :)
20. Bitchy or Slutty: uhh.. bitchy, ppl get scared of u and sluts are just trash
21. Tall or Short: On guys, about 5'3".. girls I dont care lol
22. Pants or Shorts: shorts

With the opposite sex..

23: What do you notice first: eyes.. then smile
24. Last person you slow danced with: umm.. probably Kevin.. lol, with no music
25. Worst Question To Ask: Who stuck a dick up ur butt.. lol nosa.. I dunno

The last time you..:
26. Showered: this morning
27. Had Sex: not yet

What is (your favorite):

29. Your Good Luck Charm: nothing
30. Person You Hate Most: theres a list, dont worry youre not on it ;).
31. Best Thing That Has Happened: no idea
32. Color: red and pink
33. Movie: Fast and Furious.. *drools* aww.. Vin
35. Juice: umm n e thing blue berry or strawberry
36. Cars: Toyota Celica and yukon I want them Mazda RX8
37. Ice Cream: vanilla..imma plain girl
40. Breakfast Food: cereal

Where is 41 and 42?
...7 8 9-42 lol

43. Makes you laugh the most: people acting stupid.. Or some jokes
44. Makes you smile: Anyone.. Unless you are repulsive
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: Amanda and Sharon Who?
46. Has A Crush On You: Gross people..
47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: I wouldnt call it a crush.. its kinda past that stage
48. Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: guys. no pain for them!
Who gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Kevin *wink wink*

Do you ever..
50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no
51. Save AOL conversations: sometimes
52. Save Emails: if they are pictures
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: nope girls fuccin rule!

57. Perfume:White Musk
58. Kiss: Thats for me to know
59. Romantic memory: Umm.. Have you ever..
61. Fallen for your best friend?: Umm.. Friend but not best friend
62. Wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? Yes.. But now I have him! muahaha
63. Been rejected: no.. I make sure they lik me before i move ahead
64. Been in love?: maybe
65. Been in lust?: maybe
66. Used someone?: I dont know
67. Been used: probably.. But i didnt relize lol
68. Cheated on someone?: no
69. Been cheated on?: hope not!!
70. Been kissed?: hell yah
71. Done something you regret?:yes

Who was the last person:
72. You touched?: Sharon?
73. You talked to?: mom
74. You hugged?: kevin
75. You instant messaged?: Julian
76. You kissed?:kevin
77. You had sex with?:too young..
78. You yelled at?: Amanda probably
80. Who broke your heart?: neva been broken
81. Who told you they loved you?: NO ONE! Lol I am hated :(

Do you..
82. Color your hair? yah, highlight it blonde
83. Have tattoos? no
84. Have piercings? nope..hole free until 16 lol
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes!
86. Own a webcam? sumone broke it!!
87. Own a thong? yes i prefer them they arnt as uncomfortable as they look!
88. Ever get off the damn computer?: What can I say? I am addicted :)
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? je ne parle pas dutch: Je parle le francais
90. Habla espanol? Mi Casa e no su casa.. SO GET OUT!
91. Quack?: SQUIRELLS!!!!!!!!!

Have you/do you/are you...
92. Stolen anything? nah
93. Smoke? nope..
94. Schizophrenic? wow.. that's a big word!
95. Obsessive? with certain things yah
96. Compulsive? not really
97. Obsessive compulsive? uhh..
98. Panic? when the time comes
99. Anxiety? only when too many things are goin on
100. Depressed? nope.. too happy for my own good

Poo Nanny! [03 June 2003|8:20 p.m.]
))Mood(( spederific ))
listening(( things

Well.. today I had to wake up at 8:00!! *crys*. It was tragic! But then I was wide awake at cheerleading and we learned more of our *le super cool* dance. It was very confusing and weird. Then I did a back-hand spring with spotters for the first time! WEEE!!! Then me n Amanda went to Spectrum to see about me signing up for gymnastics.. But they are closed until 2 weeks. So then we went to candy world!!! CANDY!!! it was very great. ~What do you call a fat monkey.. AMANDA! No! A chunky Monkey! *dies laughing*~ Then we went to Wendy's and Dave hooked us up with sum chicken nuggets! WOOT WOOT! yah, and now we are here being bored. Too fun. The End. (as Amanda would say."
Buy me a Martini

First day of summer! [20 June 2003|9:30 p.m.]
))Mood(( tired ))
listening(( Like Glue - Sean Paul

Today ...
is: Friday
i am: tired
i ate: a lot of crap
i drank: soda
i went: around my house and to Anthony's and Craigs
i brought: The radio outside (the first thing that popped into my head)
i met: no one new
i spoke to: Amanda, Sharon, Chatryn, people
i kissed: NO ONE :( grr
i lied to: umm.. no one
i cried: fake cried when i got thrown in the pool!
i said: I HAVE NO BROTHER!! lmao
i emailed: no one
i txted: no one
i watched: SNL
i am wearing: nothing ;) haha.. you wish.. clothers
i am listening to: Like Glue
i want to: have ice cream
was great because: I laughed my ass off with Sharon about Amanda hehe

Woo.. Today was the first day of summer! I woke up about 11. Its great to wake up late finally. Even tho I have friggin cheerleading at 8:30 tomorrow. Grr.. Well today, I chilled with Sharon, Cathryn, and Amanda. Me and Amanda had a water fight. But then the neighbors that were having a party were enjoying it too much so we stopped lol. Then we all dressed up in buddy's clothes and went to Anthony's house but he wasnt home so we went to craigs house. but he was a jerk to us so we left. My n Sharon's pants fell down when we were walking and a car full of girls beeped at us. Grosser than that (as Cathryn would say)! Well that's about it that happened today..

:name: Joan
:backwards: naoJ
:Does your name mean anything?: A gift from God, i think
:Were you named after anyone?: my grandmother
:Nickname(s): anything to do with being short, Snicker noodle doodle bear lmao
:Screenname(s): DaTruShortee24
:Date of birth: 12/04/88
:Place of birth: Brockton, MA
:Current location: Same ^^
:Religion: Catholic
:Height: 4'10"
:Shoe size: *looks down* 4.5 - 5.5 depends
:Hair color: dirty blonde
:Eye color: hazel
:What do you look like?: I look like this girl Joan.. lol
:Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: righty
:How old are you mentally?: haha.. like... 4?
:What are your best qualities: hmmmm.....

Do You Have...
:Any sisters: two
:Any brothers: one
:Any pets: Julian! my puppy :)
:A disease: nah
:A pager: no
:A personal phone number: a cell phone..
:A leather jacket with studs on it?: too cool for me
:A heroin needle: needle *shudders and falls over*
:A pool or hot tub: pool
:A Car: too young :(

Describe Your...
:Personality: crazy and cool :)
:Driving: havent started yet
:Room: Hot pink ceiling and chinese border on walls
:School: ghEttOOOOOOOO
:Relationship with your parent(s): good

Do You...
:Believe in yourself?: at times
:Believe in love at first sight?: no
:Consider yourself a good listener: yeap
:Consider yourself a good friend: i try to be
:Get along with your parents: most of the time
:Save your e-mail or conversations: if they're important
:Pray: yes
:Believe in reincarnation: yes
:Like to make fun of people: haha who doesn't??
:Like to talk on the phone: no
:Like to drive: *whines* I WANNA DRIVE!
:Get motion sickness: nope
:Eat chicken fingers with a fork: hell no
:Dream in color: yeah.
:Type with your fingers on home row: yup
:Sleep with a stuffed animal: nope

What Was/Is (or Are)...
:Right next to you: *looks* printer
:your room: what is my room??
:On your mouse pad: I have cordless laser mouse! Which I have been told is the work of the devil.. I dont have a mouse pad
:Your dream car: Mazda RX8 or an Audi TT
:Your dream date: never thought about it
:Your dream honeymoon spot: somewhere fancy
:Your bedtime: No bed time
:Under your bed: a WHOLE lotta crap
:The single most important question: what is that?!
:Your bad time of the day: afternoon
:Your worst fear(s): being alone forever, getting hurt and dying
:The time?: 10:21
:The date?: 06/20/03
:The weirdest food or drink that you like?: white rice with ketchup!!! YUM
:The hardest thing about growing up?: being cool lol
:Your funniest experience: Maybe yesterday when Cathryn shot green beans outta her nose

:Number: 24
:Color: red, pink, silver
:Day: Saturday
:Month: December and July
:Song:too many for you to read
:Movie: none
:Food:too many for you to read lol
:Band: not many bands out these days
:Season: summer
:Sport:Cheerleading.. and dont even say it!
:Class: gym
:Teacher: NONE!!
:Drink: coke
:Veggie: green beans.. but maybe not n e more lol
:TV Show: none
:Radio Station: 97.7 and 94.5 and sometimes 107.9
:Animal: never thought about it
:Flower: rose

Love + Relationships...
:Do you have a bf/gf?: yup
:Do you have a crush?: see above
:How long have you liked him/her?: since... awhile ago
:Why do you like this person?: b/c he's funny n sweet
:If you're not single... give details...: *giggles*
:How long was your longest relationship?: 4 1/2 months about
:How long was your shortest relationship?: *laughs* about 4 days.. what a mistake! (to go out with him, not breaking up with him)
:Who was your first love?: never happened

The Past...
:Last thing you heard: a car screeching
:Last thing you said: here
:Who is the last person you saw?: Dave
:Who is the last person you kissed?: kevin
:Who is the last person you hugged?: Sharon
:Who is the last person you fought with?: Amanda?
:Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Dont remember
:What is the last TV show you saw?: Saturday Night Live

The Present...
:What are you wearing?: baby blue shorts, yellow shirt that says Aeropostale in baby blue
:What are you doing?: Biting on a button to my moms shirt lol
:Who are you talking to?: Sharon
:What song are you listening to?: Long Shack.. lol my mom is listening to it on TV in the next room
:Where are you?: Office
:Who are you with?: me
:How are you feeling?: tired
:Are you in a chatroom?: nope

The Future...
:What day is it tomorrow?: Saturday
:What are you going to do after this?: go to bed
:Who are you going to talk to?: Amanda, Sharon, all the cheerleaders, and alot of people
:Where are you going to go?: Cheerleading and maybe the movies at night
:How old will you be when you graduate?: 18 (I didnt stay back lol)
:What do you want to be?: Interior designer or a shrink
:What is one of your dreams?: To be sucessful
:Where will you be in 25 years?: married with a GAGILLION babies ;)

Have You Ever...
:Drank?: yah.. not many times tho
:Smoked?: once (not cigarettes, eww)
:Had sex?: nah
:Stole?: nope
:Done anything illegal?: O:-) they haven't caught me yet
:Wanted to die?: yea
:Hit someone?: yes

:Do you write in cursive or print?: print
:What piercings do you have?: NONE.. but next year i will have my bellybutton pierced
:Do you drive?: not yet :Do you have glasses or braces?: braces *smiles* CHING!